Federal audit finds hazards in adult foster homes in Minnesota
A federal audit of adult foster care in Minnesota found licensed homes in which knives, pellet guns and other hazards were too accessible to vulnerable, elderly adults.
A report released Monday by the inspector general for U.S. Health and Human Services recommended immediate fixes to these hazards as well as caseload limits for county inspectors to make sure they have time to keep tabs on elder-care facilities.
Not everyone was in a totally safe environment, said Sheri Fulcher, an HHS regional inspector general for audit services in Chicago. They might have a [mental] capacity problem. They might have other issues and you wouldnt want them around some of these hazards. We just want to make sure they are getting the best care.
The audit is an extension of a report by the HHS inspector general published in 2015 regarding the safety of child care centers in the state. Similar inspections of adult day care centers are underway in Minnesota, Illinois and Wisconsin.
Read more: http://www.sctimes.com/story/news/local/minnesota/2017/11/06/federal-audit-finds-hazards-adult-foster-homes-minnesota/835417001/