Related: About this forumOfficial DNC position on question 2 on the recall ballot
I wasn't sure whether I should vote for an alternative person to be governor on the recall vote. It was my belief the two questions (should we recall Gavin Newsom? and who should replace him if the recall is approved?) were totally separate questions. However, I have signed up to make calls for the DNC, and they answer my uncertainty with this. (From their call script.)
"Vote NO on the recall and leave the second question blank. The candidates running on the second question are Trump Republicans who want to impose Trumps right wing agenda on California. Voting NO is the only way to block the Republican power grab."
So, that's what I plan to do.
I don't know the status of the suit brought by people at the UC Berkeley law school on blocking the recall.

(6,043 posts)Voting on the second part doesn't invalidate your no vote on the referendum. You should vote for the best option available on part 2. Symbolic victories are worthless in the face of an attempted fascist takeover.
(98,007 posts)wryter2000
(47,755 posts)I'll have to check out the list some more. Is anyone going to get more votes than Larry Elder, though?
(98,007 posts)Alternate Democratic candidates if the recall is successful:
Holy Blade
John Drake
Kevin Paffrath
Patrick Kilpatrick
Armando Perez-Serrato
Joel Ventresca
Jacqueline McGowan
Daniel Watts
Brandon Ross
I am choosing Kevin Paffrath, not because he is great, none of them are in my opinion, but because he is polling double digits, and has the best chance.
Faulconer, the republican mayor of San Diego, is who the republicans want. Between him and Elder they are both a very real risk.
Voting NO is obvious
I voted NO on Monday, and received confirmation on Tuesday that my ballot was received and counted.
I urge all Democrats to vote NO, and vote early
(59,174 posts)on Question 2, give Newsom a majority of the total vote as voting "NO" only is actually a vote for Newsom?
(47,755 posts)I believe the two are separate. The second question only counts if enough people vote yes on 1.
I like the UC Berkeley folks' solution. Add Newsom to #2. He'd be pretty sure to win that way.
Eliot Rosewater
(32,671 posts)2% of the votes, is my understanding.
We need to know who is leading the polls for the Democrats, I will do a thread, this is important.
Eliot Rosewater
(32,671 posts)This should be an organized deal...ONE name for all of us. But as you say this person is leading the polls KEVIN PAFFRATH
(59,174 posts)Eliot Rosewater
(32,671 posts)But the guy leading on our side is no prize
(59,174 posts)Eliot Rosewater
(32,671 posts)I read in the article that they are afraid what happened with Davis and the Dem who would replace him, who lost, would happen again.
This is the leading dem
A survey of California voters published on Monday didnt have much good news for Golden State Democrats, but it had plenty of bad news and some that was just plain weird. The bad news from Survey USA is that among likely voters in the September 14 recall election, those favoring the eviction of incumbent Governor Gavin Newson lead those opposed by a 51-40 margin. Its the first public poll to show recall supporters in the lead, though prior surveys had shown a narrowing margin on Newsoms behalf, amid signs that turnout patterns could produce an upset thanks to Republican excitement and Democratic apathy.
If that actually happens, the second ballot line on September 14 would come into play: the vote to replace Newsom, with whoever wins a plurality getting an instant ticket to the governorship. But heres the weird and not-so-grim finding by SUSA: On that secondary replacement vote, the current front-runner is not celebrity conservative radio host Larry Elder or former San Diego mayor Kevin Faulconer or top 2018 GOP gubernatorial candidate John Cox. Its 29-year-old YouTube star and financial adviser Kevin Paffrath.
A lot of people are asking about Paffrath in the wake of the SUSA poll. In 2019, Curbed framed him as a landlord influencer. Heres how the Southern California News Groups Brooke Staggs describes him:
Paffrath graduated from UCLA in 2014 after studying economics, accounting and political science. He also became a real estate broker and opened his own company, Meet Kevin, The No-Pressure Agent.
In 2018, he launched his Meet Kevin channel on YouTube. Today, Paffrath has nearly 1.7 million subscribers and eight videos with more than 1 million views each, with his most popular video a 40-minute primer on how to purchase a rental property as a novice investor. In one video, Paffrath says his net worth is around $5 million thanks to real estate investments, stocks, YouTube income and other assets.
More to the point, Paffrath is the best known of nine self-identified Democrats who defied the state partys efforts to boycott the replacement ballot (there are 24 Republicans in the running, along with ten indies, two Greens, and a Libertarian). So its not that shocking that he snags 27 percent of the replacement vote, ahead of Elder with 23 percent, Cox with 10 percent, Faulconer with 5 percent, and Caitlyn Jenner with 3 percent. Five percent are scattered among other candidates, and fully 20 percent are undecided.
(59,174 posts)Democratic governor who went through the rigors of the primaries and the general election. In other words, he earned it fair and square. This recall is unfair and a republican scam. It's the only way they can get the governorship as they can never do it legitimately in the bluest state in the nation.
My vote is for Newsom only.
Eliot Rosewater
(32,671 posts)If you vote no and he loses and you dont vote for the replacement you are letting the cons decide.
(59,174 posts)and defeat the republican recall scam.
Eliot Rosewater
(32,671 posts)have NOT voted for the Governor of your state by leaving part 2 blank.
You stll get to vote NO, I vote NO, you vote NO and hopefully everybody votes NO
But what if they dont? ONE OF THOSE listed WILL THEN BE THE GOVERNOR>..dont you want a say in which one?
(59,174 posts)I like to keep things simple and straight forward.
Eliot Rosewater
(32,671 posts)No. Voters can vote on either one or both parts of the recall ballot. A voter can vote no to the question of removing the current elected officer from office and also select a replacement candidate.
(59,174 posts)wryter2000
(47,755 posts)It doesn't really answer my original question. I don't know what's a best option, though. I was hoping to prevent Larry Elder winning. I sort of wish Ahnold were on there. He wasn't as terrible as the current crop of Republicans.
(6,043 posts)JohnSJ
(98,007 posts)no mistake about it, any republican Governor will appoint a republican Senator if a Senator steps down.
I only meant in comparison to other Rs. I don't think Ahnold would ban mask mandates. I do think he'd be fighting the virus.
(98,007 posts)Retrograde
(10,977 posts)After eliminating all the GOP, Libertarian, Green, and NPP candidates, and after eliminating the Democratic ones who gave their occupations as "mom" or "recent junior college grad", and the ones that didn't have a statement in the on-line voters' guide (if you can't be bothered to make a pitch to me I can't be bothered to vote for you), and reading the statements of the few Dems remaining it came down to - no one. So I voted NO on the recall and left the second question blank.
(2,499 posts)(Not my photo, but here's the list)
I don't know if I should vote for any of them.
Here's an explainer:
(98,007 posts)double digits, and has the best chance of the Democratic candidates should the recall be successful in my view"
As long as Democrats vote big, the recall will go down in flames
If the recall is successful, I believe it will not only be very bad for the state, but a bellwether for the midterms.
(2,499 posts)opinions. Here's a thread at DK with a helpful post by Senor Unoball:
There is no viable progressive alternative. Here is a pdf from the Secretary of State's office listing all candidates. Lets take a brief look at the Democrats:
Heres Holly Baade, the Joyful Warrior. Gimme a fuckin braake.
Heres John Drake. Probably needs to age a bit.
Heres Patrick Kilpatrick. Ah, an actor. No thanks. Been there done that.
Heres Jacqueline McGowan, pot entrepreneur. Heres her Facebook page. Which you need a Facebook account to view, so that leaves me out.
Heres Kevin Paffrath. Apparently some Youtube influencer or some damn thing. I admit hes got a professional looking website.
Heres Mando Perez-Serrato. Hes Latino! He loves guns!
Heres Brandon Ross. Hes a physician who does good things.
Heres Joel Ventresca. Hes a "Berniecrat"
Heres Daniel Watts. Hes got a Twitter.
What is going to happen, should the recall succeed, is that California will have a Republican governor. I have no doubt that the highest-polling Democrat will not exceed the top two or three Republicans. Question is: Do we want the crackpot Elder to become the gov, or do we do the unthinkable and vote for the least-bad Republican in hopes he tops Elder?
Dont get me wrong: My household is a solid two votes against the recall. We are telling our family, friends, and co-workers to vote no. We have yard signs.
But I do not know what to do on the candidate question. That may very well be a last-minute decision, not to endorse somebody good, but to help block somebody bad.
Thread link here:
They're not all on the same page there either, but voting for a Dem just to block Elder might be a good strategy.
(98,007 posts)chia
(2,499 posts)I'd have thought an orange asshole could not possibly claim the highest office in the land... :/
(59,174 posts)the majority needed to defeat the recall?
(2,499 posts)I just don't want to wake up in shock the next morning like I did in Nov. 2016.
Eliot Rosewater
(32,671 posts)chia
(2,499 posts)I don't think there's a single Dem on the ballot worth my vote, I guess I'll vote NO, leave the rest blank, and we'll get the governor we deserve if we didn't use our mighty Democratic majority to its fullest potential. :/
Eliot Rosewater
(32,671 posts)I wish I could WILL the election to be NO...that he is NOT recalled.
But I cant, so while I vote NO I have to also vote for the LEAST WORST option because this is common sense.
(2,499 posts)Paffrath.
Eliot Rosewater
(32,671 posts)since he is leading as voting for someone who cant win is a waste of a vote IMO.
For instance, is he pro choice? We know the cons arent. If that one issue alone is important to someone, makes it an easy choice for me.
(10,977 posts)His platform includes a lot of pie-in-the-sky notions that sound good until you stop and think about them
A pipeline from the Mississipi River? Not something California can do without federal approval - or the approval of the affected states. Use the National Guard to build emergency housing? Using what for money, and under what authorization? Build Las Vegas style casinos in conjunction with tribes? Um, we already have tribal casinos.
I see a Republican at heart who's running as a Democrat because he knows that's the only way to get votes. And he doesn't have a statement in the on-line voters' guide: if you can't take the time to tell me why you should be elected, then I can't be bothered to vote for you.
(59,174 posts)If any republican gets 15 percent or even 20 of the recall votes and it's more than the others on the ballot, he/she becomes governor of the most populous state in the nation without having been vetted, without having outdistanced others in a primary or prevailed in a general election against the Democratic candidate.
And this outrageous scenario could happen even if Newsom gets way more votes on Question 1 on the ballot, as voting "No" on Question 1 is voting for Newsom. But Question 1, from my understanding, has to get at least a majority of the votes, not even a sizeable plurality which in itself could be more votes than the highest vote recipient on Question 2.
And in such a situation, the Question 2 candidate, one of many, with the highest vote count, maybe just 17% of the vote, would still prevail and become governor with fewer votes than Newsom received on Question 1, which could be as high as 49.9% of the vote.
So how to vote is a difficult, almost "Catch 22" conundrum that I hope the courts decide is unfair to the governor and halts the recall. If not the Dem-controlled legislature surely has to correct it asap.
(47,755 posts)I'm only just hearing about it now. I think it's a great idea, but it should have been in the works for longer, no?
I also heard someone suggest if we get a Republican governor, we vote to recall him/her. Maybe we could wait until they do something complete stupid and/or greedy and recall them then.
(59,174 posts)been better but maybe it just occurred to someone who had the wherewithal to get it going, a UC Berkeley prof, from what I understand.
I do like the idea of recalling a republican if one he/she wins the recall, but before they do something stupid. Just out of spite. I admit that readily.
(5,923 posts)LoisB
(9,614 posts)sure if that makes sense but...
(11,098 posts)Which is dumb, of course.
(9,614 posts)ColinC
(11,098 posts)ColinC
(11,098 posts)but leaving it blank is fine too. On the other hand, I really hope the equal protection lawsuit gets through. it is completely unfair that Newsom can get close to a majority of the vote when his replacement only needs a tiny plurality.
(59,174 posts)Blatantly unfair. I'm thinking if that happens, and the suit precedes with a judgment after the vote, the vote my be invalidated. And what a mess that would be.
(11,098 posts)Bad
(2,054 posts)Is Villaraigosa trying to run again? I was an employee for the City of LA when he was mayor and imo he was awful. His greatest effort was getting his face in front of a camera at every opportunity. Would I vote for him vs a repub? Yes, but only in that scenario.
(11,098 posts)I can see him doing the same on a state level, as well.
Brother Buzz
(38,242 posts)Curiously I just received a weird slate from Committee to Increase Voting in California, telling me I vote MORE often than my neighbors, and voting again is as easy as 1-2-3. Huh?
But this one bit at the bottom bothered me:
There's a dearth of information on The Committee to Increase Voting in California, but if I was to hazard a guess, I'd say it is a republican shill outfit based in Sacramento, California, and the slate was only mailed to Democrats.
Anyone have any info on The Committee to Increase Voting in California?
Oh, I am definitely choosing a replacement candidate. Tentatively, I'm going with the (D) poll leader, Paffrath.
(47,755 posts)They sound pretty suspicious.
(2,054 posts)On their FB page it's all about voting, getting out the vote etc. One name kept coming up with a few comments and the only likes on any of the posts were by a Christopher Antonelli. He seemed to be just pushing for people to get out and vote. When I looked up his name, it appears he is some kind of campaign outreach manager, whatever that may be. But it does look like he has worked for Democrats as far as I can see. So if he's supporting the CIVIC group, hopefully it's a good group for our side.
This was on his linked-in page:
★ Directed operations for 23 Democratic voter registration drives in 16 assembly districts across five election cycles.
★ Delivered 203,000 newly-registered Democrats, serving as the foundation for legislative super-majorities during the 2012 and 2016 election cycles.
(32,109 posts)IcyPeas
(23,296 posts)wryter2000
(47,755 posts)They were on after him at some studio and interacted with him. He was overly interested in Chris's privates in the men's room and her producers breasts.
She's said this on air more than once, so I'm not giving away anything secret.