Why the Right Thinks Trump Is Running Away With the Race
Skewed polls and anonymous betting markets are building up Republicans expectations. Donald Trump could use that to challenge the result.
NYT - No Paywall
The torrent of polls began arriving just a few weeks ago, one after the other, most showing a victory for Donald J. Trump.
They stood out amid the hundreds of others indicating a dead heat in the presidential election. But they had something in common: They were commissioned by right-leaning groups with a vested interest in promoting Republican strength.
.... some argue that the real purpose of partisan polls, along with other expectation-setting metrics such as political betting markets, is directed at a different goal entirely: building a narrative of unstoppable momentum for Mr. Trump.

(38,623 posts)And proudly cast my vote to elect a woman as president of the United States. This will be the fifth time I have voted for a woman counting primaries, for Hillary and one for Shirley Chisholm in 1972. Lets just hope the fifth time is the charm.
(28,835 posts)It's pretty obvious that it's false bravado built on a bed of lies. I get the feeling their internals are bad news for Trump, at least where trends are concerned.
The more they claim it's going to be a landslide, the more confident I am that Harris is going to win, and that's not a position I take lightly. I think the race is indeed close, but the Trump campaign appears to be in panic mode.
Ocelot II
(123,556 posts)He always intended to claim the election was stolen (again), and what would be a better way to support that claim than to have a bunch of rigged polls showing he would win?
(28,835 posts)Well before the primaries, even, and he's been continually ramping it up all through the campaign.
(13,427 posts)Building a false narrative - and expectation - that can be employed to their ends after ....
(10,364 posts)Several states - including GA, MI, WI, PA and AZ will still be "too close to call"
Trump will once again declare victory.
2) 7 AM EST November 6th
Counting will resume and results will be expected by day's end.
WI, MI and AZ will be in Harris/Walz column and victory will be nearing certainty.
Only PA will remain on the board and it will have Harris in a 25,000 - 50,000 vote lead and running out of red county votes to count...
3) 9 PM EST November 6th
PA is called for Harris and she is over the top.
Trump will continue throwing his hissy fit on social media claiming (w/o proof as always) fraud
Trump will repeat ad nauseum the canard that PA "caught them cheating" with the voter registration story
Trump will once again refuse to concede.
At THIS POINT Harris MUST give a victory speech! Do not couch it in any way, shape or form that the result is even remotely in doubt,
Get your flowers and have the party start in earnest in the streets!!!!
Post-script) December 15th
The final of 125 Trump lawsuits will be dismissed and he will sit at 0-188 over two elections in fraudulent lawsuits to over turn the election.... Having lost the House AND the Senate as a real Blue Tsunami materialized on election night, powered by women voters demanding their HUMAN RIGHTS and AUTONOMY, Trump absconds to Russia as a defector seeking to avoid prison and trials.
(2,625 posts)Im with you. Any real outcome on the presidential race wont be know until the next day at minimum Why watch pundits ad nauseam the night of the election? Maybe to watch house, senate, state and local returns.
red dog 1
(30,367 posts)because, (hopefully) Harris will win the three big rust belt states, Michigan, Wisconsin & Pennsylvania.
(71,046 posts)needs to declare a state of emergency. Arrest the Scotus members for insurrection and try them in a court of law.
(9,993 posts)or some other contrived Republican scheme to steal the election then all 3 Trump appointees need to recuse.
red dog 1
(30,367 posts)FakeNoose
(36,837 posts)