Final project for the Spring semester: Spring

The assignment was to illustrate a change in perspective on two 22" x 30" sheets of paper - either space or time, using things that are personal to us (i.e. not things found on the internet). I have multiple changes in time, and sort of two perspectives, since you wouldn't see both the top of the pond and the top of the robin's nest simultaneously - as well as seeing the distinct levels of horizontal branches.
Cherry tree (bottom to top - from first blossoms opening to full leaves on the tree and small cherries) - from my backyard
Robins (bottom to top - from eggs to almost ready to fly) - from a couple of years ago when a stupid robin built a nest about waist high so I took pictures of the robins from the first egg to the last robin to leave the nest (with two losses along the way)
Frogs (life cycle - within the pond from tadpole to froglet) - second favorite animal (after toads), but toads mostly plop in the water rather than leaping gracefully, and I have raised bullfrogs from tadpole to release back into our pond)
Frogs (stop-motion leap into the pond)
Daffodils (bottom left, from buds to bloom, back to bare leaves) (We have around 20 varieties of daffodils in our yard, including some by our pond)
Lily Pads (from buds to full bloom to dead flower) (This is the only "cheat" - our pond doesn't actually have lily pads in it)