Related: About this forumChicago, Chicago area get together
Last edited Sat Jul 25, 2015, 09:54 PM - Edit history (1)
Has to be in July. I would love it if we could coordinate it so people from the surrounding areas could come as well.
Preferably, a weekend. Maybe at a street fest or one of the bigger events at Millennium/Grant parks?
I'm available whenever.
I feel terrible that I am the one that tried to get this together and I can't do it. Just so much more than I anticipated in getting ready to move. I have been busy all week and have to get most of what is left to do done before Monday.

(72,177 posts)i would love it. anyone who wants to come to town and stay over, i have plenty of room.
downtown is probably a good idea. accessible from all around.
even if you cant make it, please give this a knr.
I wasn't sure where was best to post this. Maybe I should cross post in GD?
(72,177 posts)
Good idea. I will later today. Have to run right now
Thanks again! .
(17,997 posts)If we're going to find Chicago people, I'm sure there are a few in the sports group
(72,177 posts)marym625
(17,997 posts)There's no way I can make it. I'm so sorry. I so wanted to do this before I left. Just so much more to take care of than I thought.
(25,066 posts)Thanks! That's 3 of us so far
There was another post on the day the Hawks won the Stanley Cup, again, where a few people showed interest. Unfortunately, I can't find it now.
Weekends work for you? When would be good?
Person 2713
(3,263 posts)So many festivals and other activities to enjoy !
In Chicago most events are close to public transport and handicap accessible
(71,911 posts)I live in the southern fringes of Chicagoland, but i might be able to get there if we don't meet too far north. It's nearly 60 miles to downtown for me.
Person 2713
(3,263 posts)ProfessorGAC
(71,911 posts)Can't guarantee anything though. My wife is partially disabled and if she's having a bad weekend, i can't be gone for more than a couple hours.
Person 2713
(3,263 posts)marym625
(17,997 posts)It's far enough away, I think, that people can make plans. It's also close enough to all the train stations everyone should be able to come.
Damn I'm going to miss the fests! Sausage fest coming up!
Person 2713
(3,263 posts)marym625
(17,997 posts)But someone didn't want to go to the north side for the meet up. I figured jazz fest would be good.
So many great festivals this month and next!
Person 2713
(3,263 posts)we need to know there is someplace if it rains although lets get lucky and pick a perfect summer day in downtown Chicago
(17,997 posts)Even for Chicago!
We could make reservations at a place on Michigan near the park. If it's a great day, we just show up at the fest!
Person 2713
(3,263 posts)marym625
(17,997 posts)That's Jeff Music Fest!
Doesn't look like there's a big one in July? Maybe we can just meet up at Millennium because it's a cool place
Person 2713
(3,263 posts)marym625
(17,997 posts)Not sure how to get this out to everyone.
Person 2713
(3,263 posts)
(17,997 posts)I will kick this a few times until Friday then post with a date. When we figure out about how many, I can try to get reservations at Cage.
Peregrine Took
(7,567 posts)Person 2713
(3,263 posts)So I'm the hold out . One more el to take and that is OK
I ll post this to marym625. Since she is leaving I was hoping she would pick the place
See you somewhere soon
Are weekends good?
(71,911 posts)My wife fell and broke her leg last Wednesday evening. Gotta stick close to home for the next few weeks.
(17,997 posts)I hope not too badly. I mean I hope it was at least a clean break and not part of a joint.
Hope she heals quickly
(71,911 posts)But, can't put any weight on it for at least 3 week, maybe longer. Thanks
(17,997 posts)And you. No fun to be broken!
Person 2713
(3,263 posts)marym625 and DUers in Ca at a later date.
I hope your wife's recovery goes well . Falling can be frightful and then a break ... Ouch doesn't cover it
My husband came out of surgery with a 3 week recovery just this Tuesday so caregiver hugs to you
Peregrine Took
(7,567 posts)She tripped on a step. Really ruined her spring but she is doing better now. Hope your wife heals up soon, too.
(17,997 posts)Again. In it some of us talked about a get together. I can't find that post. Anyone have a link to the post? Maybe we can get at least 5 or 6 of us together
Person 2713
(3,263 posts)I can check in on the gathering by posting and find that Hawks post too. One of the benefits of a low poster is not too much to sieve through.
(17,997 posts)I did a search for it but just can't find it.
Person 2713
(3,263 posts)
There was mo pinko too up thread on this post also
The best date for me would be sat July 25 we can meet as early as 8am or late as evening on that day 26th 2nd choice but I could work something out and try for other dates on weekends too
Just any hours as long as it is weekends and near downtown
I am a worker bee and my husband is recovering from surgery and weekends my daughter could help . Yes weekends are about it
Not sure of others economic or physical status . If we go somewhere for food , Ican affoed to pay for at least another DU ER or 2 if there are economics holding someone back
I am sorry the Prof. can't make it this time. Maybe next time Illinois folks meet we can skype or FaceTime with some of you folks in Ca
Shall we meet at the People's Palace and figure out who we are and where we can go for a talking heads round or square table visit and celebrate your Bon voyage too? I guess that's what I imagined, or meet at a fest.
You and a few of the other locals are long time members so you folks tell me what you want to do . I will show up . If you know other old timers stAtus I will just add that I am economically and physically able
I'm just a newbie but a long time lurker

So my thought is the People 's Palace Reading Room under the silence sign come rain or shine? Should date and time be pm'd??
That is what they sometimes called what is now The Cultural Center
October 1897: Unveiling the peoples palace
Five years later, after several construction delays, the spectacular, neo-classical granite and limestone palace called the Chicago Public Library was finally completed. During the first week of October 1897, the people of Chicago marveled at the sparkling building that housed an inspired, marvelous library and a serenely beautiful Grand Army of the Republic War Memorial.
The Chicago Sunday Tribune said: While its decorative splendor is surpassed by other notable libraries, particularly the new structures in Washington and Boston, its tastefulness and fitness leave little to be desired. Ten thousand Chicagoans a day flocked to see the elegant structure with its two dazzling stained-glass domes; white marble stairways and walls decorated with shimmering mother-of-pearl and colored glass mosaics; green marble war memorial rooms containing the names of important battles; a beautiful treasure
This building is as solid as its great mass suggests. It took nearly a year for 70 men to drive 2,357 wooden piles 75 feet to the hardpan clay below Michigan Avenues sandy soil. The design, by engineer William Sooy Smith, was so stable that there has been no noticeable settlement of the building in more than 100 years.
Railroad cars supplied the coal that fed the massive boilers in the basement. Today heat and hot water are supplied by the Pittsfield Building across the street !
Newspaper stands on the Randolph Street side of the library allowed Chicagoans to read the latest editions of the daily papers before home services were common
The reading room sign I'm referencing >> anyone know if the sign is still there?
(17,997 posts)I will try to post all this over the weekend in an OP. I will also send the link to those that have said they were interested.
Right now all I want to do is jump into a tub of ice. I don't have air conditioning. Too damn hot!.
Person 2713
(3,263 posts)marym625
(17,997 posts)You too
Person 2713
(3,263 posts)
Not tomorrow not me but each to their own
What a few or more years ago there was a mini heat wave here . I got on the el and thought why is it so crowded at this time of the day. Then I overheard someone on their phone bragging about getting cool by riding the el for an hour. Realized people were riding the train to cool down. It is prolonged heat to the system that is the worst so cool off for awhile somewhere with a/c if you get too warm
(17,997 posts)Person 2713
(3,263 posts)And that is ok with me if I'm the only one coming from elsewhere
(17,997 posts)There's no way I can make it. I'm so sorry. I so wanted to do this before I left. Just so much more to take care of than I thought.
Person 2713
(3,263 posts)overwhelm yourself. Packing can bring up a lot of juju and if you are like people like me a joyful purge of stuff that needs to go elsewhere.
I remember a few yrs ago when my friend left for England. Only so much could go in that shipping crate. What comes with & what stays behind???
Take breaks ,get some rest ,and check in on DU for a while
Good luck in CA . I relocating to SoCal in the future but not this year
(17,997 posts)I'm pretty much purging everything. Only taking what I can put in my car. Everything else is going to charity or in the garbage.
I appreciate your understanding. Thank you. Let me know when you move. Maybe we can get together there. Huge du contingent there
Peregrine Took
(7,567 posts)marym625
(17,997 posts)I will post a plan tomorrow.
Hope the weather is better than today!
(17,997 posts)There's no way I can make it. I'm so sorry. I so wanted to do this before I left. Just so much more to take care of than I thought.