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Two shots to get the party started.
Now enjoying a Metaxa Sidecar tonight. Or at least, I would be if I had any Metaxa. Not even any ouzo as a substitute.
So, just brandy, limoncello, lime juice, and orange juice. Yummy!
Hope all is well with you. If I was our beloved SalmonChantedEvening, I would call you my lovelies. But thats his thing. Ill just say:
I love you all

(652 posts)And hows the new job?
(69,316 posts)Shes enjoying some bottled water right now.
I know, I know
I start my new job on January 27th. But I had another manager meeting at the clinic yesterday. And I had my provider photo taken. One thing I have detected already is that the providers and staff of the clinic are very liberal, and devoted to service of underserved and underinsured people.
That means everything to me.
(652 posts)I know that I hated working with MAGATs - I was the only one in my department who wasnt drumpf-humper 🙄😑
(69,316 posts)Where I spent fourteen years of my practice. My new employer is not community health, but they are a not-for-profit. So Im sure they attract progressives to work for them.
(2,119 posts)But what did you think of Elton Johns comments dissing legalization of marijuana?
I for one thinks he paints with an overly broad brush. The gateway drug bs is an old trope. Some people respond very differently than others. Am sure that lots of people use cannabis responsibly, just like most can use alcohol responsibly. And some cant handle their _____. (Fill in the blank with your vice of choice.)
(69,316 posts)He had his fun. Now hes being all disapproving. Ive been telling my patients for years that I dont have a medical objection to cannabis. I dont encourage them to use. But Im up front about my opposition to the criminalization of drugs. Its just a feeble excuse to put people in prison.
(2,119 posts)I was disappointed that someone who has been on the forefront of pushing social boundaries would
I dunno, retreat, maybe (groping for the right word)
to such an intolerant attitude.
I agree with you, people with drug addiction problems need love and support, not ostracism and persecution.
True Dough
(22,164 posts)what would it have most likely been? What other defining qualities would have factored in?
(69,316 posts)I dont think it was meant to be complimentary. I was already proving myself an anomaly among tankers. I liked fine food, fine wine, Shakespeare, and classical music.
I eventually grew into the hard-drinking image of the tanker. But it took a while. And not everyone liked the real me.
(2,119 posts)just what is/was a tanker?
(69,316 posts)The guys who sit inside all those tanks you see in the war movies.
My baby was the M1A1 Abrams tank. Incredible piece of machinery. Crewing a tank is one of the coolest things Ive ever done, and I treasure every memory.
(7,400 posts)Have you ever been there?
Its home to Washington State University, and Im a UW man. Plus, in order to get there, one has to drive through hundreds of miles of Eastern Washington Trump Country, with MAGA signs hung in every farm field. Scaring the crows more effectively than any scarecrow could.
(7,400 posts)That area is overrun with rethug sycophants as well.
And yes, he did take a job at WSU.
Captain Zero
(7,733 posts)And a nice glass of Malbec, and I just popped a gummie, and put a pizza in the oven.
Rooting for my IU Hoosiers, and I've called ND every name in the book, and that's not working.
Haha. The gummie will help.
(69,316 posts)I like both at different times for different reasons. But if I had to choose, Id say Chilean. Spicy notes with a nice finish. Not as smooth as the Argentine variety, but wonderful in its own way.