Classic Films
Related: About this forumWHAT is your Favorite Movie OF ALL TIME ????
I know, 'tough question', I can't answer it exclusively myself....
However, I am partial to 'Casablanca', 'Rebecca', 'Gone With The Wind (with all its flaws),
'The Dawn Patrol' (and anything else with Errol Flynn,
and 'Jeremiah Johnson'/ The Candidate' with Robert Redford in his youth.....
Also still love 'The Dead Zone' with Christopher Walken, for reasons which may be political
(every Republican president reminds me of 'Greg Stillson')
Thoughts ?
(Yeah, I'm OLD now..... my father introduced me to 'Errol Flynn', during a PBS thanksgiving fundraiser in the latter 1970s,
although I had already seen him on 'Bugs Bunny'....
Father is dead now, and today was my 61st birthday...)

(162,408 posts)never seen a better film
(8,236 posts)NoRethugFriends
(3,201 posts)The Graduate
White Men Can't Jump
Dersu Uzula
(59,173 posts)DemocraticPatriot
(5,410 posts)as it annoyed he hell out of me..... so I have no idea what the rest of it was
Love Shawshank.... my list is long, as I said
(59,173 posts)I included "Maltese Falcon" because of plot, the great cast, and I'm a film noir fan.
(2,387 posts)And stick with it this time. It's a GREAT movie.
-- Ron
(8,868 posts)Pumpkin sort of triggers at the end which provides some dark comedic relief. I think Tarantino was playing with the audience and warning them of the twists and turns ahead. I recommend taking that trip.
(24,441 posts)Mr. Bayard laughs when I say--You have to watch this movie! Its one of my all time favorites!
Dances With Wolves
Legends of the Fall
Benny & Joon
Butch Cassidy & the Sundance Kid
Jeremiah Johnson
Raiders of the Lost Ark
Indiana Jones & the Last Crusade
A Christmas Story
Galaxy Quest
Raising Arizona
What can I say? I'm an escapist, especially these days.
(19,533 posts)And
Galaxy Quest
Raising Arizona
Check out I Am No Longer Here
The Life Aquatic
Isle of Dogs
Have you seen, "What's eating Gilbert Grape?" Johnny Depp, but a very young Leonardo DeCaprio puts in the best performance of his career, in my opinion. Its another favorite!
(19,533 posts)And - Theo Who Lived
(5,410 posts)And 'Legends of the Fall' is EPIC--- especially the climax!!
Haven't watched Indiana Jones lately, need to put that on my list....
'Signs', I own, but I haven't been compelled to rewatch it much--- too sad
Grumpy Old Guy
(3,704 posts)The Searchers is John Ford at his finest, based loosely on a true story. Scorsese, Spielberg and Lucas were all influenced by it, as was Buddy Holly. Watching a John Ford film is like looking at a Norman Rockwell painting. There is as much going on in the background as there is in the foreground. All of the supporting characters are richly developed. Not only does it deal with issues of racism and prejudice, but there is an unrequited love story that isn't always obvious between Wayne's character and his brother's wife.
I've been to Monument Valley twice because of this movie.
(5,835 posts)johm wayne tracks the captive natalie wood for years across the empty trackless wastes of texas so he can kill her? some kind of euthanasia like he would shoot a faithful animal that was no longer useful .
i don't know. "save that last bullet for yourself" was a common line in films of that era.
Grumpy Old Guy
(3,704 posts)He wasn't searching for her to save her. He was following her to kill her because she was, in his words, ( not mine), "been with a buck." That was the depth of his hate, fueled by past massacres. Likewise, the Commanche chief was also avenging the past massacre of his own family. The Duke, who almost always played the hero, was the villain in this film. He was also avenging the death of his brother's wife. She had been in love with him, but married his brother when the Duke went off to war.
The movie was loosely based on the life of Cynthia Ann Parker, who was abducted as a child. Her uncle unsuccessfully searched for her for years. She was "rescued" in her thirties but wanted to stay with the Commanche. Her son was Quanah Parker, the last great chief of the Commanches.
(5,835 posts)much less women could evolve much in a few generations
at any rate, even more spectacular exterior locations than ever. monument valley? i'm sure.
i suppose i am a fan of wayne's. that stable of character actors (grit tv showed "mcclintock" last week. it is like a "mad mad mad mad world of character actors ) make "the west" come alive.
i have been in awe of a scene between wayne and richard boone on "big jake" spoiler alert :
in a dark, quiet byllfighting ring, the two stars whisper threats to "blow each others heads off" as the rest of the cast erupts into mayhem including fireworks, bells, pitchforks, knife throwing qyuck draw duels , dogs and donkeys. who could direct such a scene in less than 10,000 takes?
am i trying to list my favorite movies? anything directed by sergio leone. probably "the good the bad and the ugly."
Grumpy Old Guy
(3,704 posts)The best opening scene of any Western ever. Jack Elam and Woody Strode get killed seven minutes into the movie.
Also, it's another example of an actor who always plays the hero, (Henry Fonda), playing the villain. He is really evil in this movie.
Here are two fun facts from someone who has worked in Hollywood for forty years.
I sold Jack Elam a formal wear shirt for his tuxedo in Van Nuys, California in about 1975 or 76. I was going to UCLA at the time.
A good friend of mine was in "McLintock!" He was one of the little kids standing behind John Wayne when he was spanking Maureen O'Hara.
(5,835 posts)leone can zoom in on the eyes with great effect. and, of course , claudia cardinale......
the flashback scene to young bronson's father being hanged by fonda and the gang is another great one. shjaron stone and gene hackman do the same scene in "the quick and the dead" .
(5,835 posts)elam does a great wrap up of the western genre in the last scene of "support your local gunfighter.
another western theme i've been watching is the end of the "old west," mythical or not.
the scene from big jake just begore the shootout
wayne. "standing bear, when this is over we should go hunting. i hear the elk in montana are as big as buffalo.
standing bear : i wish they were buffalo
wayne " times change.
or paul newman as butch cassidy "meet the future."
(114,020 posts)She was amazing in a truly difficult role.
Grumpy Old Guy
(3,704 posts)That's all I'm going to say.
(114,020 posts)and, my gosh, she was mesmerizing on screen. That really was one heck of a cast.
(3,813 posts)The beautifully haunting female vocal motif comes through whenever the spirit of The West is hovering over the action. The spirit saw Jill get off the train and ordained her to be the incarnation of the spirit. Jill proceded to use all of her feminine wiles to out-maneuver the males and to build the railroad station. At the end of the movie, the male workers gathered around her as she issued orders as to how to complete the task. My favorite movie. RIP Sergio Leone. Your vision is a masterpiece.
Basic LA
(2,047 posts)Staring Joseph Cotton, Orson Welles, Trevor Howard, & Valli. Screenplay by Graham Greene & directed by Sir Carol Reed. But the biggest star is the musical score by Anton Karas. Set in postwar Vienna.
(19,533 posts)elleng
(138,724 posts)saw it again last night!
Fiddler on the Roof
Kiss me Kate
(7,934 posts)applegrove
(124,925 posts)usonian
(16,390 posts)Because it's a stealth 🪷 Buddhist 🪷 parable.
Phil ( Bill Murray ) lives the same day over and over, never breaking out of the cycle of dissatisfaction.
He breaks out of the cycle by finding his Buddha Nature. He does this by finding it in others.
(5,410 posts)"Don't drive angry!" lol
Now i HATE groundhogs, they ate up my entire garden this year....
I only managed to trap and relocate one youngster....
(16,390 posts)
I live in the boondocks and they own the entire 7 acres, but no matter, I cant plant anything because the deer eat everything in sight the groundhogs eat what isnt in sight.
I *did* have some problems in the suburbs with my rose gardens.
One location was near a creek, and they seem to know how to cross the street.
The other location was easier to deal with.
Snakes disappeared here after a few years. Maybe because I cleared a lot of brush that was their habitat.
As for Groundhog Day, heres a thought. Think about the homeless man.
The poor guy dies every day! But reappears the next.
He must be from the Lotus Sutra.
Quote the Buddha:
In order to save living beings, I appear to die.
When people think that I have passed into extinction, they offer alms and harbor thoughts of yearning.

For if they see me constantly,
Arrogance and selfishness arise in their minds.
Harold Ramis, who wrote the script, says he had no intention of writing a parable, but he did.
And the groundhog did bite Bill Murray once or twice.

(5,410 posts)now I don't want to see it anymore... LOL
Dunno if I even have a copy of it or not now,
but maybe
"Don't garden angry" SCREW the furry little motherfuckers.....
I would murder them but my shotgun is a bit of overkill,
illegal to fire in the city,
and they have learned to fear me because I threw rocks at them first...
YEAH, they are cute... until they eat up your food
(16,390 posts)And they dig holes like the land was swiss cheese. Go figure.
Youre not supposed to poison them because that poisons any raptors who grab one.
Up here, you can blast away, and neighbors do all the time. That doesnt make me feel good, but I am on a ridge and they keep their shots low. You are welcome to visit and blast away, less the lead, of course. More poison.
Various traps are supposed to work. If and when I return to the suburbs, Ill check for any as part of the home inspection, and I suspect that like my previous home, Ill have roses in tubs. They seemed to thrive, as I kept them pruned. Just have to be very good at watering. Wire root cages are recommended, but if you can get a gopher snake or King snake
Given all the threats here, if I were to grow anything, it would be in a greenhouse of sorts. Walls with fences, or wire or panels to keep the deer and rabbits out and a solid floor to keep the gophers/whatever out. Cover would have to be removable, or mesh for summer (we got ravens ) and who knows what to do about squirrels, but thats all too much work. Ill revisit this all when I move.
Containers are OK. I got the tools to build them, since the price went up many years ago.
I tried everything in my first home with the gophers. People say that those underground traps work, but at the last house, they werent really tunneling, where you could set traps in a run. I had good experience with container gardening (roses and tomatoes, mostly)
Neighbor has daffodils, which are supposed to have a powerful alkaloid toxin in the bulbs. Gophers ate them anyway.
Good luck.
(6,645 posts)A great flick!
Was playing at the bar last night. Lots of great scenes.
(16,390 posts)Here's my extended description that I post every Feb 2nd. I got a few more insights that are truly awesome.
The choking guy is his brother Brian Doyle Murray.
(6,645 posts)Haha. More DUers posting their favs and it hit a milestone so its back in latest discussions.
Thanks for the link.
(16,390 posts)Will wonders never cease?
Very cool. Thanks!
(2,387 posts)It won Best Picture, Charlton Heston won Best Actor, it won a total of 11 Academy Awards, which is a record, tied twice since. I've seen it so many times, I find myself mouthing along with the dialog. I have it on DVD, but when it comes on TCM or another movie channel that I get, I can't not watch it.
My personal number two is another Best Picture winner about persecuted Jews, Schindler's List.
-- Ron
(5,410 posts)but it was too long for a child to watch in its entirety...
But of course my favorite line, the second time it was rendered, is
"we keep you alive to serve this ship!" LOL
Polly Hennessey
(7,733 posts)DemocraticPatriot
(5,410 posts)One of the two best Laurence Olivier movies, along with 'Rebecca'... imho
I first saw 'Wuthering Heights' in a high school elective class, called
'Love, Conflict and Rebellion' in 1980.....
I'm sure nowadays, there are no such elective classes,
it would be much too "woke".........
but the teacher remained one of my favorites, one of the few I actually revisited after I had graduated...
(441 posts)But Once Were Warriors keeps coming to mind.
That movie plus The Gods Must Be Crazy are also at the top of my Loved-the-movie-massively-disappointed-by-the-sequel list.
Bon Cop Bad Cop on the other hand, is on my Enjoyed-the-sequel-more-than-the-original list.
(38,623 posts)nocoincidences
(2,374 posts)I haven't rewatched it lately, but I think it is time to revisit it.
(388 posts)Dersu Uzula
Searching for Sugar Man
(124,925 posts)CBHagman
(17,212 posts)
I have a long list of top movies and find it difficult to narrow it down, but Casablanca always makes the list, as does The Lion in Winter.
(38,623 posts)DemocraticPatriot
(5,410 posts)
(8,868 posts)The extended edition trilogy is over 11 hours, and every minute of it is awesome.
(5,410 posts)Unfortunately, I have never sat through the more modern film trilogy...
Oh well.... I'm not dead yet, there may still be time....
(I have seen small parts...)
(38,623 posts)No fighting in the war room
(5,410 posts)The Texas missile rider might have been patterned on Curtis LeMay,
but nowadays it is clearly "TFG".....
'happy landings', drumph
(7,579 posts)Only the Marx brothers can compete with it.
(27,430 posts)Wow. What an amazing movie. There are others I think are wonderful, but this is the one I'm willing to watch over and over.
(3,968 posts)joshdawg
(2,760 posts)Inherit the Wind (Spencer Tracy et al)
(124,925 posts)Ziggysmom
(3,724 posts)Manon des Sources.
(11,057 posts)AKwannabe
(6,645 posts)Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell
Saw it on the big screen first.
Can watch it over and over and again!
So many great scenes.
Fire, fire, fire! As she sprays water on all the boys with plates glued to her hands!
Hands down my favorite movie. I like all her films too. Comedy is my movie genre of choice and she is TOPS!
Tom Yossarian Joad
(19,275 posts)bif
(24,815 posts)XanaDUer2
(15,568 posts)GreenWave
(10,565 posts)rurallib
(63,499 posts)Not sure I could give a good reason why.
The camera work and the settings feel very realistic. The story of a man who wants simple peace but gets caught up in the Russian revolution feels much like it could happen anywhere, anytime.
Just feels like a tale. that could happen anywhere, any time to almost anyone.
(672 posts)rurallib
(63,499 posts)Uncle Joe
(60,980 posts)and American Graffiti come to mind.
Thanks for the thread DemocraticPatriot
(8,919 posts)DemocraticPatriot
(5,410 posts)if only for the reason that it included the song,
'I just dropped by to see what condition my condition was in'....
Hard to believe that singer later became 'Kenny Rogers'....
(9,308 posts)k55f5r
(466 posts)Bell, Book, and Candle -Jimmy Stewart and Kim Novak Funny movie with the most beautiful woman in the world. What's not to like?
T.B. - Sean Connery and a host of very short pirates try to outwit GOD.
Alien - Sigourney Weaver best horror movie of the 80's
Dune - the original. People love it or hate it Personal fav, the scene where Baron Harkonnen pulls the plug on the servant and flys up near the ceiling laughing like the madman he is. F'ing Awesome.
Cabaret - Sweet Liza Minnelli depraved sex and great music.
Fifth Element - starring meat popsicle Bruce Willis, Gary Oldman, Mila Jovovich, Chris Tucker stole the show as the cruise ship MC
Hon. mention: Rocky Horror Picture Show.
(8,868 posts)I'm still waiting for another great space-horror movie. Event Horizon failed on so many levels. I'm not sure what Solaris is, but it is not that.
(9,206 posts)Barfly
(124,925 posts)All The President's Men. Pride and Predjudice (the miniseries from the 1990s).
Happy Birthday to you.
(1,420 posts)Also,
-Forrest Gump
-Born Free
-Some Like it Hot (original)
-The Miracle Worker
(1,107 posts)FalloutShelter
(13,136 posts)I miss gentle humor.
(674 posts)By Wim Wenders with Bruno Ganz and Peter Falk.
The most "human" film I've ever seen. Music by Nick Cave and Bad Seed.
My number one fav ever since my first viewing.
(3,881 posts)Sorry I couldn't keep this list down to one movie- These are movies I will re-watch when I can:
"Being There ( 1979) " - Peter Sellers, Shirley McClaine
"The Flame and the Arrow" (1950) & "Crimson Pirate ( 1952)"-Burt Lancaster/Nick Cravat
"The Lion In Winter (1968) "- Kathryn Hepburn/Peter O'Toole
"Charade (1963) " Audrey Hepburn/Cary Grant
"Wait Until Dark ( 1967) "- Audrey Hepburn/Alan Arkin
"Kill Bill, Vol 1 ( 2003) & 2 (2004)" Uma Thurman/David Carradine (Don't ask me why)
"Godfather 1 (1972) & 2 (1974)" - Robert DeNiro/Al Pacino/Marlon Brando
"Robin Hood (2018) " - Russell Crowe/Kate Blanchette
"The Graduate" (1967) - Dustin Hoffman/Anne Bancroft/Katherine Ross
gotta stop now 😜
(5,195 posts)All the Presidents Men
Letter to Three Wives
The Sting
The Martian
West Side Story (the original)