Today's Tiedrich rant: chill the fuck out, we've got this

for about an hour after Bidens announcement, I ran around with my hair on fire. Id just spent a month warning everyone about the chaos that Biden dropping out would bring infighting, battles over fundraising, lawsuits, atonal music, human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together mass hysteria.

and then a thing happened that I absolutely did not see coming: just about the entire Democratic establishment immediately threw their support behind Kamala Harris.

one after another, the endorsements came in.
Mr. Biden endorsed Ms. Harris within minutes on Sunday afternoon. Before she had uttered a word about her intentions, he was swiftly followed by other party leaders, including Bill and Hillary Clinton, key Democratic senators and influential House members. By the evening, Mr. Shapiro had publicly backed Ms. Harris after a phone call from her. She also picked up endorsements from Gov. Gavin Newsom of California, Mr. Cooper and Mr. Kelly.
- more at link -
We. Got. This.
There's going to be a BLUE WAVE in November like this country has never seen.
Please read the rest on Tiedrich's blog,
"Everyone is entitled to my own opinion."