Related: About this forumI need ideas for a name.
I am back to work, but also starting to make hand-crafted items I want to eventually sell. Mostly, reborn OOAK dolls and smaller sculpts, but also my own designs or crochet, knit and fabric accessories along with some jewelry. The problem is .... I'm completely stumped in coming up with a name. Having been through some very serious losses in the last two years, I'm trying to consider myself as a phoenix rising ... I was thinking maybe something to do with that, or just something playing off the creative aspect. I'm so bad at this, creating goods is one thing, but this marketing stuff leaves me cold. Any suggestions or ideas? Thank you very much

(14,656 posts)I'll get back to you. Think I've saved an article about name selection and things to think about when you do. It was very good. Will look this evening.
(20,582 posts)snappyturtle
(14,656 posts)I haven't been loafing really. I cannot find the specific article I wanted for you BUT I've come with some goodies sure to be inspirational. But, first this is what I recall from the 'naming' article:
Keep it simple. A name that will transfer well to a blogspot, traditional website, for eBay or Etsy, etc. It was also heavily emphasized to use your name. I think having been in the business for 30+ years this IS best. Not always so much fun but....I recently named my eBay name to mynamedesigns. This leaves me much latitude should my interests creatively change over time. I won't be tied to some fantasy name or name with a specific medium or type of work mentioned. Would also work best if and when I license my work. You can use your more imaginative words for ads, website categories or a studio name etc. Also check out a few alternatives in Google....just Google what name you've chosen to see if changes need to be made.
Here's a Goodie 1:
This website is chucked full of all kinds of information. A lot about licenses but so much, much more. Scroll down on the link page to read multiple articles...more pages links in the marketing category at bottom of page. In the left hand sidebar is a virtual wealth of info..I hope you enjoy this site as much as I do. I can get lost there. It's also where I 'think' the naming article is but...I couldn't find it even after I used the site's search tool. Enjoy.
Goodie 2:
Lots of stuff about licenses but many articles of general interest in building a might find just the right tilt for the phoenix rising!
I'm bookmarking your OP so I can give you more at a later date if you find these useful. Best to your efforts....there's money out there just waiting to find that special 'something' !
My keyboard has a couple of sticky keys...keep forgive misspellings!
(20,582 posts)Lots of reading here and learning for me to do. All the good names seem to be taken and I want this either to be something so weird people look at it just to figure out what the heck I'm selling, or because it's so interesting it will grab them by the millions / kazillions to buy my stuff. I'm off to read those links, and thank you again!
What misspellings? I had my l key fly off for some reason a few days ago and had to use 1's, what a pain in the butt that was! Hope your keys stop sticking.
(18,107 posts)I found your links EXTREMELY interesting and informative. I'm passing them along to some friends.
(14,656 posts)sinkingfeeling
(54,460 posts)polly7
(20,582 posts)Very good!
u can search the names as per your numerology online