Related: About this forumconsidering moving to Kentucky
from Florida. What are the pros,what are the cons. Want to buy some acreage and have been considering western Kentucky as an area.
Is it like Deliverance? What are the tax structures like? Is it a meth capital in that region?
Any thoughts and observations would be appreciated.

(641 posts)lots of Victorian houses and 'southern charm.' If you like horses the Lexington area is for you. Plus lots of hills and The Derby.
(20,036 posts)that is all.
(14,449 posts)Of course Florida has a no state tax. Kentucky does tax income. Good luck!
(402 posts)I would say most of Kentucky other than Louisville is a less intense more lovely Florida, but if you don't live near a mid range city it will be difficult to do some of the things you would in most of Florida. Louisville is a great mid range city very friendly and moderately liberal.
Country Florida is worse than country Kentucky as far as crime and drugs go, I would say the deliverance factor is the same maybe slightly less than country Florida.
We only have a population of four million and 1 million of those people live around Louisville, huge difference from a state that has 20 million. Sales tax is 6% and we have state taxes, unless you live near a major city jobs will be tough cause there isn't much out in the country. Obama care here is terrific, they did a great job with the exchanges.
A Little Weird
(1,754 posts)I've lived in Kentucky most of my life but never in the western part. I've heard Paducah and Owensboro are nice.
Much of the state is rural (which can be a pro or a con depending on how you look at it).
There's not a lot of cultural diversity - the vast majority of the state is white and Protestant. Of course there are other races and religions but that is by far the dominant.
When most people think about Kentucky, they are probably either thinking about Appalachian area of Eastern Kentucky (stereotypes = hillbillies and banjos) or the Bluegrass region in central Kentucky (stereotypes = horses and big hats). Western Kentucky is different.
Deliverance was set in Georgia - so no.
I don't think meth is any worse in western KY than anywhere else although I admit I'm no expert.
Very republican in western Kentucky. But we need more democrats - so please come!
(43,474 posts)My sister the lit major knew that. GA and all the south, lower Midwest same to most. We enjoyed being teased going to college in VA from WV, no shoes, teeth, the usual. Never saw woods, trailor poverty like VA in my life.
(16,707 posts)but it's going to be time for a change soon and I've been in FL for the past 37 years. Trust me, global warming is happening and my body can't take the heat and sun of the semi tropics anymore.
I am going to be visiting after the first of the year hoping to find about 25-40 acres that I can try my hand at blackberry farming at.
I'll be ok financially and the income tax doesn't scare me even if the farming aspect doesn't turn out.
(1,628 posts)I moved here from the north and originally had the same doubts you're having. Rest assured that KY is beautiful, the people are friendly, there is plenty of culture here (ballet, theater, art, etc.), big cities and small towns and everything in between.
It gets hot and humid in the summer, which is just like FL but minus a sea breeze. Spring and autumn are very pleasant, though a bit short for my taste. It's gorgeous here, with loads of trees and flowers, mountains and plains, lakes and caves. There is lots of agriculture plus industry.
I've been here over 30 years, travel a lot around the country, and don't have a desire to live anywhere else. So come on up and join the rest of us transplants. I think you're gonna love it here.
(19,460 posts)We live in the Lake Cumberland area and love it here. Cheaper property taxes, cheaper utilities, cheaper everything. You couldn't blast me oughta here with dynamite.