Related: About this forumGovernor Rauner Attacks Representative Frank Mautino
This past week marks a new low in Illinois politics. Two Governor Rauner linked, character assassination pieces were mass mailed to voters in Illinois' 76th House district, attacking Frank Mautino one of Illinois' most respected, knowledgeable and decent legislators. Following is my take on one of these pieces of tripe from "The Illinois Policy Institute:"
Remember the commandment Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor. God-
Budgets are presented by governors in Illinois, and mandated as such by our constitution. We have paid once in the last 50 years the needed amount of money into the pension funds. In that 50 year period Republicans have controlled the Governors Mansion for 34 years, Democrats for 16. If assigning blame makes you feel better then by all means assign Republicans 68% of the blame and Democrats 32%.
Total tax burden in Illinois ranks 14th out of 50 states. We pay a lower tax burden in Illinois than Wisconsin, Minnesota, Indiana, and Kentucky. Illinois is higher than Iowa by only ½ of 1% and only 1% higher than Missouri. By zeroing in on part of the overall picture of taxes (property taxes) the Rauner linked Illinois Policy Institute is telling a half truth, and insulting the intelligence of the Illinois voter.
Pension fund contributions are discretionary under our constitution (an abomination). If the proper amount had been donated to the pension funds then our budgets would have been in the red for 49 of the last 50 years. By listing only the last 10 years the Illinois Policy Institute ignores the 36 years of fiscal malfeasance of Republican Governors. Pension Holidays started under Big Jim Thompson (R), were continued by the felon, Grumpy George Ryan (R) and exacerbated by The Pension Ramp which was foisted upon us by Jim Edgar (R).
Representative Mautino is fighting for people in his district. Wrong Way Rauner is attempting to destroy working people and their ability to organize. It took the Wisconsin Weasel, Scott Walker, 5 years to plummet to 41% approval. Rauner has death spiraled to 35% in just 7 months. Atta boy Bruce.
Everyone that pays local taxes better wake up and pay attention to what Rauner is doing. He is cutting spending in Springfield by pushing the problems onto local governments.
ex. His proposed cutting 1/2 of the local share of state income taxes wouldl cost Bureau County local governmental bodies over $2 million dollars. Last week the governor zeroed out all motor fuel tax disbursements to local governments. While the county of Bureaus Highway Department has reserves to carry us until sometime next year (good fiscal management requires reserves) some township Road Districts will be in the red by year's end. If you live on a potholed, rutted gravel road, get used to it. If a bridge fails be prepared to have it remain closed for a while. Maybe a good long while.
These political character assassination pieces cost $20,000.00 a mailing. These 2 pieces of tripe were mailed out last week, the week before Representative Mautino undergoes surgery to remove a cancerous growth. Nice touch Governor. What's next, zeroing out funds to bury indigent people? Oh ya, You've already went that route.
To a billionaire plutocrat like Rauner, this utter waste of $40,000.00 is chump change but take hope in the fact when he spent a record $65 million to buy the governors mansion in 2014, a year noted for the lowest turnout since 1942, Rauner picked up ZERO seats in the House and Senate.
Republicans in Springfield are complaining to their Democratic counterparts that the votes Rauner has forced them to take will cost their party between 3-6 seats in 2016. From their lips to Gods ears.
Governor Rauner has proposed approx. $820 million in cuts. He is short approx. $3.4 BILLION from scratch. .In percentages, after 7 month's Rauner is almost 19% of where he needs to be. That's an F minus to the 10th power. Rauner should issue a balanced budget as the constitution mandates him. His failure to fulfil this basic duty has created this crisis. He should come up with an additional $3.4 billion in cuts and/or a combination of cuts and new taxes. This is not rocket science.
Addressing the budget requires simple math skills, which I am sure Rauner possesses. But it also requires courage, and a moral compass. Rauner has bluster and certitude down pat. As to actual courage however he falls somewhat short and his ethical needle points far south of true north.
The Chicago Tribune, frequently refers to Rauner as a rookie. Thats generous. Hes an oaf, a bully, and a sociopath, a typical CEO and a personification of why such blights on humanity are so uniquely unsuited to public office.
On election eve Rauner issued a statement that he had called Speaker Madigan and Senate President Cullerton, talked with them and offered his hope for bipartisan co-operation. These calls and discussions did not happen. The governor-elect then spent the next 3 days walking this series of lies back with another series of lies.
We dont expect much from our governors here in Illinois, but never in our history has a governor sold his credibility out so fast, for so little gain and so inexplicably.
Its going to be a long, unproductive, 4 years and yet another wasted opportunity.
Prepared by the Selby Township, precinct #1, Committee for Truth, Justice, and the American Way.
mike kohr President-

(72,177 posts)he is auditioning for the koch bros.
(14,449 posts)Wow. That's quite a bit. Should be more in tax increases on the rich. Where do the cuts come from?
Gidney N Cloyd
(19,847 posts)Is that 14th lowest or 14th highest?
I'm assuming highest but of course the people who complain about it tend not to mention the context of overall cost of living in Illinois. All expenses told, it's pretty reasonable here.
(2,312 posts)you'd think we were the highest in the country. We are right in the middle in the surrounding area of states.
(3,357 posts)to my state, much like his hero Walker has done to Wisconsin, will take decades to recover from. I cannot believe just how many stupid voters were taken in by this flannel shirted Volkswagen driving bullshit artist billionaire charlatan.
(16,663 posts)And that nice middle-class black lady who told us what a great guy Rainer is. And his benevolent interest in education, don't forget that. I wonder how much stock he has in charter school companies. Between him and Rahm, I wonder how much of Illinois will be left standing.