Related: About this forumWhat just happened - the uninvited photo brigade!
*Warning to grammar and spelling professionals. Thats it. Also, most of enclosed continent was previously a text.
We are in Georgia. I was wondering if anyone else here has had a similar experience:
We just had a weird experience. Earlier today, just after lunch, a truck load of people, all hispanic, parked at my house, swarmed around it, each person taking photos. They were here 10 min five b4 I noticed them and they took off. They tread so hard on my back deck they broke down a weak board! What were they here for? I asked them what they were doing and they just ignored me and kept snapping photos. May have even gotten me I think in movie or photo. I didn't get there license plate. 22' new sleek white van. They didn't bother to knock or ring the bell. I've contacted the POA about it, labeling my email -Trespassing.
They looked kind of professional. Men and women. What should I do?! They passed on my neighbors house.
I was advised to and I did: I had the sherrif come out and make a note of the incident. B4 he came by I checked the mail to see if there were any flyers or notices left by the people taking all the pictures. Nothing.
Thought about posting this in GD group/thread. I don't yet have all my bearings at navigating DU. Besides this may be a Ga. thing?

(162,408 posts)I mean.....WTF
(36 posts)Thank you. Glad to know you were here. Lets see if anyone else has any feedback. Good feeling to know I have a safe place to share. Sorry, its something weird this time.
(19,345 posts)BaeBnakes99
(36 posts)Last edited Sun Oct 2, 2022, 04:15 AM - Edit history (1)
East. I'm here from Roswell.
(18,141 posts)collect the first, last, and deposit and vanish.
(162,408 posts)?
(8,608 posts)2. Now you need to take precautions.
My suggestions:
3. When inside the house, turn off the circuit breaker for any garage door opener.
4. go double check each and every window.
5. Sliding doors especially.
6. Tell the neighbors.
7. Ask the police if you should pass around flyers and what should the flyers say.
8. Call your lawyer. Ask lawyer about insurance issues.
(36 posts)Thanks. Sherrif suggest to tell the neighbors. I did tell one. Many do not live here year around. I took a walk actually this eve hoping to find somebody outside. I'll keep trying. We going to be a lot more vigilant after it. I'm trying not to be shook about it. More than the language barrier. I felt like I was the stranger for a minute. If they were only sight seers they were pretty unbelievably ballsy.
(8,608 posts)coordinate by email or text a written plan
and what to do or where to go in emergency
try to find someone experienced on real estate scams
try to set up Google
Alert emails for websites that announce your address
consult with police again. ask if there is a specialist somewhere.
you may need to alert State agencies or whatever your state has.
(36 posts)Your suggestions are really great. Google alerts sounds smart and something I thought of early. To you know check the Internet for my address, because I was thinking at least one of those pics made it to fb or www somewhere. My neighbor said to be sure you know their L plate number if they return. She saiid maybe they were just admiring the house. Thats nice to think but its not smart to move onto property unannounced. Its kinda rude, weird, and a little scary. Guess since I didn't go out there right away, guns a blazing, it was okay. But, for real?
brer cat
(26,838 posts)It's good you reported it to the police. I don't know what to tell you other than to be very careful. I live in the NE GA mtns and have never heard of such. Please keep us posted if you learn anything.
(36 posts)It was pretty scary while it was weird! Okay, thanks so much, I will check in.

(5,735 posts)When my husbands family first came to the states in the early 60s, they would often stop at a beautiful home and take pictures of the family in front of it-
maybe thats what was going on??
Im in PA. The police here tell me that unless I have no trespassing signs up hunters can come on my property & if they happen to get hurt on my property, I am liable.
Please, let us know if you have any follow up info & stay safe!
(54,515 posts)3Hotdogs
(13,966 posts)Resembles a tour given by real estate agents before a house gets listed. But that doesn't make sense either.
(36 posts)Photo brigade/trespass cont
Hi Everybody
All is calm and quiet around here, now.
1st thing last wk I had to look for, found and then placed important paper work for the house that I have here, all together, in my, incase of emergency spot that is ready to go out the door. 🤔
The people, not sure why I was initially so specific about them being hispanic by the way, but language barrier, would play into the tale, were prob just site seeing, however __rudely.
My brother who art on the W coast, inland, very rural. Suggested they were on mission to survey for a job assignment. Perhaps from the HOA. You know I haven't heard from them. Bro said the van fits the description of what they see out there all the time. Work crews. I told him it didn't look like a work van. He said that no, it was a, scope the job, van for the crew.
My other Bro who art out in the mid south west. Checked online for me and as far as he could see everything is as it should be.
I'm just happy to let you guys know. Everyone I've shared with except a couple have freaked out. I was shaken too.
I have let go the grounds a lot bc of the heat this summer. Luckily I had worked most of the previous day b4 the photo brigade stopped by. You need to keep your curb side presentable. If mine had been more so I think they wouldnt have moved on in so close. ?
While going thru paper I came across a Beware of Dog sign I had.. Think I may hang it between the back deck and the wood side walk at my _privacy _wall! Too bad though the boards at that point are the ones loosened by their trespass. Those caved boards should serve as their own sign now. Good that point of decking is directly at a few "s to ground. It looks like the beam underneath it mayhve lost its integrity.
Wow! One could be responsible for a trespassers misfortune ones property?
More than enough to keep up w by myself. I've lost three SO's in the past few years. Didn't plan to be kinda stranded with everybodies estates in my lap. Older aged people are soldiers and warriers I tell you what! Haha! I love the classics! 😬
My teenage years we lived in Roswell, N of Atlanta on the Chattahoochee river. In my young adult years I went to school in Buckhead. Then lived in midtown and downtown Atlanta until later. Now I've landed farther up into the hills. My next door neighbor up here is a democrat! She has dogs. I like that.
I havn't googled my address yet. Not as concerned as I was.. but I think that is a prudent action to take. I'm going to dig in more in the coming days to be safe. And will keep you posted.
thats all for today from lake Lake Wobegon 👋
(10,232 posts)And your homeowners insurance agent. Both use fly by night "property inspection services", whose human cartoons are only funny from a distance!