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Not overly religios. Raised Catholic. Been like 30 yrs since even attended church. Got lots of sins DU brothers and sisters..priest gonna come out. He sounds young. Good. Sounds kind. With this ongoing MOTHERFUCKING NIGHTMARE of expensive TMJ treatment, I want to talk to someone besides therpist.
The dental-specialist lawyer kindly, very kindly, called me back for a free courtesy call. Recommended I see an actual MD dentist and surgeon for this pain. I made an appointment. All coming out of my pocket. No idea whats coming. Wake up after sleep blots out my problems and sorry I did wake up.
Just in case, want things made ok. Thank you all for your support..

Clouds Passing
(4,010 posts)
Its like a bad dream that went from great to bad in ten seconds of rough aggressive action.
Clouds Passing
(4,010 posts)It appears to me as if you are going through what is called the Dark Night of the Soul. I have been there. It is a very scary place to be. In it you experience deep feelings of helplessness, powerlessness, rage and inability to overcome even the tiniest obstacle. It feels like the entire universe is against you, like you are on the worst roller coaster ride youve ever had.
I have no idea how I made it through. Grace is what I suspect.
Try as much as you can to find a safe space within yourself and from the outside world. Surround yourself with a white light of protect protection. Embark on a journey to find deeper compassion. Keep trying to get help from the doctors, from the lawyers, from your SO, anywhere and everywhere. You might feel like youre just spinning your wheels, but youre not. Do not give up!!!!!!
(15,568 posts)I've never felt this low. Not when my. Mom doed. Layoff from my dream job. Becoming disabled. My jaw popped and i paid a small fortune just wanted it fixed and move on with my life. Then the dentist injured me out of the blue. I don't get much sympathy or support at home.
I finally said i need you to acknowlegde I'm in pain and the dentist caused it. He's still not into the dentist causing it. Keeps saying something about causation is not something. I was in pain immediately from the shove. I finally stayed screaming i hope something very bad happens to you I'm so fed up.
Clouds Passing
(4,010 posts)Your SO is already having very bad things happening to him due to his substance abuse. That you are experiencing his pain as well as your own makes your situation more difficult.
Have you ever considered whether you may be an empath? Empaths absorb the emotions of others, especially in their tight circle.
The Empaths Survival Guide, Judith Orloff is a good place to find out.
(15,568 posts)To atmosphere and vibes and attitudes. I don't know what to do anymore. I'm 59 and don't even want to live anymore. Life isn't worth all this. If i was dead, it would all be over. When you're dead, nothing matters anymore. Jaw injuries, id theft, addict partners. Being homeless. Its just all over. I don't have the energy anymore. My life means. Nothing
Clouds Passing
(4,010 posts)Are you a Highly Sensitive Person?
Check out The Highly Sensitive Person by Elaine Aron, she explains a lot!
During these dark times is the best time to deepen your understanding of and connection with your self. Thats one of the positives of Dark Night of the Soul, if you can deepen your knowledge of yourself, you will cone out from it a wiser and more whole person.
(15,568 posts)I'm so whipped now i see no light at the end of the tunnel.
Basically I'm realizing that my life sucks, and there's no reason to even be alive. I literally just went to fix my jaw and was badly. Injured by the person I hited who is in the power position. FAIC, he's shortened my life span. I used to have a great life. Now its torture
(15,568 posts)On a thread like this they self delete?
Clouds Passing
(4,010 posts)debm55
(43,489 posts)button , it disappeared. Please hang in there. We love you and care for you. I was just going to post that I feel very depressed I read somewhere that the lack of sunlight will do that. You are loved, I wish you luck with the priest. I talked to a priest about 5 years ago. He was young. He told me I had a lack of faith. I had the TMJ surgery at University Dental School. My jaw went through my skull. Please it will be better, It you still fill this way , go to the ER. You are loved. Don't give up. It is a shitty situation you are in. Demand that your husband give you money or throw his ass out. Please mail me and let me know how things are after you meet with the priest. Deb
Ill just feel better after talking to him. I don't remember PMing you. Yesterday was find-a-lawyer day. She basically gave me free advice, and as a medical expert, I didn't have to keep explaining the technical- medical parts, which was a relief. Said these cases are hard to prove. Said this dentist may have damaged the soft disk which will not show up on xray. The world "quack" was used. I will keep you posted tyvm. Good to know you care.
(43,489 posts)Surgeon was head of the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Dental Department. See if they can connect you with a Dental Surgeon and not just a dentist.
(15,568 posts)A real md specialist/tmj/ surgeon.
(43,489 posts)Like I said I stayed the hospital , I had a disk they gave me to exercise my jaw, Off work for a month. One weird thing, I don't want to scare you. but it was so bad that they had to cut off my right ear (they reattached it) to get to the skull and jaw bone
(15,568 posts)Had splints to stabilize jaw which happened until he injured me
(20,237 posts)Hugin
(35,827 posts)Going through something similar to what I went through a few years ago.
My eye was constantly watering the pain was so intense. The slightest breeze on my face (masks were regularly worn) would double me over.
I went through every specialist I could find with no solutions and didnt have an inkling of what it could be until I was talking with my cousin and she told me that shed had a similar event some years before.
Its a nightmare. Saw an ent. Pretty useless. Well see neuro in March (!). Will see an actual tmj surgeon MD medical dr next week per the dental lawyer. Pissed bc this might have been. Ok had he not shoved it
(35,827 posts)Keep doing what it takes.
Probably the only advice I have is to get one of those buckwheat filled heating pads to hold on it for a time. Those things can be a frikking miracle.
I'm hoping for a miracle. I wish I could get my money back
Response to XanaDUer2 (Original post)
Aristus This message was self-deleted by its author.
(15,568 posts)LuckyCharms
(19,736 posts)I have several chronic illnesses that sometimes feel like they are wearing me right down to a nub.
The best thing to do when it gets overwhelming is to imagine that you are rolling yourself up into a ball...and then...imagine "rolling" with your pain. As you continue to fight it and search for solutions, try to make peace with it at the same time.
I know you don't see any light at the end of the tunnel, but never give up hope. Keep reaching out as you need to. There are many DUers here that understand, because they are in similar boats.
Keep're going to be alright. Slow and steady, but keep working towards a good outcome.
Don't worry about deleted posts. they happen for a variety of reasons. Perhaps the poster decided not to respond because they couldn't word it like they wanted to, perhaps they made a mistake in their post, all kinds of reasons for that, that are not nefarious.
Best wishes to you.
Keep fighting.
(15,568 posts)I'm sorry for your troubles. Know what makes this 1000% worse. That things were going so well. Then the careless injury. I cleaned out my bank account for this specialist treatment.
At home, I'm looking for the words, i believe he hurt you. I'm here. And I'm not getting it. Obviously in his office, I'm nuts and overly sensitive bc, lawsuit. I prepaid and in the middle of treatment.
(19,736 posts)If you're not getting support from a person, then fuck 'em. Go find support where you can. No one is better than anyone else, and one person's opinion should not impact the way you feel about yourself. If someone is minimizing your pain, find someone else who won't minimize it, and ignore the person who is making you miserable.
Easier said then done because of life circumstances of course, just don't allow the harsh words of another to bring you down. You know what happened, you know how you feel, other people may not. And if they don't care enough to support you...then ignore them the best you can.
(43,489 posts)LoisB
(9,615 posts)end this nightmare for you. Hugs
All my money is gone from the original treatment. Lawyers want nothing to do with it. Now the pain seems to be constant. It wasnt before. If i sat quietly with my jaw slack, it wasnt in pain. Now I'm really getting scared. Its a nightmare that keeps getting worse
(43,489 posts)my dentist don't even do root canals. WHY? In PA you need a license to do it, as that is a specialty. Take care my frienc. Love,Deb.
(15,568 posts)Sogo
(6,069 posts)Consider that before surgery.
Contact me via the DU email to receive her contact info.
I have great sympathy for your situation. I had chronic pain most of my adult life until I was recommended by a friend to see this chiro. It was life changing....