The DU Lounge
Related: Culture Forums, Support ForumsTrying a new cocktail tonight. It's holiday week; don't judge me.
Enjoying a Montana. Brandy, ruby port, and dry vermouth. No shaking necessary; pour over ice into an Old Fashioned glass, and stir.
Its okay. Probably wont have one again. But its a check mark in my bar book with 1,100 cocktail recipes. Getting closer
Hope everyone had a nice Christmas
See you all right here tomorrow night.

(2,196 posts)LOL

I dont remember us meeting before.
I was born and raised in San Antonio, but have lived my entire adult life in the Pacific Northwest.
(2,196 posts)Funny, I plan to move to Oregon in a few years. I have an uncle in Corvallis (retired Oregon State University Professor) who got me interested in the area.
(15,893 posts)Not as hot and smoky in the summer.
(69,314 posts)I love my Two-Five-Three! The town too tough to die.
(15,893 posts)But we love it here. I can see the Sound and Mt Rainier every morning when I walk my dog. Beautiful!
(69,314 posts)My supervising physician called me a while back (he was a new arrival from western New York State), and happened to mention that the mountain is out. I told him: Hey! Youre picking up the local lingo!
(85,363 posts)Our view at home angles between the mountains, but gee whiz, all those gorgeous TREES!!! Really does my heart good every time I look around!
(69,314 posts)Its possible I was a little tiddly at the time
I strongly endorse emigration to the Northwest. Its beautiful here. And very blue. Provided you stay west of the Cascade Mountains.
True Dough
(22,164 posts)One cannot consume as many drinks as Aristus and not have a fuzzy memory from time to time. And a fuzzy navel!
(69,314 posts)When I take a shower, its thorough
Trueblue Texan
(3,217 posts)...who will never move back, and who the f could blame her? I would move there with her, but I need the warmth of the beaches in Texas. Maybe when I'm too old to go to the beach, I will consider living in Port Angeles or Seattle.
(69,314 posts)It's not uncommon for Northwesterners to get bundled up against the cold, and go walking along the beach in wintertime.
If you do move up here, I would recommend Seattle over Port Angeles. Port Angeles is a quick ferry ride from Canada, and is home to one of the best bars and bartenders on the West Coast. But for everything else, Seattle is your best bet.
Trueblue Texan
(3,217 posts)Second Beach...Jesus CHRIST! Cold as F!!!! in AUGUST! Yes, they are lovely, but I just cannot abide!
Alki(sp?) cold, but not as miserable as Second. Still. Nothing like the Gulf waters. I'll have to be old enough where I don't even consider going to beaches. Having been raised on Galveston Bay, I seem to actually need these warm waters and the soft, most velvety sand I've ever walked's a good 2 hour drive from my current location, but I need to be able to put my feet in the warm sand of a Gulf beach. Never found a tropical beach anywhere that would sub for it.
Today I had a powerful craving for oysters--hubby found some small ones--my faves--at HEB. I fried them up and was satisfied. (Jesus! $24/pound!) I haven't had them fried at home for several years. Oysters from the Pacific NW are enormous...not like the precious tiny ones from the Gulf. So many things from PNW I long for. So many things from home I need. Coming from generations of commercial fishermen probably ruined me for other locations.
(15,242 posts)coast. I needed that.
(15,242 posts)Pretty but nothing I would ever want to put my body in. Makes me shake just thinking about it.
True Dough
(22,164 posts)Of the 1,100 cocktail recipes in your bar book, how many have you sampled so far?
(69,314 posts)A lot of them call for components I dont keep on hand.
Saki, grapefruit juice, Campari, absinthe-substitutes, etc.
I dont expect Ill try them all. But Ill come close.
Trueblue Texan
(3,217 posts)Trueblue Texan
(3,217 posts)...still unsealed. I'd love to experience it.
(69,314 posts)But since they don't sell absinthe in the States, the book does recommend a number of possible substitutes. I don't have any of those, either.
Trueblue Texan
(3,217 posts)..I totally understand. I wouldn't do stairs right now, either!
(69,314 posts)My only regret is that I didn't bring a snifter of brandy up with me...
Anyway, I'm pretty much immobile at the moment.
Trueblue Texan
(3,217 posts)surfered
(5,400 posts)Aristus
(69,314 posts)
Trueblue Texan
(3,217 posts)fucks without our help. We can hope. I've got another bottle of sparking cooling in the fridge.
(69,314 posts)Until I finally had a chance to pop the cork in November, 2020. Such joy back then; believing that TFG was gone for good.
Oh shit; I can feel the need for numbness coming on...
(85,363 posts)Dammit. Its hard to believe were gonna have that bastard back for four more years.
I keep hearing the various talking heads saying hell just do these next four years. I dont believe them. I fear hes gonna make a run for PERMANENT kingship of some sort. I cant help suspecting that hell be busy trying to weasel his way into lifetime rulership. He wont go quietly.
(69,314 posts)And hes too narcissistic to think of setting up a succession. Not that anyone else bearing the Trump name could be a viable successor. No one else has the weird, creepy, corrosive, unhinged charisma he seems to have. His death grip on the simple-minded losers of the world.
If Trump dies in office, JD Vance will finish out the term, and then disappear into Americas political memory hole.
(15,242 posts)highplainsdem
(54,665 posts)Doing penance with a large salad for a late dinner tonight (thought TBH I like salad).
(69,314 posts)
(54,665 posts)calimary
(85,363 posts)All the best treats come visiting for the holidays!
Trueblue Texan
(3,217 posts)Trueblue Texan
(3,217 posts)My go to, is Paul Masson Peach brandy poured over frozen orange slices, cranberries, and limes, followed by cheap Cook's sparkling wine. It's pretty decent out on the patio with jazz playing. Also Roy Buchanan, who defies genre.Get the music right, the quality of the booze follows, no matter how little it cost.
(11,848 posts)I'll have to say, though, that sounds better than a "Hannah Montana"...which is brandy, ruby port, vermouth, and Kool-Aid.
Trueblue Texan
(3,217 posts)notKeith
(153 posts)I know, named after the bomber - irrespective, I like the band.
B-52 is a layered drink:
Kahlua on the bottom
Next layer is Baileys
Top layer is Grand Marnier
Pour the Kahlua in first, then CAREFULLY drizzle the Baileys over that layer with an inverted spoon. This layer goes fairly easily. Then pour the Grand Marnier over the Baileys. This layer is the hardest, as the specific gravity of Baileys and Grand Marnier are fairly close (1.05 vs 1.03).
Give this a try - it's excellent when Jack Frost is nipping at your nose.
Trueblue Texan
(3,217 posts)Like an eggnog sort of decadence! I can't wait!
I think I've got everything I need...but I have to wait until tomorrow night...too much indulgence on this night.
(69,314 posts)I've only had it a couple of times. All of the ingredients are standards in my bar.
It takes a steady hand to prepare it properly.
(11,848 posts)Kahlua, creme de menthe, and Bailey's
(85,363 posts)Drinkable art!
Demands a steady hand, though.
Trueblue Texan
(3,217 posts)Feeding the starters now...The entire next week(s) will be packed with getting rid of excess crap and discovering new ways to numb. Open to suggestions, folks!
(69,314 posts)Vodka plus empty stomach equals numbness.
Boy, oh boy, do I love sourdough bread! Another staple in my pantry that I do not allow to run out. Any recipe that calls for bread can support a sourdough substitution.
Trueblue Texan
(3,217 posts)splat
(2,340 posts)I'm sorry you don't recommend them together. I'm not experienced with combinations, and would love to find something I like besides a Manhattan.
(4,111 posts)You have a fascinating repertoire of cocktails. They sound quite interesting and unusual. Where do your recipes come from. Do you have a Bartender's Guide, or google interesting cocktails? I'm just curious.
(69,314 posts)Bought it around five years ago. When the lockdowns started, I still had to go to work, but not being able to go anywhere for leisure activities pretty much meant staying home and trying new cocktail recipes.
(4,111 posts)woodsprite
(12,360 posts)Gifford Pamplemousse, a bottle of Stoli unflavored vodka, and a bottle of Vanilla Vodka.
Been checking out recipes. Hubby knows I love Palomas and Grapefruit Crush drinks so thats how he came up with the idea for Pamplemousse. I had seen a Key Lime Pie drink that used the vanilla vodka, but Ill have to go out and get a few other ingredients before I can try that one.
(327 posts)Current anti-ulcer med forbids alcohol. Protomix generic.
(1,107 posts)Aristus
(69,314 posts)But I cant drink it neat. Its too harsh.