Related: About this forum45 has commuted Blago's sentence. was never going to win Illinois anyway. But now Madigan will be fit to be tied.
I think Rod should stay in jail. We don't need Blago here. I hope he lives somewhere outside of Illinois.

(1,202 posts)in order to get ready for the real show yet to come?
(12,613 posts)so when he pardons Stone and Flynn nobody notices.
(12,613 posts)customerserviceguy
(25,200 posts)
When you look at the Illinois general election vote totals, it went about 56% Hillary to 39% Trump, but when you look at the map, you see that if there are any friends Blago still has in the Chicago area, they might be persuaded to not actively oppose Trump's re-election. Add to that the fact that Illinois, like a lot of blue states has vast areas of red, with voters who usually know that their votes are not going to count in the Electoral College.
You can be sure that Trump will hammer like hell on rural communities in blue states to GOTV, and deny us the "well, we won the popular vote" argument in a second Trump term.
(31,757 posts)There has been a lot of demographic change in the red areas as well. Last time, some areas went blue for the first time in a century, like DuPage County. My son lives there.
There are some flippable red areas as well, like my county.
My state will stay blue. Let the trumpers come here. We will fight them tooth and nail.
(25,200 posts)I just speculated on why Trump would spring Blago.
(31,757 posts)the one Blago tried to sell, had been Obama's. 45 will do anything to take a swipe at Obama.
(25,200 posts)I'm not sure how commuting Blago's prison time is a poke in the eye to President Obama.
Gidney N Cloyd
(19,847 posts)Republicans never liked him and Democrats were never more than cautiously supportive, which evaporated the moment he was nailed.
This move may just be a matter of grifter professional courtesy.
(PS for the record as little as I think of Blago, I do think the length his sentence was excessive.)
(25,200 posts)means you always have friends. And he took the hit himself without taking anyone else down. It wasn't just Blago and his wife & family who pushed Trump for this commutation. Also, the other pardons were for people who had long served their sentence, if I'm correct, so this one would be the most potential political trouble for Trump.
Somebody convinced Trump to do it, and my guess is that they convinced Trump they have some political connections in Illinois that would give him an edge in November.
Trump never does anything just for the good.
(31,757 posts)and out of state who try to make inroads where they can. A friend of mine ran a good campaign for state rep. in my district. She despises her repiggie family and seldom speaks to them. Her brother called her on behalf of some of them right after Lauren Underwood won her seat. He wanted her to primary Underwood this time around. She called him names and hung up. But she made it clear to everyone she could find that Underwood is being targeted.
A few years ago, they gave us a really nasty mayor in Rockford, a so-called independent. He was not much of a mayor. Now there is a decent Democrat back in the office. He seems to get along with the black community as well, at least according to my sources there.
When these repiggies run for office, it can be enlightening to look at the Illinois Board of Elections website for their financial disclosure. It is interesting to see where the money comes from, and then to Google the names of the contributors. Fortunately, money does not always win the day. We have had enough of republicans here, in most cases. Rauner ruined it for them, at least for a while. People do have short memories, though.
(4,510 posts)Just more dirty republicon tricks.
(31,757 posts)customerserviceguy
(25,200 posts)and have followed it since. Even though I was a kid, I still remember Mayor Dailey's machine politics and what my Democratic-voting parents and grandparents thought about it.
(31,757 posts)His bridges have been burned. Dailey died in the 1970s.
(4,510 posts)I heard when he signed all the commutation and pardon papers, he mentioned to everyone that he will pardon them all as long as they don't talk to the Fed's. OK, not really.
And Blago? Who in Democratic circles, especially in Illinois, is going to hire him? Will he go republicon? Maybe. But the guy will need to earn to a living. My guess. A move out of Illinois and a few book deals at first. From there who knows.
My worry is that tRump does nothing unless it helps him. What kind of help is he betting on with this move?
Gidney N Cloyd
(19,847 posts)Blago is nothing to him and there's no direct benefit to Trump. But commuting his sentence for being excessive helps Trump build a doctrine by which he'll later publicly rationalize pardoning guys like Stone and Manafort.
(4,510 posts)mopinko
(72,177 posts)there is no strategery here. he saw patty on fox.
it will buy him nothing here.