Related: About this forumIn Josh Hawley's world of 'masculinity,' women are second-class for the military draft
Sen. Josh Hawleys anti-woman crusade is relentless.
Not content with calling for a new emphasis on traditional masculinity, Missouris junior senator is now stepping up his opposition to registering young women for a military draft.
Im in favor of keeping the Selective Service, Hawley said, but Im not in favor of forcing women to fight against their will.
Lets begin with the obvious: How can a senator who constantly wails about vaccine mandates support a system that requires anyone to fight against their will? How is a military draft less tyrannical than a jab in the arm?
Hawley doesnt say.
Read more: https://www.kansascity.com/article255545951.html

(35,152 posts)from Adams rib. Was Eve a transgender clone to begin with? I've asked a few and they give me a funny look every time.
Sherman A1
(38,958 posts)Nothing more.
(38,841 posts)ProudMNDemocrat
(19,503 posts)Having an over bearing father is part of it. Boys who grow up witnessing their mothers get put down develop unhealthy attitudes towards women.
This is the same guy who said that women should not work outside the home, have dinner on the table by 6pm, be ready to satisfy her man when he wants her to. A real 1950's kind of guy.
(38,841 posts)Now its starting to look like a whole political party is based on that. Trumpublicans