Related: About this forumSo I'm on my deck in Central Maine enjoying this afternoon, as usual, by myself.
An overcast day to start, slow soaking with overcast clouds. OK, made it easier to do my business work. Just as well, as that took about 7 hours.....
But done by 4;30 and the weather lifted. A glorious afternoon on the deck, listening to music on the BT speaker and clearing phone notifications. With a bottle of Dark Horse Cabernet Sauvignon. Here is what I can report happened.
Humming birds. The feeder is about 10 ft away from where I sit. These little guys seem very territorial. Lots of aerial fights being a full lock-up that resulted in 2 of them hitting the deck, Never saw that before.
Chuck. The woodchuck/groundhog made a visit. Hadn't seen him in a week or so. Makes a determined move over to my cultivating blueberry I know why I have no blueberries. Then on to my raised bed (one of 4). He got into #4, closest to the house, about 15 feet below from where I am sitting, and proceeded to take down a plant that I believe was a weed. About 4 ft tall, no fruit. Okay, thanks. Then he hit the beans. Turns out, he/she really likes bean leaves. Spent 15 minutes chewing on them. No problem, oddly, beans and peas had mysteriously disappeared about 2 weeks ago. Was waiting for him to get into my tomatoes in #2....that would have been a raised bed too far.
Float planes. Saw a plane come over the house, about 500 ft overhead...and made a landing onto our local lake. Never saw a final made this way: the lake is about 2 miles from me - can't see much of it now, but the view will change when the poplar tree leaves drop.....keep your airspeed up, Captain!
Sunset. It coming (currently 7PM). Funny thing is, in about a week I will be enjoying more sunset time, as it moves west to east. I've got a bunch of trees that I'll be taking down this winter. For fire break concerns, but I'll be increasing my horizontal view from 250-285 degrees to 250-300. I'll see the horizontal sunset, every sunny day, after that.
Time for another glass of Cab....

(24,954 posts)Thanks again!
OAITW r.2.0
(29,540 posts)There seems to be a natural ebb and flow going on here.
(38,620 posts)My hummingbirds have been doing a lot of chasing each other around. Yesterday there was three of them in the mid air standoff about 8 inches apart
OAITW r.2.0
(29,540 posts)Weird about the territorial thing. I 've see YT videos of dozens getting along pretty well...but the ones here, are anti-social. Must be Republican hummingbirds.
(38,620 posts)OAITW r.2.0
(29,540 posts)
(2,924 posts)WVGal1963
(198 posts)Oh your post made me enjoy my quiet, peaceful deck time even more! Hummingbirds? Yes
. A little toad, hopping amongst my pots of florals/herbs/succulents/bloomers? Yes
Our two dogs hanging near me, enjoying everything that dogs should enjoy, panting slightly as they gaze about like a couple bobble heads. Yes
The early sounds of fall surround me and fortunately, our home is on an amazing private farm lake with enormous old trees. Sigh. The remarkable nuances of nature combined with a couple small fountains splashing in the water and the occasional deer family and loads of birds and sun setting and
Well I digress. But cheers to you! May we all find a space with peace, comfort, solitude. All.
Thank you for the images and the inspiration.
And Pinot
..another glass of Pinot as I anxiously await primary returns.
Trueblue Texan
(3,217 posts)Noir, that is!
OAITW r.2.0
(29,540 posts)My glass of Cab to your Pinot. *tink*
This meant for VWGal1963.
(13,803 posts)I was out in a neighboring field a few weeks back, playing fetch with the dog, when a pair of hummingbirds mid-fight came within a foot of my head. It happened so fast that it was startling, though partly also because of the noise of their thwapping wings.
OAITW r.2.0
(29,540 posts)Last edited Tue Aug 23, 2022, 09:48 PM - Edit history (1)
When they feed, they let you know they are at the station.
Here's what I can't figure out. A small bird like a Chickadee or something else that small....they fly in, take one seed and fly off. How does that energy transfer work?
Also, what attracts birds to birdfood in the first place? Smell, UV light?
Also, another....why are hummingbirds attracted to little yellow plastic flowers? do they know they find the prcious liquid that they need?
OAITW r.2.0
(29,540 posts)Put out a feeder or 2. Cheap entertainment!
(283 posts)I felt like I was.............. thank you for those mental feelings.......I'm relaxed now
OAITW r.2.0
(29,540 posts)OK, the medicinal marijuana didn't hurt....
(17,513 posts)Trueblue Texan
(3,217 posts)...while storm clouds gather here in central Texas I had a cup of decaf with biscotti then crawled into bed around 5 for a little nap with all 3 dogs. Joints were chorusing about the gathering clouds outside but I was warm under the covers. For a couple hours anyway. Now I'm well rested and I think I'll tinker with some art: some graphic design program work first, then I'll settle down with a sketch pad and draw while watching/listening to MSNBC. I think I've got a bottle of Malbec in there that would go well with this evening's activities. Three of us live in this house (besides the dogs) and we each take to our own corners in the evenings. We all respect the balm of solitude here.
That rain is coming so I don't think I'll be doing much sitting on the patio this evening. But there is a nice calm feeling this evening and I will drink a toast to lovely, still afternoons and evenings. Cheers and thanks for sharing!
OAITW r.2.0
(29,540 posts)Last edited Tue Aug 23, 2022, 10:14 PM - Edit history (1)
I'm still on the deck at 8:30 PM....Cab is drained, but still enjoying the evening. Perfect 65 degree night weather....low humidity and an overall quiet night.
Except for Leon Redbone playing "Without my Walking Stick" on the BT speaker....
on edit....I wanna find a 4 YO Golden mix that needs a social break.
(73,525 posts)OAITW r.2.0
(29,540 posts)
(85,363 posts)We're on our deck in northwestern Oregon, with what the real estate people called a "territorial view."
There's a lake very nearby. Can't see it for the trees. There are two landmark mountains in the not-too-far distance. Can't see either of them for the trees.
There are just LOTS of trees. Big tall stately ones maybe 60-100 feet high. Simply intoxicating!
Pretty much all we see are trees. Some traces of civilization over on what I'm sure is the other side of the river. But lots of trees cover that turf, too.
Gee, what a shame. Just trees as far as the eye can see... It's like MajestyLand.
Feels like I've died and gone to a very green leafy Heaven!
OAITW r.2.0
(29,540 posts)My big concern is major forest fires. We are due. There is so much fuel that exists on the floors of Maine forests ,,,,everywhere. I 've got 50 acres and I am turning drops and delimbs into wood chip trails. Also dropping trees on my boundry to create a fire break against advancing fires,,,,
Next year, I'm building a natural pool 35 ft. from the house. maybe 100 x 60 x 80 x 110 or so perimeter feet. To do this, I'll be excavating soil from the low area on my property to berms 150 ft or so of walls.. So I will have 2 massive holes, with a well for each - solar powered. I plan to give the town the one close by the road. Should be fun and a smart play on my part. It's all about the property development and making it attractive in 2030.
OAITW r.2.0
(29,540 posts)Paradise with an Ocean View....whatta album...
(1,356 posts)You appreciate the beauty of life! 😍
OAITW r.2.0
(29,540 posts)they happen pretty frequently.
OAITW r.2.0
(29,540 posts)Listening to the best version of Sweet Georgia Brown,,,,,thank you Sidney Bechet....
OAITW r.2.0
(29,540 posts)Overall, a good night for Dems I think....
and wait for the General....the tsunami is building, the education of the voting population proceeds; the Republicans keep making the wrong choice of where people are in their world.