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Appmnt is sooner than the ENT appmnt. Headache. Took aspirin, ES Tylenol and 3 ibuprofen. Scared. But hope for imaging.

(38,622 posts)Wondering what will be found...if anything...
(648 posts)If the problem is truly nerve related, it difficult to see on imaging. But misalignment of the joints and inflammation of muscles, ligaments and tendons might be seen. Wishing you luck and hopefully some answers!
(15,567 posts)I just feel its nerves. Now I'm getting tingling on the left crown of my head
(648 posts)That can certainly cause nerve impingement and still be a source of your pain. So even though the imaging cant really show the actual smaller nerves, it can still be helpful in revealing a source of pain. Nerves are just not well seen on any imaging modality. But nerve pain can be inferred from other abnormalities made apparent on scans.
Best of luck - I hope you find relief soon!
(71,848 posts)Hope all goes as well as possible.
(87 posts)Hi there. After a lot of misses on the road to diagnosis, a great doctor finally concluded that I had migraine.
I now get Botox 4 times per year. It has helped tremendously.
For times when the migraine becomes more prominent, my remedies are Advil and Ativan and REST!!! If it starts to get bad, then I take sumatriptan. A similar helpful remedy is water with mint and ginger.
Good luck. I did get better.
(15,567 posts)I was jaw injured by my dentist a few months ago. He didn't care and I've been waiting for it to resolve for several months. But its getting worse spreading arnd my jaw and skull
(87 posts)XanaDUer2
(15,567 posts)But I can no longer wait for this to resolve no matter what the dentist who hurt me says
(35,078 posts)New answers to look at.
Good luck.
(15,567 posts)Its time
(20,237 posts)electric_blue68
(20,237 posts)I'm now 71! So like 55 yrs ago; and I still remember it!
Pain, nausea, the crazy internal eye "lights", light sensitivity. Uggghh!
This new eye doctor for possible hard contacts looked into my eye with the light and magnifying glass for sooo long I got crazy colored lights in that eye.
Then it went away, but because my eyes were still dialated my dad had to hold my arm esp when we hit the sunny side of street. I think he drove us home (vs subway).
When I got home the migraine started up. So I know how awful they are.
May you continue to enjoy relief!