Related: About this forumKentucky warns Noah’s Ark-based amusement park over hiring practices warns Noahs Ark-based amusement park over hiring practices
08 Oct 2014
The developer of a Noahs Ark-based theme park in Kentucky said on Wednesday he would fight for his religious rights after state officials warned he could lose millions in potential tax credits if he hires only people who believe in the biblical flood.
Ark Encounter, which is slated to open in 2016 in Williamston, Kentucky, is not hiring anyone yet, but its parent company Answers in Genesis asks employees to sign a faith statement including a belief in creationism and the flood.
State officials and Ark Encounter lawyers have exchanged letters in which the state threatened not to proceed with tax incentives for the park if there was discriminatory hiring practices, a state official confirmed on Wednesday.
The letters between the parties came to light after the Louisville Courier-Journal and the Lexington Herald-Leader obtained them through open records requests.

(16,594 posts)Just FYI: I have a religious right to all the money you have in your pocket.
Feral Child
(2,086 posts)When you're peddling crap you must have fellow zealots surrounding you.
(22,651 posts)Like Kentucky the state can even afford more scammer leech charities in the first place!
Feral Child
(2,086 posts)
A Little Weird
(1,754 posts)It's an embarrassment that this place has been offered millions in tax credits anyway.
(14,449 posts)Goodness! I do believe creationism, but I don't think they should get any tax breaks at all. As for believers only being hired? Silly! Does everyone in Disney World believe that Cinderella was given a shoe from a studly prince and then lived happily ever after? No! And yet they manage to do do their jobs.
(22,651 posts)yeoman6987
(14,449 posts)Just hard to believe the law has gone this radical.
(25,124 posts)Hubbard has been quoted as telling a science fiction convention in 1948: "Writing for a penny a word is ridiculous. If a man really wants to make a million dollars, the best way would be to start his own religion."[135]
(23,664 posts)And I'm pretty sure at least some of their prospective employees will feel the same way.
Eventually there would be litigation over this no matter what the state did.
(22,651 posts)This charity hasn't even opened their doors and they have lawyers all lined up to help them take taxpayer money.
I don't mind churches passing the basket and using their money for anything they wish.
Tax free should be enough for them!
(15,470 posts)hiring someone outside their belief system would create undo burden on them.
Glad it was such a "narrow ruling"
(19,964 posts)We have the winner!
Historic NY
(38,606 posts)sounds more like a sinking ship. How long before it becomes a rotting hulk?
Like Holy Land USA....the folly of zealots. *see reproduction holy land