Socialist Progressives
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This message was self-deleted by its author (guillaumeb) on Tue Oct 31, 2017, 10:25 PM. When the original post in a discussion thread is self-deleted, the entire discussion thread is automatically locked so new replies cannot be posted.
(9,460 posts)How oddly far we have come from that time.
Response to dhol82 (Reply #1)
guillaumeb This message was self-deleted by its author.
(2,274 posts)Is anyone really surprised by this kind of thing anymore? We've had plenty of "warning" that a round of repression was on the way. This is just a facet of it. Get rid of the intellectuals, they might see through the lies the far right is spewing with increasingly bold confidence. Whos next? Everyone who doesn't hew to the party line ? ........ Everyone who isn't "normal"? (by their twisted standards) We're in for a rough ride kiddies , make no mistake about that!
Response to BigOleDummy (Reply #3)
guillaumeb This message was self-deleted by its author.
(15,540 posts)Why not bring that model to the USA after you get the country hungry enough
Response to gordianot (Reply #5)
guillaumeb This message was self-deleted by its author.
(8 posts)The TACTIC of obvious, trivial lying by a leader (right off the bat) has been used for ages by the more cunning usurpers to figure out quickly who are truly loyal to the new leader. In this case, all those loyal to Trump will willingly repeat Trump's blatant lie (even knowing it is in fact a lie). Why? Because that's what being a Trump supporter entails at this point. It has become a key Trump tactic for demoralizing and enraging his opposition. Fake news is not THE PROBLEM; it's THE TACTIC!
The very Machiavellian tactic quickly exposes loyalties in a flash. Those VERY loyal to Trump will publicly support the veracity of any audacious Trump Administration lie no matter what the supporters truly believe in their hearts. These are not misinformed Trump voters, misled by fake news. No no! Trump voters demonstrate their loyalty by passing the lie along publicly. BY PARTICIPATING in IN THE LIE. Meanwhile, this kind of audacious lying in the face of clear facts drives the liberal opposition BONKERS. Check out what just happened to Chuck Todd this past Sunday on MTPS. Check out what has been happening to you and your liberal friends for the last year in reaction to every move Trump makes.
This repeated tactic of blatantly lying about trivial crap (along with vicious, repeated hippie-punching through his cabinet pics) on a daily basis, transforms most Trump opposition into lost packs of hysterical, mindless, ineffective, crying, Trump-hating zombies. AND THIS IS BY DESIGN. AS IN: THAT WAS TRUMP'S GOAL ALL ALONG.
To render his liberal opposition inert by zombifying its members with uncontrollable Trump-rage, a potentially brain-eating virus. If it is not caught early, it may be incurable. You'll know if someone is catching this virus if they remain more than 5 seconds thinking about or viewing Trump. After just 30 minutes of thinking about or viewing Trump, you most liberals become constructively lobotomized. Their reason gets demoralized, and stamped out and replaced with nothing more than a painful hunger to infect others with Trump-rage. You'll call it activism. Trump calls it self-tagging for his Trump-rager concentration camps.
Get it? The dude blatantly lies as a psychological weapon against the disloyal opposition. Pretty clever, huh? Is it evil? Who knows these days? Who cares?
The good news is that recognizing the tactic is all you need to know to not fall for it EVER AGAIN as long as you live.
Still, I STRONGLY advise you keep your Trump viewing/thinking to zero or at least less than 5 seconds at a time. Believe me, PLENTY are thinking/viewing way too much of that dude these days. So you really don't need to, ever again.
Finally, the more trivial and obvious the audacious lie from the Trumpster, the more rage-infecting it will be for his opposition when it hits their ears. So when or if this happens to you (or a friend):
1) Take a deep breath.
2) Disengage from any thinking or viewing of Trump immediately.
3) Stand mentally outside of the walking PSI OP TACTIC in action that IS TRUMP.
4) Wake up your friends and loved ones to the tactic. It should remove all rage.
Watch how it this tactic works day in and day out on those outside of your immediate influence. Watch how they just don't get what is going on. Watch how it quickly demoralizes, enrages and incapacitates even the most rational and collected journalists on TV.
Response to LoganOneNation (Reply #7)
guillaumeb This message was self-deleted by its author.