Raw Story - Opinion: Fox News' media malfeasance on parade
By Sabrina Haake - Commentary
December 8, 2024 6:32AM ET
Mainstream media spent last week in a self-righteous frenzy over Joe Bidens pardon of his son.
Almost none of the coverage explained that Hunter Biden was pardoned for offenses almost never prosecuted in the first place.
Because he was in recovery and not using at the time, Hunter Biden answered no on a gun permit application where it asked about drug addiction. While this may have been a context needed response, according to the National Criminal Justice Association, almost no one gets prosecuted for grey or even false answers on a gun permit application. Similarly, the tax charges brought against Hunter Biden were for first time tax offenses related to mis-claimed expenditures; such charges are rarely brought against first-time offenders, and almost never result in jail time.
The rarity of similar, arms-length prosecutions in both cases supports a strong inference that Hunter was prosecuted for politics, not cause, as President Biden made clear.
On the surface, Bidens justification echoed Trumps repeated claims of victimhood, but theres no factual comparison. Lying about expenses on a personal tax return, or drug use on a permit for a gun that was never used, isnt in the same league as Trump inciting a violent mob to attack the U.S. capital. Nor is it anywhere near Trump asking a state official to find 11,000 votes to rig an election, decades of business and financial fraud, a jury finding of sexual abuse and defamation, or staggering emoluments from foreign governments.

The Wizard
(13,092 posts)Pox News is Russian propaganda. Pox News is a 24 / 7 Republican campaign ad that the GQP doesn't report as income. The GQP is a tax delinquent. Which Party wants to eliminate taxes on the bribing class?
When a crime is committed, follow the money. The GQP is a continuing criminal enterprise that should be exposed to RICO prosecution.
(2,724 posts)..same as Hannity radio, Clay and Buck, etc. They have all spent the last 4 years broadcasting the evils of Joe Biden and Democrats, never mentioning Trump's convictions or now-never-to-be trials for high crimes and misdemeanors.
Distraction, hypocrisy, projection and distortion of truth.
(2,493 posts). . . to removing dozens of highly classified documents from secure areas, transporting them to your home, stashing them in odd closets and bathrooms, then lying about having them in your possession.
(8,593 posts)Force a jail sentence on the one stealing state secrets from the government. Just look up Reality Winner. She exposed one document and spend nearly 5 years in prison! One single document. He had boxes and boxes!
(1,906 posts)... that justice is blind is wall-to-wall, knee-deep, pull-up-your-pants-it's-too-late-to-save-your-shoes BULLSHIT!
Grotesque, all-pervasive corruption on an incomprehensible scale, thy name is Republican!
The GOP is a domestic terror organization, and should be treated as such. Sadly, it appears that no one with the power to do so, has the balls to even address it, never mind initiate an investigation. Mercy sakes! we mustn't appear to be partisan!
Fuck that shit. There's enough irrefutable evidence of Republican treachery to build a tower to the goddamned moon, but ZERO cojones to lay the first brick.
(17,517 posts)Comparisons of Joe Biden, a highly empathetic person and loving father, not to mention one of the most consequential Presidents we've ever been fortunate to have, to Donald Trump, a narcissistic, misogynistic, fascist and, if reporting is accurate, dismissive and abusive parent only serve to highlight the differences in these two men and how low the electorate has fallen in electing this horrible man again.
If I wasn't so pissed, I'd be despairing for our country. We are better than this. But, I suspect the world is about to give us a taste of humility. I doubt we will recover to our past glory, and maybe what we need is a dose of humility. I believe we will survive another Trump Presidency, but it will be full of hardship and despair for many of us.
Stay strong. Resist.