Jeff Tiedrich - the press is just openly trolling us now
theres one very specific thing that Washington Post columnist Kathleen Parker loves to tell her readers: just calm the fuck down, people. everythings going to be hunky-dory.
yeah. my memory may be a little rusty, but Im pretty sure that we werent fine after 2016, no matter who won.
hmm. has anyone seen Roe v. Wade lately? because Im pretty sure it went somewhere. lets ask any of the miscarrying women currently bleeding out in emergency room parking lots if theyve seen Roe anywhere these days.
well, Kathleens back and guess what: shes changed her tune. shes done a complete one-eighty. her new election-year message for 2024 is both sides suck, and theres no one to vote for.

(12,388 posts)She hasnt had an interesting thought in decades.
(26,244 posts)So done with corporate media!
PS Cancelled my digital WAPO subscription but still getting it for now...
(162,413 posts)he really nails it, the absolute SHIT STATE the American media is in