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This discussion thread was locked as off-topic by Omaha Steve (a host of the The DU Lounge forum).
I cant exactly say Ive been a beacon ray of sunshine or that Ive felt great or wanted to do much since the election, but that doesnt mean lifes been without its positives since then.
- Joining BlueSky.
- Adding to my autographed Sports Illustrated collection this month - Chuck Foreman (in downtown Nashville), plus Elvin Hayes, Bernard King and Billy Smith thanks to help from some family.
- Moments with my girlfriend, such as seeing Lights Under Louisville and going shopping at Walmart yesterday with Toys for Tots and seeing kids she knows from school saying hi and hugging her.
- A local high school football team I cover is playing in the state championship game Saturday.
What about the rest of you? Whats been some more positive moments youve experienced during this three-week nightmare?

(12,663 posts)I was ( and still am) nervous about being out and trans right now, but I decided Im not letting any right wing asshole put me back in the closet. So Ive been out and loud since the election.
And my doctor signed off on estrogen treatment so thats underway.
But the most amazing was reconnecting with my ex-wife. We havent spoken in 25 years, but I felt I had to tell her I was trans. And it was like the floodgates opened. We chatted all weekend and were able to support each other in dealing with our post election fears. She said it was like healing an old wound and making a new friend with one conversation.
(120,685 posts)Snuggling with my kitty.
Seeing the full moon over the Front Range.
Watching the sunrise gilding the treetops and making the mountains glow.
This month's wine tasting at my favourite wine bar.
The loaf of pumpkin bread one of my neighbors baked for me.
Seeing "Wicked" with friends.
Getting funny, clever, sneaky memes from a friend every midnight.
The Beaujolais Nouveau are in!
(2,232 posts)I feel like we need this. Its not going to be easy, but we can still see some good in the big things and little things.
Silent Type
(7,342 posts)with us for day. And shes coming tomorrow and a bunch more on Thanksgiving.
Omaha Steve
(103,796 posts)NO politics in the lounge.
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