Billings City Council Approves Subway System To Connect All The Subways

On Saturday, Mayor Bill Cole signed the official documents that approved future construction for Billings first public transit subway system.
According to meeting minutes, the weekly City Council meeting was not originally intended to propose the construction project. Due to a city clerk not realizing the meeting had not begun yet, they accidentally recorded several council members having separate conversations before the meeting actually began:
Mike Yakawich to Frank Ewalt: I know its not much but my New Years resolution is to eat at every Subway restaurant in Billings. Theres just so many Subways!
Kendra Shaw to Denise Joy:
so what are we going to do about all those tunnels downtown? We have to do something with them!
Mayor Bill Cole: Ok guys lets get started
.hol up. You two (pointing to Shaw and Yakawich), say that again. I think I might be on to something.
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