Trump seems to forget it's not 2016 anymore. And he's frustrated.
Why is 2024 now so very different from Donald Trumps earlier campaigns? To answer that question is to understand why Trump is so desperate to find new angles for attacks on Vice President Harris, even if some of them seem wild, outrageous and counterproductive.
Trumps success in 2016, and his ability to retain control over the Republican Party since, have rested on his mastery of oppositional politics and his skill at using abnormal behavior to prove to disaffected voters that hes no mainstream politician.
Until President Biden withdrew from the contest, both strategies still had juice. The oppositional approach worked when a majority of voters seemed prepared to reject Biden. The presidents approval ratings hovered in the 40 percent range, and even Biden sympathizers worried about his age.
As for Trumps breaks with customs and norms, it was hard to find a more conventional, system-revering politician than Biden. These were useful virtues for Biden in 2020, when most voters were fed up with Trumps chaotic presidency and his erratic handling of the pandemic. But by early 2024, memories of what had been exasperating about Trump faded. The 78-year-olds acrimonious displays made him seem more energetic than Biden, and enough voters were sufficiently angry about high prices and immigration to welcome his spleen.

(3,396 posts)Yo_Mama_Been_Loggin
(119,973 posts)You should be able to read it.
(3,396 posts)Skittles
(162,413 posts)nope...
(119,973 posts)Skittles
(162,413 posts)they want my email address
they probably already have it; I used to have a WAPO account but didn't renew when they went a bit sideways
(12,913 posts)kimbutgar
(24,478 posts)That is why he will be defeated soundly if we have a free and fair election If People can vote and the votes are counted correctly.
(727 posts)...he is old (in many ways). He is tired. He is low energy. He is boring. His own cultists yawn and walk away from his traveling fascist circuses when he starts in on Hannibal Lecter and Sharks vs. boats. He has nothing new. His own folks are tired of him. Getting revenge on Biden was their big motivator. Now that Biden is not running, he and they are out of steam. I think they are finally starting to hear how he sounds...and it doesn't sound good.
It was all cute and new (to them) in 2016. Almost a decade later, it's tired and boring. He is starting to be yesterday's news....
(3,065 posts)
(10,561 posts)James Comey handed him the election. Without the FBI's illegitimate interference--done repeatedly--to damage his opponent, Trump would have been destroyed.