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Related: Culture Forums, Support ForumsTop Ten Worst Songs Made Since 1950
This will be something I do or will try to do every week. A top ten list of things in pop culture. The list is subjective to my opinion, but feedback and entries you list could be used in future lists as long as the feedback is relatively polite. Now, on with the list.
Music is the universal language. A good song sticks with a listener forever while a bad song sticks in your ear forever. This week, we will examine some of the worst popular songs made since 1950. To make this list, three things must exist in the song:
A: It must be a popular song from the time it was made.
B: The lyrics and/or music must be so horrifically terrible is becomes an ear-worm the second you hear it.
C: Cringe level of the song must be off the charts.
Without further ado, here is my list of the Ten Worst Songs since 1950 along with an honorable mention.
HM: Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da - Beatles: You know a song sucks when even bandmates claim it is the worst shit they did. John Lennon and George Harrison panned this piece of shit. Inspid, almost sexist lyrics, stupid ass music riffs that are annoying, and sound effects in the background straight out of Dr. Seuss. Sorry, this is the low point of one of the greatest bands ever. At least The Offspring did it better with Why Dont You Get a Job in the late 1990s.
10. Rack City - Tyga: This song is just six words long. Lyrics written by a toddler rapped by someone who sounds like hes sleeping through the song, and the fact that it made it all the way up the charts shows how rap has fallen from Biggie, LL Cool J, Naughty By Nature, and Tupac. The simplistic drum, bass, and finger snap music that accompanies it proves it was written by a toddler.
09. Fuck It (I Dont Want You Back) - Eamon: I dont know whats worse. . .the lyrics, the terrible flow, or the whiny, high pitched vocals. Actually what made it worse was it was a smug, slick marketing ploy by the production company to make this and its female response Fuck You Right Back with the cringe lyric I had better sex all alone. Hell has places specifically for artists like Eamon and Frankee.
08. Achy Breaky Heart - Billy Ray Cyrus: Overplayed, stupid, and generic, Billy Rays early 1990s country barf-fest made me hate county music for years. The best thing about this song was Weird Al ripping it to pieces by begging the DJ please dont play that stupid song no more.
07. Christmas Shoes - Newsong: This is the definition of insipid Christmas music. Only Santa Baby (which makes the singer sound like a sex obsessed homewrecker) come close to the over-the-top mawkishness of this tripe. It wasnt even endearing on the level of the child.
06. Shape of You - Ed Sheeran: One lyrics shows how pathetic and shallow modern music is: Im in love with your body. Not your mind. Not your soul. Not your ambition, just your body. Screw you, Ed Sheeran. Most of your songs are trash, but this one takes the cake.
05. Honey - Bobby Goldsboro: This is a songs answer to a garish jumpsuit. If one can sit through this garbage without metaphorically throwing up or turning this off, more power to you. Who cares about that stupid tree? This song is consistently considered one of the worst ever made on many lists.
04. (I Wanna Be) Bobbys Girl - Marcie Blaine: Most songs from the 1950s and early 1960s for women are extremely cringe for modern audiences. Its My Party, Judys Turn to Cry, Leader of the Pack, and Chapel of Love are a few that so that the men that wrote these songs knew nothing about women and didnt care. But Marcie Blaines Bobbys Girl is probably the worst, and it is the singers sole ambition to be the girlfriend of some guys girl because its the most important thing to her and if she was, what a faithful, thankful girl she would be. Setting feminism back decades.
03. Barbie Girl - Aqua: Life is plastic, its fantastic. You can fix my hair, take me anywhere. Lyrics by an airhead, sung by an airhead for airheads. Just the anthem the shallow part of the 1990s needed. Its the 1990s answer to Madonnas Material Girl.
02. Simple Simon Says - 1910 Fruitgum Company: The name of the band explains it all. This group sucked, everything they sang sucked, it was 1960s cheesy bumble gum and one needs to be stoned or loaded to enjoy it. All it is a sung version of simon sez. Perfect for the discerning five year old, but this song was meant for adults. Even the music is terrible.
01. We Built This City - Starship: How the mighty fall. They went from edgy with White Rabbit, Volunteers, and We Shall Be Together in the 1960s, to Nothings Gonna Stop Us Now and this trash. They even complain how corporation change their names all the time, but this band changed its name three times. This song is consistently #1 on most worst song lists and listening to it, with its over repeating chorus lines and really shitty music riffs, one can understand why it is #1 on this list as well.

(12,739 posts)And made the almost as hideous Summer of Love.
Fun fact, Bernie Taupin wrote the lyrics to We Built This City.
(971 posts)That album had some great stuff on it. Why they later churned out awful dreck like "We Built This City" I have no idea.
(12,739 posts)Miracles, Fast Buck Freddy, Ride the Tiger, those were great tunes. I even enjoyed some of the Mickey Thomas stuff like Jane and Laying It On the Line - it wasn't as good, but it was nowhere near as bad as the Starship dreck.I've heard that the reformed JEFFERSON Starship stuff from the late 90s and 00s was good, but I've never heard it.
(189,243 posts)BTW - Rocket Man has no rhymes in it. Nothing rhymes.
(12,739 posts)The closest it comes (that I can think of) is "Long long time" and "again to find". It's close, but still no cigar.
(189,243 posts)I love a good steam but its a struggle. At one Y I used to go to I used to pick a number of songs to last through. 4-5 is a good 15-20 minutes. Rocket Man came on and I listened to the words. I had no idea.
(25,498 posts)1) You're Havin' My Baby (Paul Anka); 2) Danny's (Dumb) Song (Loggins/Messina); 3) Never Been To Me (Charlene--whoever the hell she is); and 4) Everything Leo Bleepin' Sayer ever did.
(I'll save the Bee Gees disco catalog for another day.....)
Long Live Rock!! - - -
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(6,475 posts)Paul Anka is music? News to me. hehehe
(25,190 posts)Mike 03
(18,211 posts)I noticed this thread. That and "It Was A Very Good Year," that funereal Frank Sinatra song.
(32,715 posts)My husband made up some confounded lyrics to this and sung them to me at a party when I pregnant...LOL
(19,715 posts)I'm not familiar with most of the others, but I actually like Danny's song! I can't help but love a lyric like "Even though we ain't got money, I'm so in love with you, honey," and the tune is great, imo.
To each his or her own!
(32,715 posts)Kenny Loggins wrote it for his brother because he couldn't afford to give his brother a present for his little kid.
(65,820 posts)Please don't hate me or feel sorry for me. That was music that made me feel happy. We even danced to some of it in Jazzercise!
(578 posts)Afternoon Delight
Made even worse by subjecting myself to the video.
And the also weird Take a Letter Maria, a soap opera in a song. But RB Greaves has a great voice and even though it's a terrible song I listened all the way through.
Best regards,
Sorghum Crow
(6,475 posts)Sneederbunk
(15,874 posts)on July 10, 1976, it was #1 single on the Billboard 100
Prof. Toru Tanaka
(2,490 posts)LudwigPastorius
(11,848 posts)it does have a well-crafted and well-sung vocal arrangement.
I mean, they could have just phoned in simple 4 part harmony, but there is some thought put into it, with some suspensions and a couple of times when there are moving inner parts.
(2,507 posts)Especially because of the muskrat chittering noises.
Supposedly Captain and Tennille sang it at some state dinner, and Kissinger was completely confused
(6,475 posts)Or "Ooga Chaka, Ooga Chaka, Ooga ooga ooga chaka" version of Hooked on a Feeling by Blue Swede.
Sanity Claws
(22,133 posts)That was one dumb song
(19,715 posts)I loved the Captain and Tennille, but that song was the worst!
The Madcap
(1,025 posts)That was mine. Especially the "performance" from the TV C&T Variety show with the muskrat puppets. Aaargh!!! I had suppressed that memory, or so I thought.
Response to Shipwack (Reply #6)
The Madcap This message was self-deleted by its author.
(32,715 posts)
(70,768 posts)Sue was a sort of novelty country act but her songs were strictly bubble gum. Paper Tiger was kinda good though..sort of a a feminist anthem of the day
(7,579 posts)I could listen to We Built This City on repeat all day rather than catch even three seconds of LST.
(6,475 posts)ShazzieB
(19,715 posts)Of course, they did as a folk song and didn't try to turn it into a slick pop number, and it sounded totally different and even had a different title, but I love it. 😁
(6,475 posts)waiting room picking at my guitar. I recognized the voice but not the man, but he helped me with some fingering because I was trying to play and learn The Garden Song.
Seeger was one of the nicest men I ever met in my like. Old Folkie, if you like Harry Chapin (who is another of my idols), spent about ten minutes with me until I built up the nerve to ask if I was playing his song. He smiled and said "well, I did record it a long time ago but it isn't my song."
Then I heard "Mr. Seeger" called from a room and he got up and walked into an office to do business.
(19,715 posts)Thanks for a sharing this. I absolutely love Pete Seeger, too! (Present tense, because my love and respect for him will never die, even though he's gone now. )
(51,983 posts)Jay Siegel, the Tokens' singer, liked the project so much he was in several of the videos for "The Liar Tweets Tonight."
(20,237 posts)it might be related to then apartheid South Africa. Who ever was originally singing it or someone else. Pete Seeger, maybe.
The idea idea being that The Lion was at some point going to wake up. Either Pete S or someone else in live concert chanted to the Black African audience "You are the lion". Prophecyizing that one they would rise up and defeat apartheid.
(29,169 posts)You're Having My Baby and MacArthur Park.
(3,201 posts)dwayneb
(971 posts)I liked it because it had actual dynamics and tempo/melodic changes unlike most of the popular songs of the time.
But the lyrics were pretty frightful that's for sure "someone left the cake out in the rain" and "sweet green icing flowing down" are so weird it's tough to get past them.
(32,715 posts)I'm like, "Who's Richard Harris?"
"You know that song MacArthur Park?"
"You know the song about the melting cake in the rain and the icing flowing down. I'll never have that recipe again...Oh no!!!!"
(29,692 posts)And if we needed any additional proof of Richard Harris' lack of singing ability, his performance in "Camelot" sealed the deal. Loved him in "This Sporting Life," where all he did was some fine acting...
(54,518 posts)Even as 7 and 9 year olds, my sister and I would sing sad operatic versions of it into our hairbrushes and then collapse laughing.
(20,237 posts)made me laugh! 😁 Good fun!
(9,805 posts)Musically. Words
oh well. Songwriter Jimmy Webb wrote an autobiography titled The Cake and the Rain. 😊
Fun fact: Webb wrote the song with The Association in mind, who turned it down. They would have been awesome.
(10,628 posts)But musically its ok IMO. Maynard Ferguson did a killer version of it. Being strictly instrumental, the listener is spared the word salad lyrics.
(32,715 posts)Harris was diagnosed with Hodgkin's disease in August 2002, reportedly after being hospitalised with pneumonia.[39] He died at University College Hospital in Bloomsbury, London, on 25 October 2002, aged 72.[40] Harris had quipped that "It was the food!" as he was wheeled out of the Savoy Hotel for the last time.
Followed by: "And I will never have the recipe again!!!!" (I added that one)
(18,368 posts)group of people who absolutely hate it.
But I'm the only person with the MacArthur Park ringtone.
10 Turtle Day
(656 posts)Id also nominate Worst that Could Happen by Brooklyn Bridge and Ruby, Dont take your Love to Town by Kenny Rogers. The first is about a guy who, instead of being even superficially happy for his sex partner, he is bummed she is getting married because that means he cant have her anymore, yet he would never marry her because its not my scene and Rogers song includes the line about if he could walk hed get his gun and put her in the ground. Chauvenistic pigs at their worst.
(6,475 posts)Song is practically about an abusive narcissist trying to regain his supply and be obsessive about not giving in and is a whinefest about how terrible his life has become without her in it.
(19,715 posts)Decided to see if anyone already had, and ta-da!
(9,805 posts)Another gem by Jimmy Webb. Musically great, lyrically cringe. A girl like you needs to be married
you unhip thing.
His autobiography was a fun read. Sounds like a great guy in spite of this. It was the 70s.
True Dough
(22,164 posts)So bad musically and lyrically!
(2,996 posts)Thanks for playing. I win.
(6,475 posts)why is all social media so flip and smug in responses?
(54,518 posts)ShazzieB
(19,715 posts)I certainly don't know why Balkad of the Green Berets would not be eligible for this.
(6,349 posts)wnylib
(25,190 posts)Sounds like an incel stalker working himself up to commit rape.
Johnny Get Angry -- Joanie Summers. Masochistic woman begs her boyfriend to show her who's the boss.
My Sharona -- The Knack. Every word is totally creepy and cringeworthy.
Young Girl -- Gary Picket and the Union Gap. Pedophile sex attraction song that blames the girl for being too sexy for her age.
(6,475 posts)Along with the lines:
"Although you know that it's wrong to be
along with me
That come on look is in your eyes."
I personally never had a problem with Gary Puckett's songs.
(25,190 posts)He also claims that she has "that come on look" in her eyes.
If you have ever encountered a pedophile, which I have (in work and volunteer settings), you know that the words of the song are how pedophiles think and talk.
To a pedophile, an 11 year old girl in a family pool with her friends is being deliberately seductive by wearing a bathing suit. When she looks up at him to see who just entered the yard, he sees a "come on look" in her eyes. I encountered that attitude when I was a volunteer Big Sister for a 5th grade girl whose stepmother's 25 year old brother molested her. She was terrified of him but eventually told her teacher, who called police. He insisted that she continually came on to him. He saw the look of fear in her eyes as seductive.
The second time was when I was doing some work for a domestic violence agency which offered women's support groups, housing, and a day care center. There was a guy who worked there part time. Another employee heard from someone she knew that he had a rape conviction. I was there when she asked him directly about it. He said that it was "only" statutory rape because the girl was 14 and he was 34 but she had acted older and lied about her age. A background check by the agency director showed that he knew the girl, her family, her age, and took advantage of her trust in him. He insisted that she dressed and looked older when SHE supposedly seduced HIM.
He was fired, along with the supervisor who hired him without a background check.
Doesn't it sound at all strange that a guy who knows a girl is underage sings about his longing and desire for her that he finds hard to resist? A man with a healthy attraction to age appropriate women would not be so obsessed with an under age one.
(3,044 posts)AZLD4Candidate
(6,475 posts)and at the end of the song he tells to to get lost. He did exactly what I did when I was invited to one of my student's homes in China for dinner by her parents only to get there to see the student was alone and tried to do something with me because "I love you, teacher."
I couldn't get out of that house fast enough!
"With the charms of a woman
You've kept the secret of your youth
You led me to believe your old enough
to give your love
But now it hurts to know the truth"
"Beneath your perfume and makeup
You're just a baby in disguise
And though you know that it's wrong to be
Alone with me
That come on look is in your eyes
So hurry home to your mama
I'm sure she wonders where you are.
"Get out of here
Before I have the time
To change my mind
Because I'm afraid we'll go to far."
Young girl, get out of my mind
My love for you is way out of line
Better run girl
You're just too young girl
(25,190 posts)an underage girl. No age given. Throughout the song, he blames the girl for his attraction to her. By remarkable coincidence, that is the same mentality of pedophiles.
(3,044 posts)Freddie
(9,805 posts)His voice isnt as great anymore but he has an entertaining show. He admitted a lot of his hits had mature themes and wouldnt be played on the radio today.
(6,475 posts)prodigitalson
(3,044 posts)same with stalking
(939 posts)It sounds good but is kind of creepy.
(3,044 posts)Every move you make
Every step you take
I'll be watching you
Oh can't you see
you belong to me
(54,667 posts)prodigitalson
(3,044 posts)The older stuff is better and even more inapropriate now that I think about it - Don't Stand So Close to Me for example. Arguably a straight up pedo song but way more interesting musically than anything on that album with Every Breath. Wrapped Around Your Finger got old fast too, and it was pretty much Every Breath Pt 2., musically..less stalkery
(19,715 posts)It was about a creepy stalker. Sting said so, and he was weirded out that so many people thought it was a sweet love song!
Mike 03
(18,211 posts)to nominate "Tea in the Sahara" off Synchronicity.
(3,044 posts)I don't remember the song. I read the lyrics just now. Still doesn't ring a bell.
(28,221 posts)prodigitalson
(3,044 posts)I think they're like 30 when they're singing it so, gross either way
(19,385 posts)(She's) Sexy & 17
(32,715 posts)Polybius
(19,385 posts)Never thought of it that way, just that the singer wasn't a good friend to Jesse, because he had a crush on his girlfriend.
(19,385 posts)That song is as pedo as you can get.
(12,913 posts)especially when sung Karaoke style by drunks at a wedding.
(18,014 posts)... but "He Hit Me and it Felt Like a Kiss" has always been #1 on my list of Worst Song Ever. The Crystals reportedly hated doing it, and that it was written by King/Goffin makes it even more awful.
-- Mal
(26,331 posts)The title alone is terrible. I think I'll pass on checking it out.
(2,128 posts)Mosby
(18,220 posts)Danascot
(4,983 posts)"Yummy Yummy Yummy (I Got Love In My Tummy)" by Ohio Express
It makes me want to lose the contents of my tummy whenever I'm forced to think about it.
(6,475 posts)People are missing the first part of my post.
The list is subjective to my opinion, but feedback and entries you list could be used in future lists as long as the feedback is relatively polite.
(18,014 posts)But I enjoy satire.
-- Mal
(3,044 posts)We Built This City from your list is a close second, possibly tied for first.
I Wanna Talk About Me by Toby Keith
It is actually worse than his "boot in your ass", 9/11 song.
"We talk about your guys of every shape and size
The ones that you despise and the ones you idolize
We talk about your heart, 'bout your brain and your smarts
And your medical charts and when you start"
(6,475 posts)AZLD4Candidate
(6,475 posts)prodigitalson
(3,044 posts)You know. When you're in the shower check for lady lumps!
(6,475 posts)My Humps does!
(3,044 posts)And not even "sexy" vapid, like the Marilyn Monroe archetype. I put sexy in quotes because it's not my cup of tea. However I do "get it" as a lowest common denominator objectification of women, ie I understand what is going on. "My lovely lady lumps" is just gross and weird. Truly WTF. When I found out my teenage (at the time) daughter was getting into Bikini Kill and other Riot Grrrl genre stuff from my college days I was pretty relieved...impressed actually.
(25,498 posts)OMG, what a pile of vapid tripe that one is!
And then there's Donny --ugh!-- Osmond's "Puppy Love"---what that puppy did wasn't love, but poor housebreaking. I'd need a doo-bag to remotely touch that one.
(1,049 posts)...with some of cringiest lyrics of all time:
"They're sharing a drink called 'loneliness,
But it's better than drinking alone".
And probably the worst use of an accordion in a pop song (and the instrument can work well as Paul Simon's "Boy In the Bubble" and any half-assed zydeco song has proven) ever.
(189,243 posts)Its a limerick on a waltz. He also said its probably the worst piano bar song to play because its just the same song over and over. People are disappointed when they hear it played because they dont realize that its so repetitive.
(19,715 posts)I really do, I think it's my favorite Billy Joel song! It's so tuneful, and the lyrics are great, imo.
It's funny how differently people can react to the same song. I don't think any of us are wrong, necessarily; it's very subjective, like the op says.
(10,628 posts)He said that song was simply a nostalgia thing for him. He and his friends would sing a cappella songs when they were kids.
(12,613 posts)Billy Graham blasted it during one of his TV broadcasted Crusades we had to watch as children. He said the song was ridiculous because there are no marriages in heaven. Just forget the dead wife and find another.
(971 posts)Yikes.
The Wandering Harper
(915 posts)for making him listen to it
Frownland by Captain Beefheart
(799 posts)jimfields33
(19,382 posts)I actually like the song. But it was ruined by trump making it his campaign song.
(235 posts)Or Brand New Key? Minnie Rippertons Loving You is nails on a blackboard!!!!!
(37,137 posts)Last edited Fri Dec 6, 2024, 11:16 PM - Edit history (1)
at people biased against other groups. Randy Newman is a brilliant guy.
I am a short person, and I loved that song!
(37,137 posts)at an event years ago. He could not have been nicer, though he is reserved. I told him a relative was driving several hours to attend his concert with me, and he asked which was his favorite song. Randy then dedicated that song to my relative at the concert.
(939 posts)I improved it by changing it to apply to Trump:
If you hate subpoena coladas
Getting caught and arraigned
If you're full into MAGA
If you have half a brain...
If you like stealing docs at midnight
But need help when you're caught
I'm the lawyer you've looked for
Write to me and I'm bought.
(6,475 posts)Mike 03
(18,211 posts)Godawful...
(398 posts)On that song.
(939 posts)LeftInTX
(32,715 posts)NBachers
(18,368 posts)bif
(24,815 posts)LeftInTX
(32,715 posts)Required listening at our house!
He also wrote Come On-a My House
(15,120 posts)I can't remember who did it. Also The East Side of Chicago.
(704 posts)"The Night Chicago Died"? That was by the
English group Paper Lace who obviously knew
nothing about Chicago. I was born and raised there
and every time that came on my flesh would crawl.
Like the Chicago cops having a huge shootout with
the Capone mob when much of the force was in his
pocket. Also, Capone ran the south side not the so called
"east side". Talk about tortured history.
(15,120 posts)boonecreek
(704 posts)I was driving home from Minnesota. I couldn't
believe what I hearing. Thought to myself "Well
they've never been to Chicago"
(320 posts)megahertz
(182 posts)Don't remember who did them and not inclined to Google. Terrible songs.
(2 posts)Has anyone mentioned this one? I remember hearing that there was a Gong Show episode where every contestant sang it. May be apocryphal.
(795 posts)AZLD4Candidate
(6,475 posts)But those first two lines are straight out of high school puppy love. Cringe.
Then Joan Jett didn't change the object's gender, making it a lesbian song which makes it just as cringe and how can you love someone you don't hardly know.
(9,441 posts)Disco....................AWFUL!!!!!!!!!.............I hesitate to even call it music. I like to refer to it as a horrible phase.......
I have several but one that hasn't been mentioned yet:
Billy Don't Be A Hero......God help me...
(37,137 posts)There are so many layers in this number by Michael Jackson:
(41,406 posts)Emile
(33,054 posts)LogDog75
(320 posts)Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da, I fell in love with this song after seeing the movie Yesterday.
Here are a couple of stinkers:
You Light up My Life by Debby Boone
Tiptoe Through the Tulips by Tiny Tim
I Got You Babe by Sonny and Cher
BTW, I do love the parody songs and offbeat songs Dr. Demento used to play on his weekly radio program.
(971 posts)I'm a sucker for sappy love songs that a lot of people dislike for example.
I liked "Tiptoe Through the Tulips" just because it was so freaking weird.
(8,980 posts)Ugh!!!
(1,107 posts)AZLD4Candidate
(6,475 posts)Bristlecone
(10,633 posts)IMHO
(971 posts)Yes I know, many people LOVE this song.
But it repeats itself again and again and again until "Last Christmas, I gave you my heart" is burned into your brain. Repeat that lyric again and freaking AGAIN.
I'm sure everyone here knows all about Whamageddon where the objective is to go as long as possible without hearing "Last Christmas"... You're out as soon as you recognize the song.
(32,715 posts)The movie that it is from is a Bollywood remake of Kramer versus Kramer..LOL
(3,165 posts)Old pervert.
(19,715 posts)Ringo had one of his biggest post Beatles hits with that song, and I love it. I don't think it was ever meant to be pervy, and I don't think people should read that into it.
It could certainly be done in a pervy manner, but when I hear the Ringo version, I hear it as a nostalgia thing. The song originally came out in 1960, and when Ringo did it in 1973, I saw it as him playing the role of a teenage boy singing about his girlfriend. And he does it SO well!
Amanita Pantherina
(57 posts)Day after day, there are girls at the office. And men will always be men. Dont send him off with your hair still in curlers. You may not see him again.
(37,137 posts)Freddie
(9,805 posts)I think it was written for a movie (which one?)
(37,137 posts)dwayneb
(971 posts)Such a singsong melody and silly lyrics. I had tried to forget about this one actually.
(6,475 posts)GReedDiamond
(5,411 posts)...with music (Battle Hymn of the Republic) behind the narration:
An Open Letter To My Teenage Son by Victor Lundberg.
That said, it is my belief that this may be THE WORST RECORD EVER RECORDED & RELEASED, OF ALL TIME:
If you don't believe me, just try listening to it.
(6,475 posts)FullySupportDems
(297 posts)I thought it was laughing at itself. And the video cracks me up. It's not for everyone
(19,715 posts)Barbie Girl is great! I've always thought of it as satire.
(297 posts)LeftInTX
(32,715 posts)EuterpeThelo
(7 posts)from the Footloose soundtrack gets my vote. Ugh!
Midnight Writer
(23,494 posts)and everything with Auto-tuned vocals.
(3,647 posts)radical noodle
(9,561 posts)Does that qualify, or did I just dream that it was once played over and over on the radio?
(40,321 posts)One of those repetitive, creativity-free songs that signaled the end of the greatest popular music era there will ever be (1965-1975), not least because it was a major hit and Andrea True was so hawt!
(754 posts)I learned from a colleague when I was playing professionally not to be a musical snob because the song I might want to denigrate could be very important to someone else.
Sure, I have my opinions about what songs are the worst but I tend to keep those to myself when a song doesn't speak to me.
People listen to music I don't like because it moves them and speaks to them. Who am I to judge?
I know what I like and that's all I need.
That's the beauty of music.
(19,715 posts)consider_this
(2,840 posts)Both are lame horny cringey 'I'll use my hands' gag!
Elessar Zappa
(16,308 posts)Although that top 10% from the 60s was some of the best ever!
(19,715 posts)"Last Kiss" - originally recorded by Wayne Cochran in 1961 and covered by lots of other artists since, including Pearl Jam in 1999.
The tune of this song is so irresistibly catchy that I can't help wanting to sing along with it, but the lyrics are unbearably maudlin, to me at least:
Oh, where oh where can my baby be?
The Lord took her away from me
She's gone to heaven, so I got to be good
So I can see my baby when I leave this world
(7,983 posts)I hated it. Still do.
(19,715 posts)I still haven't decided whether to forgive them for dragging that dirge out of the dustbin of pop music history where it belonged.
There was a version out when I was in high school (mid 60s), that earned my undying distaste. I have no idea who that artist was, but even at 15, I hated the song, and I was happy to let it fade into the recesses of my memory. But oh no, Pearl Jam just had to go and resurrect it!
(10,777 posts)than listen to that damned "Christmas Shoes" once.
(6,958 posts)RZZZZZ!![]()
(51,983 posts)The only way they could have possibly made that song any better is to send the studio's tape deck back to Switzerland for maintenance with a note in the crate: Keep this until he leaves.
Dave Bowman
(4,771 posts)
(29,692 posts)"I Feel Love" by Donna Summer.
(5,358 posts)
(37,552 posts)that was Julian Lennon sang.
(9,805 posts)WHAT did Honey die of? She knew she had cancer but never saw a doctor and hid it from her husband? Always bothered me as a kid.
(704 posts)"My Ding a Ling" by Chuck Berry. Good grief Chuck,
what were you thinking?
Aviation Pro
(14,060 posts)Total earworm.
(5,358 posts)Just reading the words put it in my head. Aaarrrg!
(3,724 posts)They ATE HIM!!
(6,475 posts)Dulcinea
(7,983 posts)Whoever made this piece of crap a part of every sporting event should be hunted down. I HATE that song.
(19,382 posts)Old Crank
(5,366 posts)Here in Munich.
Along with Country Roads and Sweet home Alabama
(10,628 posts)#1. Kung Fu Fighting: Carl Douglas
#2. is a tie: every country & western song
Just my humble opinion. Different strokes and all that.
(3,188 posts)Funky town by Lipps...has like 15 words total
Disco fact almost every disco hit could be on this list. That this made it to #15 is pathetic. The only thing the Cleveland Indians did marginally correct in the seventies was burning disco record and they even managed to screw that up.
Dancing in the streets ...maybe it's just the video with Jagger and Bowie that sets me off.
Achy breaky heart...already mentioned but so awful that I had to include it.
Mmbop by Hanson brothers. Chorus is an ear worm.
Maybe Baby ...I think her name is Carly rae jessup. And now it's on commercials.
So much of recent music doesn't even have a good hook to make an earworm.
Clash City Rocker
(3,544 posts)The Madcap
(1,025 posts)C .W. McCall
Paper Roses
(7,535 posts)Trellastic
(69 posts)1. Hollyann by Boston
2. Air Supply The One that You Love
3. Sport'n a Woody by Dangerous Toys
4. Sailing by Christopher Cross
5. - Carrie by Europe
6. Sexy Eyes by Dr. Hook
7. Don't you want me by the Human League
8. How Deep is your Love by The BeeGees
9. Do that to me one more time- Captain and Tennille
10. Girls by Dwight Twilley
(32,715 posts)Conjuay
(2,300 posts)I believe, "Wives and Lovers" has not been given the top spot. It should, it really should.
(19,385 posts)Christmas Shoes: I actually loved that song, it's made me cry multiple times haha. I even own the trilogy of movies, although the first is by far the the best.
Barbie Girl: Ehh, it's catchy. My generation loved it.

(32,715 posts)About six months ago, I started a thread about cheesy 80's videos.
(18,368 posts)LeftInTX
(32,715 posts)Me and Mrs Jones (Lame)
Alone Again Naturally
I've Never Been To Me
Send in the Clowns
Midnight at the Oasis
The Pushbike Song (For the pushing sounds)
Im Not Lisa (My name is Julie)
Yesterday Once More (The Carpenters)
Im Not In Love
Telephone Man
Its A Heartache
Chevy Van
William Shatner's cover of Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds
Winchester Cathedral
Bill Cosby - Little Ole Man (I actually like the song, it's a remix of Stevie Wonder's Uptight Everything is Alright. But it's a remix before remixes were a thing. It always left me scratching my head! Now I know it was the first remix I heard)
(189,243 posts)Hate those songs.