A briefing about the dangerous evangelical religious cult now coming into power in the United States
https://signalpress.blogspot.com/2024/11/a-briefing-for-those-who-are-uninformed.htmlI'm serious. That is, in a nutshell, what we are looking at with these people. The test of righteousness is shutting down a measurable amount of immorality in order to get back into God's good graces so he keeps the money streaming along, feeding our prosperity.
They have a very distorted view of the Christian gospel. They see themselves as agents of God's righteousness, and are not adverse to ignoring what Jesus claimed are the very core values of the Christian gospel to achieve a very different end. They no longer see non-Christians as "lost people" in need of saving redemption, they see them as enemies of God deserving of death. They believe people who are not intently committed to Christianity are reprobate, chosen by God for damnation, and unworthy of life.
I've told friends of mine for decades now that if the United States ever had a dictatorship in which Evangelical conservatives were determined to have a prominent role, they would be as merciless and brutal in their attacks on and elimination of their perceived enemies as the church of the middle ages was in pursuing and burning heretics at the stake. It's time to pay attention to "Seven Mountains Dominionists" and the kind of rhetoric being thrown around by people proclaiming themselves to be prophets and prophetesses. They subvert the Christian gospel by claiming that their words are a new revelation, replacing that which was preached and taught by Jesus, that what Jesus said then, pertained to that generation then, and what they say now pertains to this generation now. And they see their mission and purification of the world which makes them more than willing to murder to achieve their purpose.
But don't take just my word for it. The Oklahoma state school superintendent is giving a good primer in what's coming. The Women's Christian Temperance Union showed how religious intimidation worked. Today's Charismatic prophets and Fundamentalist legalists are angrier and more full of hate. I'm just saying, we better be ready.

(35,055 posts)as the women quietly infiltrate the school boards. It is Christian Nationalism, and they are very serious about taking over the country.
(104,074 posts)We went from being one of the best in the state to being one of the absolute worst. And we had a chance to vote the queen shit stirrer out of office this election, but she unfortunately got reelected. Ugh, I really hate it here.
Bernardo de La Paz
(53,048 posts)Elsewhere the bible talks about stewardship, but those are often purposely overlooked.
(1,696 posts)You probably know 'It can't happen here' by Lewis. There is also one I read when I was about 12, Heinlein's 'Revolt in 2100' which includes 'If this goes on' which deals with an America circa 2100 in which the original American republic has been overthrown and a religious dictatorship exists as the Government of the United States. The young protagonist is a West Point graduate and Army officer, chosen for his piety and religious orthodoxy to be a member of the personal guard detail of the Prophet, who is the actual Dictator of the United States. Close contact with the Prophet and the priesthood quickly disenchants him, and therein lies a pretty good yarn of rebellion.
(802 posts)Read it way back when I was a kid. I couldn't remember the title.
(1,033 posts)Initech
(104,074 posts)
(2,271 posts)I support your right to enjoy it. However, I would appreciate it if you exhibited more respect for the rights of those people who do not wish to share your dogma, rapture, or necrodestination.
The biggest threat to America today is not communism, its moving America toward a fascist theocracy, and everything thats happened during the Regan administration is steering us right down that pipe.
― Frank Zappa
(39,943 posts)Jesus was about humility and so is his Father. Jesus Christians outnumber power worshippers who in their sin of Pride and Malice think they wage spiritual warfare. That's not how God works.
They forget their Bible: "All are sinners." "The righteous man sins seven times a day," and that "No one is righteous. No one." They totally forget Jesus: "I didn't come for the righteous. I came for the sinners."
Which reminds me of a comic back in the day...
(11,692 posts)On a totalitarian, cruel non-existent being. Geez, I think I'm going to make up my own imaginary super being
Response to Farmer-Rick (Reply #6)
ancianita This message was self-deleted by its author.
(24,164 posts)lees1975
(6,292 posts)It takes God to be part of a theocracy, there was only one in the history of the world, and it wasn't something God has ever offered to anyone else. These people have little to do with God and nothing to do with the real Jesus Christ.
(39,943 posts)The word doesn't even appear in the Bible.
But words like commandments, laws, statutes, courts, judges, justice, guilt, innocence, do. Jesus was the first to declare the separation of church and state:
Jesus' message to people that if they enjoy the advantages of a state such as Caesar's, as distinct from God's authority (for instance, by using its legal tender), they cannot subsequently choose to ignore the laws of such a state. Henry David Thoreau writes in Civil Disobedience:
Christ answered the Herodians according to their condition. "Show me the tribute-money," said he; and one took a penny out of his pocket; If you use money which has the image of Caesar on it, and which he has made current and valuable, that is, if you are men of the State, and gladly enjoy the advantages of Caesar's government, then pay him back some of his own when he demands it; "Render therefore to Caesar that which is Caesar's and to God those things which are God's" leaving them no wiser than before as to which was which; for they did not wish to know...
In the United States Supreme Court case of Tyler v. Hennepin County (2023), chief justice John Roberts referenced the phrase in the court's opinion regarding the Takings Clause and state property taxes. The chief justice explained the court's holding by stating that "[t]he taxpayer must render unto Caesar what is Caesars, but no more."
(11,381 posts)I have been watching it through a relative. And it's some scary shit!
mountain grammy
(27,581 posts)― Barry Goldwater
All the wisdom isn't on our side.. and no, I didn't vote for him.. I wasn't 21 yet and, in any case. I couldn't get past his racism.
(3,730 posts)Blue Full Moon
(1,834 posts)Except it will be the American Inquisition.
(1,906 posts)Last edited Mon Nov 18, 2024, 08:11 PM - Edit history (1)
... like all religious fanatics the Jim Joneses of the world cannot be content living their own lives in accordance with whatever twisted interpretations of Scripture get them speaking in tongues. No, they crave, indeed, demand, total dominion over the lives of others. The imposition of such a diseased belief system never ends well for anyone, including the perpetrators. Just ask David Koresh. Oh wait... you can't.
They are the total antithesis of everything they purport to represent. They are the spawn of Sauron, and most assuredly not Gawd's Sanctity Squads.
(20,063 posts)Just like Denmark and Sweden. Oh, wait!
I've heard that malarkey all my life. Reason 563 why I chucked religion long ago. You see, I can argue, WITH DATA, that America's wealth and power is positively correlated to the increase in secularism. Inversely to its religiosity. All that stuff I was fed as a child is complete garbage.
Yet, morons will till believe it for whatever reason.
(6,292 posts)Most all of the social problems we have in this country are religious-based in some way or another. And of course, there is no promise given anywhere in the Christian gospel to a country, a political entity, for any reason, much less some nebulous connection between "blessing of God" and "economic wealth and prosperity." No the two things don't go together.