Today's Tiedrich rant: elderly demented golfer's handlers are terrified to let him out in public

imagine youre a campaign manager. you send your candidate out to do a softball town hall, where hell answer easy questions gently lobbed at him by adoring cultists but instead of smacking those softball questions out of the park, he decides instead to make it into a music, confusing the shit out of his audience for 39 excruciating minutes, as he wobbles unsteadily like an animatronic dildo.
then your guy appears in front of a room full of women who are angry about the loss of their reproductive rights, and brags about being the hombré who ended Roe.
and then he gets up in front of skeptical Latino voters, and tells a guy who is speaking through an interpreter that people who need interpreters are destroying America.
your worst nightmare is coming true, right before your very eyes. you had hoped to keep evidence of your candidates rapidly-increasing dementia under wraps but now its advanced to the point where it can no longer be hidden. for fucks sake, even the normally-compliant lapdog press is pointing it out.
- more at link -
FakeNoose's comment: It's too bad the lapdog press aren't paying attention to Democratic Underground where we've been talking about his dementia for YEARS ... but that's another story.
Bonus Friday video: Remember when the hecklers came to Kamala's rally and she said ...
oh, you guys are at the wrong rally. I think you meant to go to the smaller one down the street.
Tiedrich's comment:
having fifteen thousand people laughing at them probably made the hecklers dicks fall off, right then and there.
Please read the rest on
"Everyone is entitled to my own opinion."