Who the heck is Paula Priesse? But do love seeing right wing followers of her fall right on into...
a hole.
Stated this on her facebook page.
your hardly tongue in cheek. more like hate monger
ewe. but nobody's putting a tape to your mouth and I sure won't. at least with George Carlin he was rather neutral.
so well they pretty much fell right on in proving my point. Like anger and hate is the same thing. Was just getting a total kick out of it. This other guy comes off and totally proves me right.
(not naming him) : Lee what are your thoughts on the ultimate hate mongerer Bill Maher, how about Keith Oberman. Sorry you don't like it but Paula cannot hold a candle to your typical Liberal hate mongerer. So please Lee back up what you got to say otherwise STF up.
Yeah thanks. Just proved my point. As a standard most comedians derive their laughs from hate. Left or right. So knowing this I set up the bait. And someone just fell right on in. Hook line and sinker. So unless he's going to sing don't worry be happy. If he tells me to STF up. then he's proven my point. That and he assumes I'm left wing. I'm left leaning. Not left wing. I'm not a centrist either. Very hard to find out what I am. Since Dads right wing and moms Left wing. But I rarely post threads here so practice run if someone can tell me how how crazy this Paula lady is go ahead. She's not very impressive. and no I'm not fond of Bil Maher most of the time. He's only great at one thing. Starting a debate. Keith. No he's someone who picks peoples spirits up