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(43,476 posts)
(27,870 posts)About 30 inches long, it liked to insinuate itself into whatever my friend and I were doing. I was a bit skittish - not because I feared the iguana, but because it seemed almost fragile and I didnt want to hurt it by moving it out of the way.
I had an iguana named Fluffy. She was named after a 26 foot boa at the Columbus zoo. She liked to ride around on my shoulder and also liked to chase the cats. She would go out the cat flap into the side yard and eat dandelions and other things in the yard. I loved her, but she did not like the move we made when she couldn't do all those things. So she refused to eat for 3 months. I kept taking her to the vet and he would rehydrate her, but it was a lost cause. She was a once in a lifetime pet.
(33,052 posts)beaglelover
(4,210 posts)snot
(10,967 posts)they responded so well to pet-ification.
(13,109 posts)But that one is.