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Today I went to open a new savings account. The card associated with the account is an ATM card, not a debit card, it turns out, and it won't have the function of using it for things such as subscriptions, Lyft, yada.
That is disappointing to me.
I need a debit card to use for certain things.
I DO have a debit card on which my SS is delivered, but I use it only for bills, not for any purchases or so on.
Could I BUY a re-loadable debit card?

(11,857 posts)taxi
(2,105 posts)For example, Discover offers one with no annual fee, a minimum deposit of $200, and a review after six months for a potential return of your deposit.
(1,053 posts)You can buy cards (like MasterCard) which people sometimes use as gifts. Many are reloadable - however they also often include charges on top of the value. So you'd be essentially paying to access your own money.
Can you ask the customer service desk at your bank why your ATM card won't function as a debit card? They might have options that don't cost you anything.
(13,807 posts)I don't do regular banks any more.
What I most need a debit card for is for occasional Lyft rides for appointments. ATM card doesn't work for Lyft.
(71,853 posts)...(board secretary for 20 years) It was a community chartered CU with around $400 million in assets.
Any credit union can split the account into savings & checking.
Typically the first part of the account number is the same but the last 3 or 4 digits declare it a savings, checking (share draft), Dream Account, XMAS club & so on.
So, just split the amount and have a checking account with a debit card.
We've had exactly that since debit cards were launched. The CU is our PFI (Primary Financial Institution), with 3 other banks where money goes for specific expense areas. But, all day-to-day finances are with the CU.
We have 2 debit cards, one for each of us. Different numbers, different PINs.
(13,807 posts)Don't want a checking account, though.
I hate banks.
(71,853 posts)Credit unions have done checking accounts since the 70s.
You are already going to a credit union. Just do a credit union checking account.
What's the difference between doing a business with a CU savings account vs. both kinds of accounts with a credit union?
I'm not understanding the objection.
You hate banks so you went to a CU. Everything I described was about CU offerings.
No banks involved; none mentioned in my first post
Besides you don't have to get checks or use it as a checking account. You park money there so it's available for a debit card, which is what you wanted. Why the obduance?
(480 posts)Debit cards are associated with checking accounts, not savings accounts. I imagine there are some banks that offer an automatic free withdrawal from savings if a debit charge 'overdrafts' the attached checking account, not sure if the place you opened it does that, but that may be an option. Or just remember to move some money from savings to checking when you want to use the debit card. The checking account may cost you some money though esp. if you don't keep much $ in it. There's some other good suggestions in the thread above