Related: About this forumTrump just celebrated the beating of a political reporter in unhinged Montana rally
In the same week that he refused to condemn the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for brutally torturing and dismembering a journalist while he was still alive before murdering him and smuggling his body away in small pieces, President Donald Trump openly celebrated the assault of an American journalist.
After the President of the United States spent a great deal of time utterly confusing and bewildering his Missoula, Montana rally audience by going on incoherent tangents about anything and everything under the sun (I love these hangars. I love hangers. Theres nothing like a hangar!), and openly promoted disgustingly racist and anti-Semitic conspiracy theories, his attention turned to the states one House Representative, Republican Greg Gianforte.
Gianforte was the subject of a huge scandal last year after he body-slammed Guardian reporter Ben Jacobs just days before the election, breaking his glasses and sending him to the floor after Jacobs asked him some questions he didnt like.
Trump, who has hinted at how much this titillated him before in past, crossed the line and openly celebrated the assault of a reporter.
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(11,832 posts)democratisphere
(17,235 posts)ever become president?!" No reporter or journalist is safe with the likes of of CONald drumpf and MBS.
(11,885 posts)Ok and acceptable to do with the gop approval , you know this country is in deep , deep trouble . Vote people, while we still can. Stop the violent rhetoric , not people from voting. Stop the corruption not the Democratic election process, and stop the lying and trying to attack the truth, that trump and the gop are nothing but hate and fear mongers who will start another war if voted into office, and promote trump's inciting others to become violent towards others. The gop has lose their mind backing thee monster, and will regret it for a long, long time. they're allowing trump to destroy this country , our economy, our values, and he'll destroy our standard of living if they are not stopped this election. Vote, or don't complain when it all hits the fan.
(9,426 posts)the gop wants. He is destroying all democratic decent ideals. He is a moron, despicable, repulsive, self-aggrandizing idiot. Remember that Grover Nordquist said a few years ago "All we (gop) need in the WH is someone who will sign any bill we put before them" They got him in spades. A complete jackass. While he is getting the attention he CRAVES, McConnell and his slimebags are destroying the safety nets for average Americans. Social Security and Medicare are on their chopping block. The tRumps firmly believe that they are America's royal family. They are just another Mafia family, with less class.
study war no more
(73 posts)and much of what he says is to distract us from the last terrible thing he did / said.
(845 posts)ProfessorPlum
(11,436 posts)Racerdog1
(808 posts)MontanaMama
(24,310 posts)calls Dems and angry mob. Hypocrisy in its highest form.
(104,073 posts)But then again when has that ever stopped him?