Related: About this forumI give up!
The Republicans will never give up trying to end Social Security. Maine has one of the oldest population per capita in this country. Tell me why so many support Trump while at the same time depend on Social Security, Medicare and other programs to survive. These people can't be that stupid. I give up.

(3,063 posts)they believe if they are already in the system they won't be affected.
This may work for SS but all the other earned benefits are subject to change.
They just don't believe it will affect them.
(67,112 posts)RKP5637
(67,112 posts)working so hard to destroy the US with Fox News. He and his gang go on unscathed. Yeah, I know we have free speech and all of that ... but look at what is happening to the US. Shouldn't there be such a thing as responsible free speech when reaching millions of people. And the lies and distortions broadcast to millions and millions of people ... it is absolutely no wonder why the US is in the situation it is.
(9,294 posts)For instance, guidelines which require professional confirmation of your reports if you're going to call yourself a "news" channel.
(67,112 posts)BigmanPigman
(52,672 posts)TexasProgresive
(12,404 posts)We are suffering from "a plague of fools."
(4,815 posts)We are still in the majority. We just have to get better organized and there are signs that we are beginning to to do just that. Biden should carry Maine fairly comfortably. Your job is to send Susan Collins into retirement. She is running scared. It can be done.
Guilded Lilly
(5,591 posts)RKP5637
(67,112 posts)BComplex
(9,294 posts)They are filled with propaganda, and they stick together with other people filled with propaganda.
(1,325 posts)The rest of you can fuck off. Such great citizens.
Backseat Driver
(4,663 posts)the fact that their fiat monies (debt) could never diminish via the Federal Reserve System, and accepted that criminality, lack of morals and ethics, maintenance of their portfiolios without much, if any, physical sweat of their labor, would/could/should keep them safe as well as keep their soul's pristine enough for Heaven. Rich, white, in every sense of the word-white collar criminals, are therefore largely exonerated from unwise, unethical, immoral acts upon the greater population/humanity/People by means of a fiat money fine or short-term suspension from "deal-making." Most find a willing partner to "hire a gun" who has proven they can get away with it. That is now written into the tiers of Lady Justice. There's always a "bigger fish" to go after via immunity plea deals. It actually allows the sewage to "trickle down" and lie low with their acquired skimmings. Perpetual debt can now bail out banks, energy wheeler-dealers, and monopolistic corporations while lawmakers, lobbyists, and co-conspirators quid pro quos (though neither "somethings" of which have any real worth) except to enrich their capacities to control, manipulate, and enrich their own totally screwed up balance sheets ala Enron's Raptor funds. The Fed can just print more money to "stablize" their growing "metric minds of destructive policy and privilege. Everyone else pays the price. One can be acquitted of misdeeds without witnesses while some can be encarcerated without any form of trial at all. This encourages greed and corruption and discourages Justice as a ready solution for the pure capitalist mindset that overwhelmingly succeeds in the PR hype a mythology that America's streets could actually be bricked in gold. The PR of opportunity for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness encircled the globe and encouraged the relocation of ambitious refugees yearning to breathe free. Those that came after 1933 were surprised the hype wasn't true but still offered a "better" and less chaotic life--that it might be able to be restored by hard work even at the worst wages. That they would try our "system" gone wrong reveals much about the state of affairs in which the good ol' boys chose to wage war and exert pestilence upon a battleground.
The GOP's totally twisted goals, policies, corrupt deals, and bullying-tongued words and deeds have been revealed time and time again as instances of their own making; it's time for Democrats to once again repair the damage and lost value(s) - it starts with you!
Note: This may sound like a complete condemnation of The Federal Reserve System. It's not - it's just a condemnation that GOP policies corruptly use it for self-protection - freedoms in markets do rely on some balance and stability. It's sad that their policies of power maintenance prefers chaos and conflict over an umbrella of kindness that threaten more "good" people when bad things happen!