Related: About this forumiowa #'s are killing me.
brooklynite posted
this link
Oct 8-16
Clinton 40
Trump 45
Johnson 10
Stein 2
no opinion 4

(15,438 posts)rurallib
(63,487 posts)Eastern Iowa is quite blue.
Actually let me rephrase that and say what small urban areas Iowa has are blue. Most of those are in the eastern part of the state
(15,438 posts)Hopefully, those in the red parts of Iowa will put country above Party and vote Democratic this November - and prove those pollsters wrong.
We'll see.
(63,487 posts)my hearts greatest desire is to see Grassley put on the shelf.
(15,438 posts)so there is hope!
(63,487 posts)and Iowans voted for a programmed Koch-bot.
Sure do miss Tom.
(6,076 posts)Even a hint of middle of the road yields howls of protest.
(41,714 posts)apcalc
(4,518 posts)I've seen it go back and forth...last ones I saw Trump up 2 and 4.
(63,487 posts)Iowa has really changed from the place I grew up in.
We are not the curious, friendly, educated place it once was.
Seems as our population has aged - and we are one of the oldest populations around - and the advent of Fox News we have seen Iowans become more and more rigid in their political beliefs.
The reincarnation of Branstad has been horrible and little more than a tea bag tool. Yet he continues to get high ratings. Ernst is a wholly owned subsidiary of Koch Enterprises. Grassley does fucking nothing at all. King, Young and Blum are total fringe baggers. I can't believe extremists like this would have had a chance 25 years ago.
(18,144 posts)I work with them. They have become remarkably silent about the election after Trump's flame out, but I know they still will vote for him.
I am hoping we have a shot at Blum. Grassley appears out of reach.
King is one of the worst Representatives in the House. I haven't been in western Iowa much, but I can't imagine what it is like. Blum at least tries to talk a good game. I am convinced King has his Klan robe neatly pressed in his closet.
(63,487 posts)While Iowa's unemployment numbers are good, wages are far from good on average. "Right to work for less" and Republicans war on unions has turned Iowa into a low wage state with all the attendant problems for workers.
Republicans have been masterful in turning blame for this on Democrats with a major assist from Iowa's media.
We took a vacation about 25 years ago that included a spin through western Iowa. We stopped to eat and really felt uncomfortable. When we cane out I told my wife I feel like we went through some time barrier and entered the 1950s. Have had no desire to go back there.
Sure am hoping Mike Gronstal comes through OK - Iowa needs him badly.
(6,076 posts)Depot Deli in Shenandoah is a good pick for micro-brew and food.
(1,767 posts)Enjoyed overnighting in Shenandoah during RAGBRAI, especially the short rain and the intense double rainbow that appeared and lasted for 20 minutes over the banner stretched across the street: "PEACE. LOVE. RIDE."
(6,076 posts)progressoid
(51,050 posts)As someone who grew up in the red side of the State, I was always aware of the crazy right wingers. But seems to have festered and grown dramatically in recent years. It's awful.
(2,142 posts)The numbers are so embarrassing. I'm in the NE corner and regularly get into MN and WI, too. All I see around here are Trump signs everywhere. Very few Clinton signs. It's fucking depressing and shameful.
I just keep thinking, "WTF is wrong with Iowa?!" We've gone blue many times, but why now, with the worst ever candidate on the R ticket, are we swinging that way?? I can't wrap my brain around it.
We didn't put up any signs this year because it causes a lot of problems for my husband at his work. UGH.
We SOOOO wish we could live in a blue area!
(51,050 posts)And Grassley winning again is maddening.