Related: About this forumDeath threat made on Rep. Ammons' daughter
State Rep. Carol Ammons and Champaign County Clerk Aaron Ammons said their daughter, unopposed county board candidate Titianna Ammons, received a death threat in the mail Monday.
The letter threatened to kill their daughter if Carol Ammons were elected chairwoman of the Champaign County Democrats at its meeting Wednesday, where she did become the chairwoman.
In the past Carol and I have dealt with threats directed towards us, but it is reprehensible that an individual would threaten the life of our daughter, Aaron Ammons said. The author of the letter has caused undue stress and anxiety to our family as well as the dedicated employees that work in our offices. While we are taking this threat very seriously, we will not be bullied or intimidated by whomever is behind this. Titianna is strong, focused, and resilient in the face of all of the challenges shes facing and she/we will NOT be moved!

Response to TexasTowelie (Original post)
Sherman A1 This message was self-deleted by its author.
Progressive Jones
(6,011 posts)My wife is a USPS employee. Due to the nature of her particular job,
she deals with the USPS Police on a regular basis.
She's told me that they absolutely do not play games, and have no qualms
about using the full force of the US government to do their job.
(24,325 posts)the person who wrote the letter misspelled tired. He wrote tried. Moran
(7,012 posts)And don't back down for these cowards.
(5,240 posts)That makes no sense. It has nothing to do with a Republican not being elected it is only about the Democratic party chairperson. How stupid.
(11,686 posts)any kind to a public official would never happen. The difference is that I have good spelling and punctuation. What a moran ( moron. )