I'm a pastor who hates abortion, opposes gay marriage -- and is voting for Harris
The GOP I loved would have never chosen as its nominee the adulterous, childish, habitually lying and criminally convicted Donald Trump.(snip)
So why, then, am I, the senior pastor of Cornerstone Church in Arlington, Texas, for 41 years, voting for the Democrat, Vice President Kamala Harris, for president? As I wrote Wednesday on X, Im voting for character and competence and for the candidate who has the capacity and bandwidth to demonstrate respect and high regard for everybody made in the image of God. Republican Donald Trump doesnt have Harris character, her competence or her capacity.
To be clear, my opinions on the issues mentioned above havent wavered. I still believe in the sanctity of marriage between a man and a woman and feel just as passionately about protecting life in the womb as I ever have. Democrats havent changed their stance on those two issues, either. But Republicans have changed. I dont even recognize the Republican Party anymore. This year, for example, the GOPs platform abandoned its long-standing call for a national abortion ban and removed the language that says marriage is between one man and one woman, and is the foundation for a free society.
As we look to elect a leader for the next four years, I think its vitally important that we choose someone worth following. A May 2020 investigation conducted by ABC News found at least 54 criminal cases in which Trump was invoked in direct connection with violent acts, threats of violence or allegations of assault. The individuals responsible for these acts were predominantly white men, and their victims came from multiple minority groups. In that May 2020 report, ABC News said it could not find a single criminal case filed in federal or state court where an act of violence or threat was made in the name of President Barack Obama or President George W. Bush.
But those 54 cases are nothing compared to what came a few months later. On Jan. 6, 2021, when Trump spoke at the Ellipse and kicked off what he insultingly calls a day of love at the U.S. Capitol. But we all saw Jan. 6 for what it was: a day of chaos, violence and upheaval. Nobody can reasonably believe that a President Harris would (explicitly or implicitly) incite her supporters to commit violence.

(13,427 posts)And, saving that - may your god strike you mute for the remainder of days ...
(47,451 posts)They are lower than snake shit.
(18,437 posts)shouldn't we?
I know some people who are hopelessly immersed in the myths of Xtianity. They are COMPLETELY unreachable on topics like abortion and sexuality. But if I can get ONE of them to vote Harris instead of Trump, through recognizing either the competence or evilness facts - I will most certainly take it.
I know this is a discussion board and you aren't talking to this person face to face. But if you did encounter them - wouldn't you want to make them comfortable in their vote for Harris? Then promptly on Nov. 6 feel free to tell them to f*ck off about the nonsense they believe.
(47,451 posts)If I by some chance encountered him after the election I would still tell him to fuck off. I have no fucks to give to religious fuckers who vote republican. They are the lowest of the low.
(5,788 posts)It's called minding your own business about personal matters and voting intelligently.
(36,837 posts)He should become an independent, and stop preaching politics to his church members.
If he did that, his opinion might mean something.
(6,292 posts)He is now an independent who is voting for Harris and who is making a very courageous public statement, identifying himself in doing it, giving his reasons, and encouraging others to do the same.
This is America, and what we are fighting for in this election is a constitutional democracy that protects individual freedom of conscience, including this pastor's beliefs, and those of anyone else, regarding abortion and gay marriage. If you're going to begrudge their freedom of conscience with a "fuck off," then what the hell do you believe in that's any better? That kind of an attitude is exactly what you're condemning in the other side.
I'm familiar with his ministry and his church, and it's highly likely this statement has influenced others within the denominational group to which they belong, in which he is well known and respected.