The DU Lounge
Related: Culture Forums, Support ForumsMy cardiac specialist just told me to stay the fuck off DU.
See you guys on the other side! (The other side of the election, that is. Not the actual other side.)

(28,835 posts)Especially if your health is at issue.
Best of luck and stay healthy. Or as healthy as can be expected!
(64,190 posts)Last edited Sat Nov 2, 2024, 03:37 PM - Edit history (3) who have tried it have told me that they felt better after watching the 1st video, which is available immediately after submitting a very non-intrusive registration.
(You can download all the videos and electronic printed materials easily within 7 days.)

(18,149 posts)that probably identifies you in many dimensions. Usually you can just delete everything after the question mark ("?" .
Same working link without the tracking info:
Will do!
(177,384 posts)Sorry, just joking. If it helps your health, do it. We'll still be here.
(9,956 posts)It's entirely possible to make issues worse if you're bottling up tensions and not receiving valuable info.
WA-03 Democrat
(3,289 posts)I had a heart attack 2 months ago and the journey is hard. I limit to 30mins but your care team is right keep that BP low. I really embraced the cardiac rehab and it has helped my mind too. I had/have stress cardiomyopathy. My pump is good (EF at 65 or higher). Its hard but slow it down and keep chipping away!
Regardless of the election life will go on. Ive voted and donated. Hope to hear President Harris announced next Tuesday night !!
Blue Owl
(55,571 posts)

(12,771 posts)SallyHemmings
(1,926 posts)Well be here.
Simeon Salus
(1,416 posts)If you don't have to go outside in the storm, you shouldn't.
The process has been made overly dramatic and overly stressful by media who wants to profit from our disagreements.
(10,303 posts)Every once in awhile a political post slips through in The Lounge but I end up trashing it.
Continuing to send you healing vibes, Iggo. Here's to a splendid recovery!
(16,974 posts)Something very satisfying about destroying a bunch of virtual Nazis.
(24,961 posts)multigraincracker
(35,080 posts)They all wanted me on heavy BP meds. Stopped taking them and my BP is fine now.
but that's just me and I jog a few miles 5 days a week and eat healthy.
Elessar Zappa
(16,308 posts)keep in mind that some people do need BP medicine. My blood pressure was a constant 180/100 and I lost weight and started running and after hitting my weight goal and exercising 5 days a week, my BP was still like 170/95. I ended up having to take five meds before my blood pressure came down.
(35,080 posts)There is a correlation with that and AFib. That's why they put me on the meds. After all the test, stress test and monitor by my bed, there is no sign of AFib. In the mean time I developed orthostatic hypotension..every time I stood up I felt like I was going to pass out. One doctor gave me a chemical stress test and no AFib so he reduced the med. Still had the O.H. Went to another one and he reduced it more. Still had it. Went to a NP and she listened to me and put me on the lowest doze they had and it greatly improved, but still had it. So I stopped it too and take my pressure twice a day and it's always in the normal range.
I'm 75 and don't expect to live forever, but intend to enjoy what I have left. My mother died from vascular dementia. I feared that those fainting spell have a correlation with with dementia. I'm just playing it safe for me.
Best of luck to you.
Evolve Dammit
(20,272 posts)calimary
(85,367 posts)Im one of many here who look forward to your posts AFTER this nerve-wracking election is finally (and I hope COMFORTABLY) decided.
(10,613 posts)I think I'll emerge on Wednesday.
I couldn't take the stress!
So I get it. Do what the doc says and we'll see you after the election.
(9,441 posts)I get it. I'm trying to only click on positive threads, articles, and videos.....
I guess we'll see ya on the other side...
(95,921 posts)And do all kinds of things that you really like to do!
(119,301 posts)that he RETIRED! I'm going to stay with the same practice so hopefully I'll be assigned to the other cardiologist I met this summer.
Staying off DU isn't going to help when I live with a MAGAt brother. I've already had to back away from his nonsense worship of the cult leader.
(71,853 posts)I'm not a believer in "doctor's orders", preferring to think of them as recommendations.
It's just that some recommendations should be heeded. Like the one you just got.
True Dough
(22,164 posts)Trying to thin out our numbers.
Just kidding. Follow his/her advice. Be well, Iggo! (You shouldn't see this post because you stopped checking DU, right?)
(113,131 posts)I'd have a few questions about the doctor's agenda.
Still, it won't hurt you too much to watch a few really silly disaster movies on YouTube. Not only do they abound with unconscious humor, they're all told from the point of view of the survivors and that can be comforting.
(Funny, I worked in cardiac units for years and we never gook anybone's political BS away from them because removing it was more distressful than letting them have it and besides, there were always benzodiazepines.)
(69,316 posts)And may there be much reason for joy, celebration, and revelry! 🍾🥂
Faux pas
(15,570 posts)it won't matter when Kamala wins and you're not here to revel in it.
(1,429 posts)My Democratic husband and, very involved Democratic brother, and Democratic mother are all deceased. You guys (along wit my daughter) are my Democratic family. Believe me, I need you.
(85,367 posts)We ARE your Democratic family, with bells on!
Honored to be viewed as such!
(162,413 posts)or is he concerned about your health
(48,730 posts)Frankly, I think he thinks IM a magat
dont tell anybody I was here.
(2,004 posts)I don't currently take anything, but I've been thinking of calling for an appointment and a prescription. This is a very stressful time!
I can appreciate your cardio MDs suggestion. Did they tell you to avoid social media and the TV too? Probably a good idea. I don't watch TV or do social media, except DU and YouTube videos, but political ads are everywhere.
Hope you have a relaxing few days!
Ferrets are Cool
(22,094 posts)
Think. Again.
(21,666 posts)Me: "Doctor, it hurts when I do this."
Doctor: "Don't do that."
(5,369 posts)Instead of the greatest and latest ones there are the cooking forums and pet forums and sports forums
There is nothing like driving to work or the stores that get my BP up.
But then again this election is critical; everyone is on edge
Take care of yourself
see you soon (drink some calming teas?
I really like the passion flower drinks and tea. Passion flower brings me down a few notches and helps!!)