Jeff Tiedrich - "stop calling us weird," whine the weirdest weirdos on the planet
in 2016, Republicans had a heartfelt message of unity for Democrats who were upset about losing the election: fuck your feelings.
are you sad because Crooked Hillary lost, theyd taunt. well, fuck your feelings.
are you in a panic because Dear Leader is going to Make America Great Again? fuck your feelings.
which is why its hilarious that the fuck your feelings crowd is triggered as fuck right now over being called weird.

(477 posts)FakeNoose
(36,837 posts)

Jeff Tiedrich finds crazy stuff on Xitter where many of us won't go. But this is why his rants are so entertaining.

(10,571 posts)prodigitalson
(3,044 posts)NY Times columnist Tom Friedman has made a career out of being wrong about every fucking thing.
twenty years ago, he churned out column after column about how the Iraq war could be won in the next six months, if only the Bush Administration, or the Iraqi people or the voices in Toms own head would heed his advice. he did it so often that six months became a national joke known as The Friedman Unit.
if Tom Friedman tells you that youre doing it wrong, you should be feeling very good about your choices.