Clown Posse Wants Supremacist to Face Music
SANDPOINT Be afraid, robocalling racists. Be very afraid. Time was when you could hide behind some hijacked local number to spew intolerance in anonymity.
But if a resident of Charlottesville, Va., gets his way, one Bonner County resident accused of funding and sending such calls as well as illegally distributing racist media on vehicles at Sandpoint High School, harassing elected officials in three states and sending hate mail to a local business owner will face the music for his actions.
Accordion music. Played by clowns. Lots of them, playing for as many days in a row as possible. Right outside the mans home on West Pine Street.
The man who plans to send in the clowns is Justin Beights, an accordionist himself, as well as a citizen who decided it was time to push back against the negative press that descended on his city after the so-called Unite the Right rally took place there a little more than a year ago.
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Justin Beights, of Charlottesville, Va., has applied to bring a host of accordion-playing clowns to play for an extended period of time across the street from area resident Scott D. Rhodes, in response to racist robocalls that have been associated with a white supremacist podcast Rhodes has been identified as hosting.