Michelle Obama asked the question we're all thinking, but struggle to answer
Most polls show the US election is a coin toss, but are Americans seriously looking to a fraudster who increasingly uses fascist rhetoric and is hellbent on vengeance? Depends on their mood.
Seven minutes into a searing takedown of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump at a campaign rally in Michigan last week, former first lady Michelle Obama posed the question millions of other Americans have been asking: Why on earth is this race even close? I lay awake at night wondering what in the world is going on.
Many Australians are wondering the same thing. How can it be that Americans may be days away from re-electing a man who was convicted of falsifying business records, denied the results of the 2020 election, encouraged an attempted coup in the US Capitol, uses increasingly fascist rhetoric about migrants poisoning the blood of the country and openly says he wants to use dictatorial powers to circumvent the courts and Constitution to take vengeance on his enemies?
And thats only to count things that have happened since Trump was dumped from office in 2020, the first president since George H. W. Bush to be denied a second term.
Yet with election day approaching, most polls show the race is a coin toss, especially in seven key swing states that will decide the outcome. While the polls may be wrong (more on that later), they suggest it wont be a runaway victory for the candidate promising to maintain democracy, Vice President Kamala Harris. Which, in turn, raises a big question for the Democrats: how did they let this happen?
Archive: https://archive.md/xz4DN

The Roux Comes First
(1,634 posts)Most of what I am reading suggests that many of those polls are planted and slanted polls, designed to intentionally further poison the little minds that have already suffered major brain degeneration from mad-cow disease induced by seeing too much video of tucker carlson and the yam himself.
It ain't in the bag if anyone you know doesn't VOTE!
(18,737 posts)They can get any poll result they want by asking the right questions to the right people.
(10,424 posts)Followed by articles such as How did Native Americans allow white settlers to overrun them? and How did the Jews in Germany allow Hitler to take over the government? and How did Black people in the United States allow racism to happen?
(13,784 posts)LymphocyteLover
(7,507 posts)who are suckers for the next liar and scam artist who came along... and then Trump came along
(45,656 posts)Because they've been pushing this direction for a while now. And when Donald Trump finally emerged to lead the charge, they quickly fell in line to embrace and enable him.
(13,784 posts)Grumpy Old Guy
(3,704 posts)No matter what the repugs did, he always blamed the Dems for not having their act together and letting them get away with it, (his words, not mine).
I stopped having anything to do with him several years ago.
Martin Eden
(13,962 posts)They saw him for what he was, and tried to prevent him from crashing their party. Lindsay Graham called him a kook, unfit for office. Ted Cruz said Trump lies all the time.
But they all fell in line when he beat them at their own game by winning over the voters that rightwing propaganda had been indoctrinating for decades. The groundwork had been laid for a reality show con man unconstrained by norms, boundaries, or actual reality.
The Republican establishment had its opportunity in the 2nd impeachment trial to rid itself of this vile creature once and for all. Those who still had a shred of fealty to the US Constitution were horrified by the violent insurrection incited by Trump. McConnell and McCarthy both blamed him for the assault and desecration of our nation's Capitol.
But they lacked the courage to hold him accountable -- because they would then be held accountable by their voters who believed the lies of a stolen election and were still enthralled by their orange idol.
This will be the last election for the orange shit stain whose foul odor hangs over all of our country. Either he will be rejected next week or will die in office.
The Roux Comes First
(1,634 posts)Corrupt, prone to cheating (Nixon, Reagan, and Bush*2) and propaganda. projection, and lying, but the yam brought a whole new level of shame, stain, and stench, which they now wholeheartedly embrace.
(11,353 posts)about the polling should prove once and for all that the news media is not and never was "The Liberal News Media!"
Polls should never be trusted again. They're obsolete! Get it?
This historic election will prove it. Shame on the news media for not questioning it.
Harris/Walz in 2024!
(6,292 posts)Most of the key defendants in the January 6th case have been prosecuted and are serving time. But the instigator, whose words clearly convict him, along with the evidence presented in the Congressional hearings, has barely been indicted. The Justice Department could have gotten this to trial and had a sentence before the Supreme Court could have laid plans for its corrupt "executive privilege" ruling. Why that didn't happen is anyone's guess.
If he wins, we can only blame ourselves.