Related: About this forumMonsoons!
I'm going to grill some T-Bones and Brats this weekend no matter what my city says.

(1,879 posts)Beter than nothing. Looking forward to the monsoon. Will dance for rain!
(24,146 posts)but it's making a mess up poudre canyon
(2,012 posts)We almost forgot how sweet rain can be in Colorado (if it just doesn't flood our 170,000 acres already burned this year). Did you notice Michelle Malkin had to evacuate in the Springs and is writing long columns blaming the "radical environmentalists" and the Administration for the fires? And the Springs Gazette had a tiny paragraph about the small p for president's very caring trip without using his name? When will they ever learn that to live in such a beautiful place we must also have to take care of it? I only hope there are some good Democrats who believe in climate change left in Colorado Springs. Today Gary Hart (one of the good CO guys) has a great column in the Huffington Post on the fires and climate change.
(153,134 posts)Thanks for your observations about Republicans and the environment. They don't want to take care of the place; they want to exploit it.
Glad you found us!