Did pretty well for myself this weekend
1. Found a cache of college political science text books - spent $3. for 10 of them. All are worth $6. or more on Amazon.
2. Found a factory sealed new Belkin Wireless Range Extenter/Access Point for $5. It goes for $15. or more used on Amazon. I currently have the only NEW one listed. It retails elsewhere for $90.+
3. Fats Domino CD box set - bought for $2. It's $24. used on Amazon.
4. Vbscript for Dummies book from 1996. $.50! Used on Amazon for $30. or more.
Of course, I actually have to sell these to make any money.
Here something I haggled down to $10. I 'm keeping for myself:
Custom framed and matted.

Paper Roses
(7,535 posts)Good weather for house and yard sales will be coming soon. Just hope I have a little extra $$ to pick up a goodie when the sales start.
Great finds, continued good luck to you.
(51,726 posts)There wasn't much there, but I did find an old 8 quart cream jug with a nice red handle and a 1950's picnic jug that looked like it hadn't been used. I also picked up a first edition Edna Ferber novel which you'd think would have some value . . . but, sadly, it doesn't. ebay has killed the book business.
(43,891 posts)Found a cache of factory sealed country music CDs and factory sealed DVDs at one yard sale - none worth more than $8. Bought a few and if I manage to sell them I'll make about $7. profit on each.
Went to a High School Band Boosters rummage sale. Lots of books but none worth much.
My big ticket items this week are some things I already had but was sitting on. About a year ago the local Dollar Store was selling Twilight Journals in collectible tins. At the time Amazon, too was listing them for $1. I figured with the popularity of the movies, buying 4 of them was worth the investment. Today they're going for $8.50+ on Amazon. Sold two of them this week.