I think we could all use some more patience with each other in regards to Israel/Gaza.
I would think everyone here is very upset with this. A very horrible thing has happened and is still happening. I would caution and implore everyone not to take anyone's words past what they actually said. Many of us here are anti-war. Being concerned over the innocents dying on either or both sides is just that. It is not excusing anyone's actions at all. There are also people here that support Israel and my even have family or friends over there and some of them may have been part of that. If anything at all we should not pretend we know what others motives are or ascribe positions they have not taken as well as understand that they may be going through a very different experience that you are. People are extremely upset and may out of the heat of the moment say things that they really don't believe and support on either side.
We should do our best to pull together as a community with as much compassion and understanding as we can and leave the anger and hate outside of this place. I hate to see what this site has become recently. People who normally support or at least tolerate each other are going at it. This place is not like this for the most part (except for Democratic primaries).
So take a deep breath and think about that reply back to someone and at least for us try to choose peace with each other.

(13,062 posts)I am learning a lot and trying to do more listening and reading than speaking and writing right now.
(52,672 posts)I'm being overly cautious and I want to know as much factual info as I can before forming an opinion or stance. It is very, very complicated.
I posted the first DU post on the attack last Fri night and it was really breaking news. Since then, I have been called for the DU Jury more times in those 6 days than in the past 6 months.
(10,222 posts)MOMFUDSKI
(7,080 posts)Israeli/Palestinian situation.
(35,079 posts)conflict. The two sides are very closely related. Cousins, really. Social Anthropology is great way to look at it. If you took two newborns from a members of both sides and switched them at birth. They would have the same hatred for their real parents. It boils down to nurture rather than nature. Hate is learned.
(38,623 posts)Sort of like if someone kills your people, you must kill them. So simple yet so complicated
(38,623 posts)To understand. I hate war especially what it does to children, and any vulnerable person. But I dont really know enough to form any opinions. Seems It has been going on for 75 years. I do believe Joe Biden knows what hes doing in this area, probably better than anybody else we have. So I have full confidence that he will understand and do whats best. The problem is, the situation is so bad I dont think there are any really good solutions
(20,057 posts)One of those situations where you're faced with only bad and worse alternatives.
(1,033 posts)I believe I have tried to say the same sort of thing over the last few days. We're all in this together.
KS Toronado
(20,963 posts)

(36,631 posts)This seems of critical importance to me.