Scott Brown Exaggerated Afghanistan Military Service, Says Man Who Inspired Medal Bill
(xpost from Veterans)

Scott Brown Exaggerated Afghanistan Military Service, Says Man Who Inspired Medal Bill
Ryan Grim
Michael McAuliff
Posted: 10/18/2012 7:39 pm EDT Updated: 10/19/2012 4:00 am ED
WASHINGTON -- The man who inspired Sen. Scott Brown to write a bill making it illegal to falsely claim military honors said he thinks the Massachusetts Republican is stretching the truth when he claims to have "served in Afghanistan."
Brown made the Afghanistan declaration in his recent debate with his Democratic opponent for the Senate seat, Elizabeth Warren.
But Brown's service in Afghanistan was not combat. It was part of his annual two-week stint with the National Guard, in which he requested, in a highly unusual move, to serve in Afghanistan.
"It sounds to me like we just got another Blumenthal Connecticut, Mark Kirk type things there," said Vietnam veteran Doug Sterner, referring to exaggerated military claims two years ago by now-Sens. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) and Mark Kirk (R-Ill.)