Related: About this forumIowa lawmakers OK deer hunting with semi-automatic rifles
DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) Deer hunters will be able to use semi-automatic rifles during a newly created antlerless season in January under a bill approved by lawmakers and sent to the governor.
The measure given final approval Tuesday by the House is designed to help control the deer population and respond to complaints that excess deer eat corn and are hazardous to motorists.
Charles City Democratic Rep. Todd Prichard, a lieutenant colonel in the U.S. Army Reserve, opposed the bill.
He noted the AR-15 type rifles allowed for hunting were similar to those he was trained to use in the military, and that ammunition authorized in the bill can travel up to 2½ miles.
And to do this 24 hours after such tragedy... How callous, insensitive, indecent, uncivil, shameful, insane. Lunatics!

Blues Heron
(6,549 posts)madaboutharry
(41,743 posts)I am being charitable.
(21,320 posts)Theyre fuckin scary!
(11,349 posts)lapfog_1
(30,692 posts)and bring some tweezers to scrape the deer meat off the trees.
no chance to miss the elusive little creature.
(95,921 posts)That they have no intent to actually eat them after killing them. This turns wildlife not only into "game" but moving target practice with weapons of war. There's no wonder why they want this.
(17,262 posts)and therefore need an automotive riffle?
(2,303 posts)Because as far as I know, a 5.56 round is widely considered to be underpowered for deer hunting. Unless the hunter is using the proper bullet type and has a good aim, the rounds don't reliably kill a deer.
(16,286 posts)Between 223 and .500, expanding bullet, with minimum 500 fpe:
deer only hunting season in a county whenever that county
has unsold antlerless deer licenses available in its county
quota as set by the commission by rule. The commission shall
establish the season dates. Licenses shall be available for
sale beginning the day after the close of the late muzzleloader
season until either the county quota allotment has been sold or
until the end of the season, whichever occurs first. A January
antlerless deer only license issued under this subsection is
valid only in the county identified on the license. A rifle
with a barrel length of at least sixteen inches and firing
centerfire ammunition propelling an expanding-type bullet with
a maximum diameter of no less than two hundred twenty-three
thousandths of one inch and no larger than five hundred
thousandths of one inch and with a published or calculated
muzzle energy of five hundred foot pounds or higher is the
approved method of take for this season.
(1,771 posts)Speculation here, but it is not too much of a stretch to imagine a conversation between Iowa Firearms Coalition/2nd Amendment "enthusiasts" (fetishists), Jeff Kauffman, a few RW DNR folks, and a few malleable GOP state legislator/shills regarding the question, "How do we overcome the gun control counterpoint that 'You don't use or need a semiautomatic weapon to go hunting'"?
That argument has been solid and unassailable, often leaving the opposition blubbering nonsensically . . . until now.
The GOP has created a law that, no matter how ludicrous to sane persons, for all intents and purposes may now be used to contradict a longstanding point in opposition to these WMD.
To reiterate, this is speculation; but it is consistent with how they operate.
Just sayin'.
(588 posts)Their natural habitat is being destroyed by man's incessant need for more shopping, more warehouses, more houses in the country. The deer have noplace else to go.