Related: About this forumCOVID-19 pandemic deniers vandalize Lexington health care buildings, officials say
Lexington health care workers and officials have become the targets for COVID-19 conspiracy theorists making efforts to downplay the virus.
The Lexington-Fayette County Health Department and the Urgent Care center on Nicholasville Road were vandalized with graffiti about the coronavirus. On multiple parts of the building, Urgent Care employees found spray-painted messages, including #plandemic, and COVID-19 was an inside job and the URL to a website that pushes COVID-19 conspiracy theories.
In our opinion, its a cowards way to have done it, said Kim Blanke, a member of the management team at Urgent Care Centers of Kentucky. Thats obviously not the platform to express yourself.
The spray paint was on the building next to the front door and on the wall on the side of the building where patients park, Blanke said. There was a picture of a wildcat taped to the front door. The photo had the words eternal vigilance on it, Blanke said.
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(229,762 posts)Let alone a pandemic that's affecting the entire world.
(7,930 posts)George Soros, out of his vast wealth, is paying all news sources, the leaders and Governments of every country on earth - to lie.
(229,762 posts)A couple of years ago I attended a local protest here in Northeastern New York - the one protesting "kids in cages." And I was pleased to see numerous people that I knew there - even later found out that another local DUer was there, too, but we didn't know at the time. It was well attended, the newspaper report said a few hundred from this small city. There were also a handful of MAGAts - which were disruptive with a megaphone and they also stopped traffic which jeopardized future protests. And one lady I spoke with said they told her they thought we were all bused in from New York City and paid by George Soros.
(64,155 posts)

(229,762 posts)What's going on in this country and the world is front page news everywhere! Do they think that every newspaper, news outlet and obituary page is just making all this up?! Any new case in my neck-of-the-woods makes the front page of the local paper.
Here's hoping that you had a decent holiday, despite everything!
(64,155 posts)Truly surreal.
Ty, Christmas was decent. Stayed home, of course.
Had a turkey debacle, but got Chinese for lunch & friends dropped off a ton of home made food later.
Damned plastic covering the turkey had a hole in it, so after thawing in a sink of cold water, turkey then drained all over the inside of my fridge. (To be expected, really, as I had just - the day before - cleaned inside of fridge. )
1st world problem taken in stride. Grateful to have my own home, food, & health. 👍
I hope you had a good Christmas, too!
(229,762 posts)I didn't do much, exchanged a few gifts, dropped off some for my brother Thursday night and he sends me things, not necessarily what I can use, LOL, so I need to call him tomorrow. And I picked up ready made dinners from the market I like. It's been a quiet day with TV, naps and my dog.
And I'm grateful, too, I did not have to go out, have everything I need. Though I did some shopping on Wednesday that was very stressful. I tried to avoid stores, but something I ordered for my brother was apparently "lost," then it showed up unexpectedly on Thursday!
But you're right, I have every reason to be grateful.