Related: About this forumAZ auto insurance rates
On a GD thread about auto insurance and gas prices, I posted that my auto insurance is ~$2000/year. That seemed very high compared to what others were posting.
I found an article on car insurance rates in AZ. They're listed by age, accidents, city, etc. My rate is a little above what is listed for my town so I guess my rate isn't that outrageous. Why are rates so high in AZ?
I've been with the same company since the mid-80s, no accidents, no tickets, no auto claims, and I'm old. I'm bundled with my home insurance that adds a bit more $.
So...are there better deals out there? My monthly payment for both auto and home is ~$215.
Best Cheap Car Insurance in Arizona
"According to our study of car insurance rates, the cheapest car insurance company in Arizona is Root, at $827 per year. Thats almost $800 per year cheaper than the statewide average rate for car insurance, which is $1,626 per year. The most expensive car insurance company in Arizona is The General, with an average rate of $3,035 per year.
Many factors, such as your driving record, the car you drive, and your ZIP code affect your insurance rates. The rates you pay will differ from those in our study."

Response to QED (Original post)
DoBW This message was self-deleted by its author.
(12,175 posts)Your first statement indicated that auto insurance was $2,000 per year but it is not it includes your home. I live in Canada and my auto insurance alone is over $2,000 per year with no accidents etc. I am old but not THAT old. It is because we now have what they call no fault insurance and so everyone's rates go up to accommodate the bad drivers and punish the good drivers. Count yourself lucky, they could bring in no fault in your state. It is only the insurance companies that win.
(13,303 posts)In Virginia.
Last year I was paying about $1,400 a year.
Then I bought a new car (BMW) and had to add collision, and loss, and stuff I didnt have with old car. Insurance jumped to $2,200! So Im right in there with you.
Three tips:
1. I had to call my insurer (USAA) for something minor on my old car and the agent talked me into an insurance review. (I groaned but did it.)
First big Q: Are you still driving 24,000 miles a year?
WHAT? No! It was more like 5,000! (I can hear him entering new numbers into my profile.)
A couple more questions and 4-minutes later my premium plummeted by $500!
$1,400 became $900!
Floored me!
2. Agent suggested a defensive driving course. Take it, pass, and get another $75 off premium.
Not all states offer it but many do!
And - its an online course!
3. On my new BMW, the Agent suggested I get their app and sign up for their safe driving program. Its actually a tracker to tell them how good a driver you are. Smartphone monitors your driving.
Their BIG one: using a cellphone. Talk, text, even hands-free: DONT!! EVER!! That App will rat you out.
I got the app.
Activated it.
Got a rating above 90%.
6 months later I get my new premium.
3. Ask if they have lower rates for seniors. Most likely they do.
So, call your insurer, tell them you are looking to reduce rates and ask for a review. Maybe you will get lucky.
(3,121 posts)I have a tracker from my insurance company that supposedly saves me ~$12/month. Of course, the premium went up about $20 so the tracker discount didn't help much.
I learned about my driving "issues". There was one part of my trips where I was always "speeding". The speed limit dropped over one short stretch and most cars basically ignored it. I dropped my speed in that section and my speeding grade increased.
The other thing was a certain corner on my way to my very part time job where I've always been caught taking too fast. Problem is if I don't the light changes so I think I'll just keep getting dinged there.
As for the phone, I don't use it much and have watched the app but haven't had it detect my phone use.
The tracker has been helpful.
I will call the insurance agent next week.