Yeah, it's kind of sad that this is one of the least active forums on DU
Not sure what that says for current support for single-payer health care.
Yeah, Health Care Reform was all about quiet steps toward this, the subject of this forum...
I don't believe that for a minute, in fact Single Payer is now dead, as intended by the lobbyists who wrote the bill.

(70,765 posts)a "war" on crappy health care. our congress and pres like spending money on that just fine
(15,438 posts)...if you believe Rick Ungar at Forbes who wrote "More Proof That The American For-Profit Health Insurance Model is Doomed.
He explains how this is possible - via the hidden trigger in ObamaCares called the Medical Loss Ratio (MLR) buried in this law, and what has gone in effect on 1/1/2012.
Everyone should read this.
Leopolds Ghost
(12,875 posts)napoleon_in_rags
(3,992 posts)The SGK defunding Planned Parenthood, a conscious attempt to see women on the left inflicted with cancer should be a wake up call to anybody observing it. The right sees health insurance as a weapon, they see it as their right to drop coverage of anyone at anytime, to deal out death sentences from a corporate boardroom to people with serious illnesses based on traits they find "undesirable". Eugenics with a corporate face. Obama threatens all that with Obamacare, and single payer threatens it even more. I read somewhere that the people who die from health insurance related stuff is a multiple of 9/11 every year. That should be a wake up call as well. The blood is already dripping from the fingers of the 1%.
(12,256 posts)We have 100,000 deaths per year in this country from lack of health care.
We need Single-payer health care.
Forced private/unregulated insurance is GingrichCare; it's the 1993 republican health care plan.
"Subtitle F: Universal Coverage - Requires each citizen or lawful permanent resident to be covered under a qualified health plan or equivalent health care program by January 1, 2005."
"Employer-based health insurance has always been a bad idea. Your life should not depend on who you work for." -- T. McKeon
[font face="times"]"Any proposal that sticks with our current dependence on for-profit private insurers ... will not be sustainable. And the new law will not get us to universal coverage ...." -- T.R. Reid, The Healing of America[/font]
"Despite the present hyperbole by its supporters, this latest effort will end up as just another failed reform effort littering the landscape of the last century." --John Geyman, M.D., Hijacked! The Road to Single Payer in the Aftermath of Stolen Health Care Reform
(3,992 posts)100,000/3,000 = 33 9/11s a year. 365/33 is about equal to 11, 9/11 every 11 days. I guess these normal working people don't matter, but endless war can be excused if some rich folks in Manhattan get what the poor get every 11 days. Look, another window to see though.
(51,907 posts)I post a lot on the subject--should I repost single payer stuff here as well?
(73,248 posts)
(14,465 posts)Leopolds Ghost
(12,875 posts)I am a bit burned out on the issue myself. It seems everyone who can be convinced already has an opinion.
(14,465 posts)In both Houses of Congress, a map of the world will be attached to a dartboard. Every OECD country with Single Payer, which I believe is 33 outta 34, will be yellow and the rest of the countries will be red. Every member gets three throws.
Let's say a member gets one Italy, one France, and one Canada. They get to choose which vote to cast. Lots of opportunity for backroom dealing.
Now a member who lands two Germanys and one Netherlands would seem to naturally want to vote the two Germanys, but ya never know what the backroom dealing might turn up.
They cast their votes, but it's unlikely to end up in a majority winner in either House. So the Top Five in both Houses will go up on the dartboard.
Still no majority winner? Top two.
If the winner in each House isn't the same, then it goes to Super Committee. The winner from both Houses goes on the dartboard, and the Super Committee throw their darts.
Voila. We have a nation chosen who's healthcare system we will adopt.
This plan has to be better than our current system.
(1 post)Max has taken millions in campaign contributions from the insurance companies even before tossing the Single Payer advocate doctors & nurses out of his supposedly open committee hearing. His version of the Senate bill was actually penned by an insurance co. vp.
If Barack was serious about real healthcare reform, he would have never picked this stooge for his point man. Max also sold out the public and Democratic Party on the pharmaceutical scam.
Single Payer is indeed alive and well..but not in the Democratic Party. It is the central platform plank for the Greens.
(115,916 posts)Leopolds Ghost
(12,875 posts)Support the recent ACA ruling and therefore support Gingrichcare as an alternative to Single Payer.
Therefore this forum has no real reason to exist.
That and it'll never happen now (Hillary, Daschle and Edwards -- who were at the table when ACA was built -- said the primary purpose of HCR was to save the private insurance industry from unprofitability when the baby boomers retire, and to stave off single payer)
That being said, I suggest perhaps the DU avoidance of this forum continue. Both advocates and opponents of Romneycare can agree it is no longer needed, at least not on this website.
(649 posts)When it came to health care, 45 per cent of Americans felt Canada had a superior system, while 42 per cent thought the United States should stick with its own.
Meanwhile, the vast majority of Canadians, 91 per cent, felt that Canada's health care system was better than that of the United States.
Read more: