Today's Tiedrich rant: five-time draft dodger gives thumbs up at some sucker's grave

so it should be totally unsurprising that yesterday, this ginormous sack of shit desecrated the solemnity of Arlington National Cemetery the final resting place for many of our nations war heroes the very heroes Donny slandered as losers and suckers by holding a graveside campaign photo-op.
look at this preening asshole. he has no fucking clue how decent people act.
this putrid carnival barker, draped in one of his ill-fitting suits, is grinning like an idiot as he stands there with his Leaning Tower of Treason posture and there is it, that patented asinine thumbs-up that says look at me, Im proudly taking a big smelly shit on all that is sacred. go hump a flag, you sociopathic fuck.
OK Jeff, now tell us how you really feel.

Actually Tiedrich is just getting warmed up on this awesome rant. Please read the rest on his daily blog, "Everyone is entitled to my own opinion."

(24,047 posts)

(3,608 posts)When he knows he is a traitor, and that realization sinks in, I believe it converges in the lower spine area.
Deep down he's ashamed but can't admit it.
And so the lean.
(6,657 posts)by the very people who refuse to see it, including the fucking MSM.
How can that be made to happen?
Singing to the choir is pointless.
(5,923 posts)Blue Owl
(55,571 posts)Seems like the only appropriate gesture in this situation would be a salute to the fallen....
(17,770 posts)The love-you gesture or I love you hand sign emoji is the American Sign Language gesture for I love you, showing a hand with a raised index finger and pinky (little) finger and an extended thumb. It comes in a range of skin tones.Dec 4, 2018
(38,532 posts)FakeNoose
(36,837 posts)What are the odds?
I think if it had been a Black family of mourners, there would have been no photo op with Chump.