Analysis: John Roberts remains confounded by Donald Trump as election approaches
(CNN) From the moment he was confirmed in 2005, Chief Justice John Roberts made it his mission to differentiate the Supreme Court from the political branches. Yet, the court is ensnared in politics perhaps more than ever and by the chiefs own hand.
The former star appellate lawyer who allies once cast as the smartest person in the room remains confounded by the realities of Donald Trump.
Roberts was shaken by the adverse public reaction to his decision affording Trump substantial immunity from criminal prosecution. His protestations that the case concerned the presidency, not Trump, held little currency.
Unlike most of the justices, he made no public speeches over the summer. Colleagues and friends who saw him said he looked especially weary, as if carrying greater weight on his shoulders. On Monday, after he ascended the bench to formally open a new session, Roberts hewed to a familiar script and kept any emotion in check.

(3,188 posts)What a crock of shit...partisan hack. crooked. Bribe taking through his wife . Always has been a hack and a crook and always will be.
May he and the other dirtbags of the Leo 6 face real consequences for taking bribes.
Just a more inconspicuous version of Spiro Agnew shaking down rich people so they get the rulings they want.
(49,158 posts)What else could explain this Court's deviance from precedent, creating new Constitutional concepts from whole cloth, empowering money more than justice or law, selecting case loads from one-sided partisan agendas, and ignoring perfectly sound rulings from lower courts?
Moreover, Roberts is a weak administrator. He can't even reign in the wayward 11th Circuit.
I wanna believe Roberts is sincerely commited to justice and jurisprudence, but his record doesn't jive.
(52,276 posts)
(26,891 posts)He is more evil than TSF
(3,188 posts)The smartest man in the room knows when there are MORE EDUCATED people in the room and defers to expertise.
Smart people would let environmental scientists decide what are pollutants and what are not, rather than having judges make that decision.
The ONLY smart thing he has done is read the room to know that he can be as corrupt as he wants because there are zero consequences for Republicans in general and less than zero consequences (they can grift more,) if you are a Republican judge.
Money is speech and corporations are people... This guy is a moronic hack.
(644 posts)now Roberts has to come up with some other bullshit to protect Trump.
(8,084 posts)Tadpole Raisin
(1,561 posts)like he might have been surprised at the reaction to overturning Roe but he wouldnt have done a darn thing differently.
The only concern he might have is that these decisions might
1. result in the electorate throwing out conservatives and passing new laws giving people their rights back.
2. Change the balance of power to democrats.
3. Subvert the right wing agenda to get rid of democracy in favor of their unitary executive.
4. Pass judicial reform with teeth - if we ever get a real strong majority - and ultimately put judges on SCOTUS who really care about the law.
Thats all he cares about - what the people might do to reverse what those 6 detestable judges have done. I dont know how the liberal justices take the abuse but Im thankful they are in the trenches fighting for what is right - Every. Damn. Day!!
(1,756 posts)He is born of politics.
Golden Raisin
(4,700 posts)of my lifetime and I'm in my 70's. I don't trust Roberts at all.